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Several times now ive been playing and the weather has advanced to rain or storm etc...

People have connected and reported perfectly fine normal sunny weather.

How do I update the weather for people connecting?

Note: Please delete the post in the addons section, was an errror.

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commands that change weather (setOvercast, setRain) works only local

so you need somehow public weather change, for example this way:


globalWeather = [1.0, 0.0];
"globalWeather" addPublicVariableEventHandler 
60 setOvercast (globalWeather select 0); 
60 setRain (globalWeather select 1);

some weather changing script (on server):

_changingFrequency = 10; // in minutes
while {true} do
 sleep (60*_changingFrequency);
 globalWeather = [random 1.0, random 1.0];
 publicVariable "globalWeather";

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commands that change weather (setOvercast, setRain) works only local

so you need somehow public weather change, for example this way:


globalWeather = [1.0, 0.0];
"globalWeather" addPublicVariableEventHandler 
60 setOvercast (globalWeather select 0); 
60 setRain (globalWeather select 1);

some weather changing script (on server):

_changingFrequency = 10; // in minutes
while {true} do
 sleep (60*_changingFrequency);
 globalWeather = [random 1.0, random 1.0];
 publicVariable "globalWeather";

So the one you put into init is the start of the weather?

The other one not sure where I put it but that is what the weather will change to?

Btw is time of day local only?

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second script you can call for example from init.sqf:

globalWeather = [1.0, 0.0];
"globalWeather" addPublicVariableEventHandler 
60 setOvercast (globalWeather select 0); 
60 setRain (globalWeather select 1);

if (isServer) then 
 execVM "changing_weather.sqf"


_changingFrequency = 10; // in minutes
while {true} do
 sleep (60*_changingFrequency);
 globalWeather = [random 1.0, random 1.0];
 publicVariable "globalWeather";
 60 setOvercast (globalWeather select 0); 
 60 setRain (globalWeather select 1);

day time is local if you use skipTime command. If you don't use it then everything should be synchronized, even if JIP!

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Thanks for that info.

If i were to just place:

0 setOvercast 5;

Into the init.sqf would that set everyone to the same overcast level on connect?

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Thanks for that info.

If i were to just place:

0 setOvercast 5;

Into the init.sqf would that set everyone to the same overcast level on connect?

If you do that everyone will have the same weather at mission start but if the weather changes and new people conect the new clients (JIP) will not receive the updated weather..

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