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High Command Module improvements

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I wanted to play in single-player some scenarios and i got stuck in the lack of the High command Module, so i made some improvements maybe someone else is interested to use.

Its not for MP use and if you encounter any problems pls let me know.

This is a relatively small piece of code but improves one of the most important feature of the High Command module in arma 2.

It can be used to start an improvements of BIS modules.

I think BIS Modules are working fine and they are not bugged in any matter because when BIS build them they probably intended to work as they work now, but because we are always not happy :D, we can make them grow larger.


-put this line in you init.sqf

-it will make sure that the unit that you just switched will be active again

-it will also make sure the group you left behind when you switched will stay in the vehicle if you order them before

-if the group you just switched was not in a vehicle then they will just be activated again

-making sure you are the leader of group

onTeamSwitch "
selectPlayer (leader _from);
IF (vehicle _from == _from) THEN {
{_x doFollow leader _from} foreach units _from;
unassignVehicle _from;
selectPlayer _to;
group _to selectleader _to;

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I wanted to play in single-player some scenarios and i got stuck in the lack of the High command Module, so i made some improvements maybe someone else is interested to use.

Its not for MP use and if you encounter any problems pls let me know.

This is a relatively small piece of code but improves one of the most important feature of the High Command module in arma 2.

It can be used to start an improvements of BIS modules.

I think BIS Modules are working fine and they are not bugged in any matter because when BIS build them they probably intended to work as they work now, but because we are always not happy :D, we can make them grow larger.


-put this line in you init.sqf

-it will make sure that the unit that you just switched will be active again

-it will also make sure the group you left behind when you switched will stay in the vehicle if you order them before

-if the group you just switched was not in a vehicle then they will just be activated again

-making sure you are the leader of group

onTeamSwitch "
selectPlayer (leader _from);
IF (vehicle _from == _from) THEN {
{_x doFollow leader _from} foreach units _from;
unassignVehicle _from;
selectPlayer _to;
group _to selectleader _to;

I have been using this code for sometime now but in all the playable/swicthable units initbox not the mission init.sqf. If I use it only in the mission init will it effect all playable/swicthable units and where do I put the code at the start,end of does not make a difference where it is in the mission init.sqf Any clarification would be great. Thanks Avibird.

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I've been putting it in a trigger, myself. After a long scenario, it sometimes stops working (which can be worked around, seemingly, but I am still not 100% sure about reliability). How reliable is it to put the code into the unit inits?

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very reliability. It's a pain in the ass when you have 100+ playable units lol. Never had it stop working putting it in the unit's initbox! I just don't know where you should put it in the mission initsqf or how to use it in a trigger.

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