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BIS Module Improvement Project

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Fourth Release!


This is the fourth release of the BIS Module Improvement Project. This BIS MIP project is a drop-in replacement of the BIS Editor Modules including bug fixes and improvements to the code, while ensuring that the original functionality remains intact.

Latest MIP release here:



  • Added vanilla A2CO and custom A2CO missions for Utes

Ambient Civilians

  • Fixed Respect/respawn error caused by Garbage Collector deleting empty groups
  • Choose traffic spawn points away from players
  • Removed enableFleeing causing civs to run everywhere
  • Allowed AUTOTARGET for armed civs
  • Increased default skill for armed civs
  • Store spawnpoints to increase performance
  • Reverted to not broadcasting of setVariables
  • Deactivate HouseEffects if town is not active

Garbage Collector

  • Changed Garbage Collector Auto Scavange to be on by default

Civilian Vehicles

  • Randomly remove weapon and magazine cargo

Demo Missions

The download found here:


It contains demo missions of the improved BIS Ambient modules, all dedicated server tested.

Islands include:

  • Chernarus
  • Utes
  • Takistan
  • Zargabad
  • Cicada
  • Qom Province
  • Lingor
  • Isla Duala, and
  • Podagorsk

Module Improvements

Improvments to the modules are:

Ambient Animals

  • Fixed blacklist zones (no more animals on runways)
  • Added random roosters to the mix of hens
  • Added BIS_Animals_Debug variable for marker visibility
  • Reduced spawn radius to improve MP performance
  • Re-enabled to be dedicated server compatible


  • Made maximum traffic proportional to civilian count
  • Minor bug fix causing cosmetic errors
  • Added civilian stone throwing and random pistols (optional)
  • Fixed ALICE2 house effects performance issues:

  • emptydoor caching

  • town active checking

  • 15s delay between checks

  • Fixed issue of always 1 passenger
  • Reverted back to vehicles created in the center of town
  • Initialising drivers with ALICE_civilianInit
  • Added bis_alice_emptydoor code for A2 building compatibility
  • Enabled random radio
  • Added random lock (optional)
  • Ported zGuba's random fuel and damage (optional)
  • Rating -400 if stealing a civilian car (optional)
  • Converge to terrain (zGuba)
  • Reduced default AI skill for less CPU
  • Traffic vehicles proportional to town population
  • Added traffic debug markers
  • Added passengers to traffic
  • Driver and passenger faction dependent on town faction
  • Added removal if vehicle moves out of range of players
  • Randomise destination if vehicle still within range
  • Reduced traffic spawn delay from 60 sec to max 15 sec
  • Changed traffic spawn condition to when town active and 1 player within spawn distance

BIS Functions

  • BIS_fnc_music is played in realtime, playback is faster after hitting Escape (zGuba)
  • Fixed custom locations

Garbage Collector

  • Added Test Garbage Collector mission
  • Fixed Garbage Collector queue processing
  • Process Queue variable set to broadcast (MP compatibility)
  • Fixed auto empty Group bug
  • Made code A2Free compatible
  • Added dedicated server support to Garbage Collector

Installation Instructions

If a mission maker wishes to use this replacement code, here are the instructions.

  1. Simply copy the CA directory into your mission folder to over-ride the default BIS modules.
  2. Place a BIS Functions modules in the mission editor and add the following to the INIT:
    BIS_fnc_locations = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "CA\modules\functions\systems\fn_locations.sqf";

  3. Place a BIS Ambient Civilans (Expansion) module in the mission editor and add teh following to the INIT:
    BIS_ALICE2_fnc_civilianSet = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules_e\alice2\data\scripts\fn_civilianSet.sqf";

Edited by Wolffy.au

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Way to go Wolffy! :smile:

I hope these changes will make it into a future patch.

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Going to try this out right now, thanks!

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Cool, definately going to try this. I also really like your implementation, very elegant. I was working on a way to allow different factions in secops and never thought of doing it like this.

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Very nice job!

Added removal if vehicle moves out of range of players

A few questions on this one:

  • Is it an option?
  • What was the behavior before?

The basic thinking is that you could use civilian cars as a way to travel and

if they are deleted once out of view, a second player at a different position

may not intercept it.

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keep the project going on and i hope others who have other 'tidbit' type of fixes/improvements etc. for modules will Join the effort ...

at least because i'm watching ;)

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Good work!

Always wanted more civilian traffic. And adding roosters - i really missed them. :)

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Thanks for all your comments guys.

Added removal if vehicle moves out of range of players

A few questions on this one:

  • Is it an option?
  • What was the behavior before?

The basic thinking is that you could use civilian cars as a way to travel and

if they are deleted once out of view, a second player at a different position

may not intercept it.

Firstly we are talking about ALICE2 traffic, not SILVIE.

No, its not an option but I could make it so.

Previously traffic vehicles stayed present if they got stuck and never finished their waypoint or became damaged enough.

I don't understand your scenario please clarify. If you use a car to travel, it will never be out of range and I don't understand what you mean by the second player.

Just a question I presume we need to place the Silvie Modal as well but do we need any code in this as well ?

You use the modules exactly the same way you use them by default in the editor.

Can you fix the UAV module?

Please log me a ticket on Dev Heaven and we'll get around to it. :)

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Player A is at location X and player B is Y.

The AI vehicle is driving from X in the direction of Y.

B is waiting to intercept the car.

If it gets deleted when out of range to A, it may never reach B.

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If it gets deleted when out of range to A, it may never reach B.

Yes, this is the case. The max player distance before deletion is 1.2 * trafficDistance.

Currently, the only way around it would be to ensure that all trafficDistance radii overlap between towns. Default trafficDistance is 500m, but I've modified Takistan to be 1000m.

Worst case, I can make it an optional parameter, but the issue there is a vehicle will get stuck, which in turn will stop other vehicles and eventually all the traffic just stops working - I've seen it happen, hence why I added the feature.

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Yep to clean up stuck vehicles is certainly very good.

In my approach each AI unit has a counter, that is increased "if it doesn't move".

Once it reaches a specific count, the AI gets removed.

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What about applying this traffic to aircraft? Having a fully working airport with auto takeoff and auto landings would make the landscape come alive. Possible with this module?

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He's fixing the BI modules for MP, not necessarily adding features. :Oo:

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I've got a new idea, what about creating city traffic model which can stuff the road with vehicles!

How is this different from existing ambient traffic?

What about applying this traffic to aircraft? Having a fully working airport with auto takeoff and auto landings would make the landscape come alive. Possible with this module?

Like this:


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I think he meant like a really crowded city, not the usual "oh look there is a car"

Isn't this possible with some variable?

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At the moment, its set to 3 cars. I could make that a variable - if this is what you guys are referring too, then log a Feature Request for me please.

I can tell you now, all that happens is a massive traffic jam, with no cars moving - but hey, that might be what you guys are after! :)

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Great script tested it yesterday and works great really nice to see cars driving about!

I would like to add a request please , at the moment I have a car bomb script that I use in the SILVIE module, which works great , especially when they drive the car alas which is not very often !

So my request would-be - would it be possible to add this feature into your Traffic ? i.e a random % of traffic would be driving car bombs ?

This is what I am using

_object = _this select 0;
_value = random 100;

if (_value < 15) then {
_blowup = false;
while {alive _object} do
   // include vehicles
       _targetArray = nearestObjects [(getPos _object), ["MAN", "LandVehicle"], 10];
       if ((count _targetArray) > 0) then
               if (str(side _x) == "WEST") then
               _blowup = true;
           } forEach _targetArray;
       if (_blowup) then
   //HINT "DIE YOU BRITISH INFIDEL SCUM.....";  // just for trigger area
  if (isServer) then
  [nil, nil, rHINT, "DIE YOU INFIDEL SCUM....."] call RE;  // for all
 sleep 6;
       _boom = "R_57mm_HE" createVehicle (position _object);
       sleep 6;        // change to tweak wait time before checks

Also whilst writing is there a way to reduce the number of cars SILVIE uses as there are far too many !


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