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List of Seats in Vehicles ArmA 1.05

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Crew of All Driveable Vehicles

Original ArmA 1.05 AddOn

"Air" type

Internal Named as Named in Editor as - Max. Seats - Cargo Seats - Driver/Pilot - Gunners - Commander

-------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------- -------------- --------- --------------

ParachuteEast Parachute 1 0 1 0 0

ParachuteWest Parachute 1 0 1 0 0

Parachute Parachute 1 0 1 0 0

ParachuteG Parachute 1 0 1 0 0

ParachuteC Parachute 1 0 1 0 0

Internal Named as Named in Editor as - Max. Seats - Cargo Seats - Driver/Pilot - Gunners - Commander

-------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------- -------------- --------- --------------

AH1W AH-1Z 2 0 1 1 0

AH6 AH-6 2 1 1 0 0

AH6_RACS AH-6 2 1 1 0 0

MH6 MH-6 6 5 1 0 0

MH6_RACS MH-6 6 5 1 0 0

KA50 KA-50 1 0 1 0 0

UH60MG UH-60 16 13 1 2 0

UH60 UH-60 (FFAR) 14 13 1 0 0

Mi17_MG Mi17 18 16 1 1 0

Mi17 Mi17 (57 mm Rockets) 17 16 1 0 0

Internal Named as Named in Editor as - Max. Seats - Cargo Seats - Driver/Pilot - Gunners - Commander

-------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------- -------------- --------- --------------

Camel Camel 1 0 1 0 0

Camel2 Camel E 1 0 1 0 0

AV8B AV8B 1 0 1 0 0

AV8B2 AV8B (GBU) 1 0 1 0 0

Su34 Su-34 2 0 1 1 0

Su34B Su-34B 2 0 1 1 0

"Ship" type

Internal Named as Named in Editor as - Max. Seats - Cargo Seats - Driver/Pilot - Gunners - Commander

-------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------- -------------- --------- --------------

Zodiac CRRC 5 4 1 0 0

Zodiac2 CRRC 5 4 1 0 0

PBX PBX Boat 4 3 1 0 0

RHIB RHIB 12 10 1 1 0

RHIB2Turret RHIB (2 Turrets) 10 7 1 2 0

"Car" type

Internal Named as Named in Editor as - Max. Seats - Cargo Seats - Driver/Pilot - Gunners - Commander

-------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------- -------------- --------- --------------

Truck5tMG 5t Truck with Machine Gun 14 12 1 1 0

Truck5t 5t Truck 14 13 1 0 0

Truck5tOpen 5t Truck Open 14 13 1 0 0

Truck5tRepair Repair Truck 2 1 1 0 0

Truck5tReammo Ammo Truck 2 1 1 0 0

Truck5tRefuel Refuel Truck 2 1 1 0 0

Ural ural 15 14 1 0 0

UralOpen Ural Open 15 14 1 0 0

UralRepair Ural Repair 3 2 1 0 0

UralReammo Ural Ammo 3 2 1 0 0

UralRefuel Ural Fuel 3 2 1 0 0

UralCivil Ural (Civil) 15 14 1 0 0

UralCivil2 Ural (Civil 2) 15 14 1 0 0

Bus_city Bus 13 12 1 0 0

tractor Tractor 1 0 1 0 0

LandroverMG Army 4x4 M2 3 1 1 1 0

Landrover Army 4x4 Open 7 6 1 0 0

Landrover_Closed Army 4x4 7 6 1 0 0

HMMWV HMMWV 4 3 1 1 0

HMMWV50 HMMWV M2 5 3 1 1 0


HMMWVMK HMMWV Mk19 5 3 1 1 0

UAZ UAZ 7 6 1 0 0

UAZMG UAZ with Machine Gun 3 1 1 1 0

UAZ_AGS30 UAZ AGS-30 3 1 1 1 0

Skoda Car (White) 4 3 1 0 0

SkodaBlue Car (Blue) 4 3 1 0 0

SkodaRed Car (Red) 4 3 1 0 0

SkodaGreen Car (Green) 4 3 1 0 0

datsun1_civil_1_open Pick-Up 4 3 1 0 0

datsun1_civil_2_covered Pick-Up 2 4 3 1 0 0

datsun1_civil_3_open Pick-Up 3 4 3 1 0 0

hilux1_civil_1_open Offroad 2 1 1 0 0

hilux1_civil_2_covered Offroad 2 2 1 1 0 0

hilux1_civil_3_open Offroad 3 2 1 1 0 0

car_hatchback Hatchback 4 3 1 0 0

car_sedan Sedan 4 3 1 0 0

Stryker_ICV_M2 Stryker ICV (M2) 11 9 1 1 0

Stryker_ICV_MK19 Stryker ICV (MK19) 11 9 1 1 0

Stryker_TOW Stryker ATGM 2 0 1 1 0

BRDM2 BRDM-2 5 3 1 1 0

BRDM2_ATGM BRDM-2 ATGM 3 1 1 1 0

"Motorcycle" type

Internal Named as Named in Editor as - Max. Seats - Cargo Seats - Driver/Pilot - Gunners - Commander

-------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------- -------------- --------- --------------

M1030 M1030 2 1 1 0 0

TT650G TT650G 2 1 1 0 0

TT650C TT650 2 1 1 0 0

"Tank" type

Internal Named as Named in Editor as - Max. Seats - Cargo Seats - Driver/Pilot - Gunners - Commander

-------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------- -------------- --------- --------------

M1Abrams M1A1 3 0 1 1 1

T72 T-72 3 0 1 1 1

BMP2 BMP-2 10 7 1 1 1

ZSU Shilka 3 0 1 1 1

Vulcan M163 Vulcan 2 0 1 1 0

Vulcan_RACS M163 Vulcan 2 0 1 1 0

M113 M113 13 11 1 1 0

M113_RACS M113 (RACS) 13 11 1 1 0

M113Ambul M113 Ambulance 4 3 1 0 0

BMP2Ambul BMP-2 Ambulance 4 3 1 0 0

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Well, sry about this 'drunkyStyle' list.

About photos that can help people not knowing which vehicle is that...

Click here


All vehicles is there except motorcycles.

M1030 is the green motorcycle, and TT650's are the red and white motos. I think the TT650's are identical (identically?)designed.

Now the no-drunky-style info:

You can download this XLS version (Excel 97-2000 compatible)

Just do right click and "save target As", dont open it directly from here.


And the version well-ordered viewable in Notepad with Font as Lucida Console (8-10 size), or courier too.

Just do right click and "save target As", dont open it directly from here.


Sorry, i have Internet Explorer in spanish, and dont know how to translate so good "Save Target as"

Can somebody tell me how its good-spelled?, THX   whistle.gif

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Why not add this information to the Wiki page? It's good information, but it will be quickly out-posted into obscurity in this forum.

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The info i published, obviously, is not copyrighted, so, all the people can publish this there.

It is so difficult for me to write in english, and mostly of times that im writing a post, i have to edit it about 20 or more times.

And still i think that i'm writing so bad.

I think this list of seats is 'rocket science' because i tested a lot before publishing it.

So i prefer let the english job of publish in Wiki to a people that can write fast in english.

I don't want to kick constantly the english dictionary.

And yes, Fasad, you are right, but my lack of english knowledgement can cause on Wiki a lot of headaches or bad posting and i don't want it.

Just i'm like a postman... "never kill the postman"...

Well, my best wish for this list of seats is to be added to this link:


I think its so logical.

Wiki must to include the photos of the new motorcycles.

And my list need to be removed the item "pilot/driver" because a 'driveable' vehicle always can have a pilot/driver.

Only i've written that column just to make, in an easy way, how to count all seats of a vehicle.

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I'll try and add it to the wiki vehicle table for you then. Thank you for doing the research, I know how hard/tedious it can be to gather information like this : )

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thx to you mate.

I'm planning to make the next 'drunkyList' in this way.

Its about how many magazines you have in original vehicles in 1.05.

I know this link:


But all i want to add and ordered by vehicle name is how many magazines you have by default in each vehicle. Just when it spawns for the first time. Only original magazines.

Really, i have it, but all i need is type it in a file, because this drunkyLists i have it under arrays in real scripts. Just copy and paste over... thousand times?

Still not doing this for soldiers, i will publish after vehicles lists.

And probably too a list of driveable vehicles that without to write an addon, you can add different weapons and which ones will work (because you cant add what you want to all vehicles).

As example, without an addon you can add horns to vehicles, and FFAR's to MH6...

So i will try my best to 'open' a little bit more, the knowledgement of the vehicles to those people that doesnt want to write an addon and still make a lot of changes in vehicles.

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You're the man!

Seriously, I've been wanting something like this for ages - now its here yay.gif

Is there really 7 seats in the standard uaz though? I was pretty sure it had 4 (or at least not more than 5).

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If you are seeing a mistake, just test it and tell me if i was wrong, because i have all that info in arrays. And still not noticed mistakes in that sense.

I'll test that UAZ. If it is wrong, i will edit the first post and then, the downloadable files too.

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The Pick-Ups soon have only one cargo seat wink_o.gif

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Well, by a moment, you got me in a doubt.

But here is the probe. Yep, 1 driver + 6 cargo seats.

In this image you will read the full name of the 6 x AI inside, more mine as driver. That script is still under development.


And now a look closer.


In this vehicle, (and taking this image as reference) the seats is formed in this way:

2 seats at the back, 3 in the middle, 2 in front. This last, driver is the left one, and the first cargo seat (his copilot) on his right.

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Learn something new every day... I also thought the UAZ can only carry 4 men including the driver.

Must get rid of my old OFP and VBS I see smile_o.gif

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Yeah, me too, till i started to try to move inside vehicles 20 x AI.

Then i saw how many people can start a party  yay.gif

I hope BIS not changing seats of pickups, i think pickup are so fast (if not the fastest cars in ArmA) and can give a lot of fun to players doing a very speedy insertions by road.

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Guess I was wrong wow_o.gif - but this opens up possibilities smile_o.gif

That script for outputting vehicle info seems useful - I suppose it automatically gets the number of seats?

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The number of seats, name of his passengers, his health (but not shown) just to put to the driver/pilot in advice to fly/drive till next Heal place (always if he wants lol).

How many times the people is spending time in chat of ArmA saying things like...

"Hey, who is piloting this BH?"

"Is this Pita?"

"I'm wounded here"

And an infinite of phrases that can be saved if we, the scripters, making the hard work for them.

My computer in ArmA benchmark command has 6410, and always that im hosting my 'no-mission' scripts with players, not accusing lag, video lag, etc.. Only when a new player joining reducing a little, and then as always.

Yep, it automatically DOES all.

You only have to choose HUD BASIC, HUD PRO, or HUD CARGO (if exists cargo seats in the vehicle). And for those players that not wanting this info HUD's, just choose "HUD off" and no

added info on screen.

Well, still im working and maybe in months i will finish it.

That 'Hint' its only about the 5% of the script.

That Hints is shown when a player joining a vehicle, then new menu actions possible. Some of them, enabling what i call HUD's.

The name of that players is appearing only if alive, if not, D E A D word will appear. Also, 2nd Gunners is appearing, as well ammo of 'hidden' weapons such weapons of 2nd gunners, and commanders, and all of the special magazines of weapons such 2A42 (BMP2 and KA50), M256 (M1A1) and D81 (T72).

Rearming with 0 bugs... rehealing units when inside a chopper and near a MASH, rescue helipad, planes can get support on air, just below 25 meters altitude on runways of Paraiso Airport, and Antigua,Pita and Rahmadi too.

Is not a mission, just scripts to be added to 'compatible' missions.

Ill make a photos to add here now.


You will see the info about weapons a little bit disordered as still not centering my job in that details.

Just see what AltGND (altitude from the nearest surface below the player, mostly the GrouND) is the plane when rearming.

With that photo im not saying that i love BF2, but i'm agree to that issue, just for MP, mostly coops.

And all this work im doing it to cover what i think is ArmA bugs (all that i consider that is not funny).

So, i'm trying/doing:

- Rearm vehicles from 0 ammo and not only the actual magazine (except RHIB2Turret Mk19, T72 DSHKM and M256 M2 weapons, only can be rearmed its actual magazine).

- Making the Repair trucks auto-repaired when player inside.

- Allowing vehicles get ammo in ammo crates without dismount.

- Allowing healing inside vehicles when near ambulances and medic tents, or just in choppers near rescue helipad and ambulances, MASH too...

- Reducing a bit the capacity to lost fuel when damaged vehicles...

- Putting the GPS-Heading while infantry and inside vehicles (just always lol).

- Trying to allow to jump players (but not doing bunnyhopping)

and taking ride of 'players-inside-a-wall' issues.

- Adding info to HUD (Hint space) to know info about players inside a vehicle, ammo status of vehicle, armor %, fuel %, ASL height, GND height, if the vehicle is full.

- Making anti tkers/damagers scripts and tking into account if explicit wasting assets ("waster").

- GPS with auto messages of nearest cities HDG (maybe possible).

- Changing seats in air vehicle while on air.

- And many more... and all without triggers or waypoints, to reach a high compatibility with missions made for others.

Is not an addOn, just scripting under original addOn of ArmA. So players in a server will be able to play that mission with this scripts without previously download an addOn.

Just a whole wish to enhance this super game in the MP side.

Making step-by-step scripts because i'm so noob programming and still i can understand only the .sqs syntax  rofl.gif

Another detail... how many times while you in cargo seat... jumped out from a chopper... and got killed because the altitude?

If you showing them (ArmA HUD is not being shown when player is cargo) the AltitudeGND, it helps to reduce the time that players spending again to respawn and reach his targets.

Ah, 'my safe' tested minimum altitude avoid any damage is from 2.5 ArmAMeters to 44ArmAMeters... why ArmAMeters?

This is another history, and another future thread.

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The M113's are listed wrong. I can't get more than 4 into those for some reason.

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Well, is not the same saying 'i can't get those AI to my vehicle' that the list is wrong.

Just again tested and yes, all M113 are OK... it means you can get your favourite football group inside the M113.

11 cargo, + trainer + cheerleader = 13 seats yay.gif

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Thx fasad, now the motorcycles and the real capacity of vehicles is in Wiki, thx to you mate welcome.gif

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Did you put the capacities of all the vehicles into an array or smth, or do the HUD part of your scripts find it dynamically?

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Just one array per vehicle. I need more info into arrays, not only seats. Those arrays are having fixed values, not being variables, never can be changed (at least, my arrays not). Just real values (or null when needed).

The way how i'm handling some info is doing it dinamically but with reference to arrays.

In the real life, my arrays has 33 positions, and maybe i will reach 35 as maximum.

I will explain a little the way of my scripts. Mainly the one for vehicles.

I think that i have to stablish a list of priorities when just a player is joining a vehicle.

1.- Which vehicle i'm in.

2.- Its seats. In this point i'm starting to collect all info about seats to make in the future those HUD's.

  - Its players inside, alive or dead too. Yes, 2nd gunners too.

3.- The state of its fuel and armor.

4.- If the vehicle has weapons (not the "horn"), which weapons, which magazines and how many weapons/magazines/ammo.

5.- GPS, Heading, ASL Altitude, GND Altitude, Speed and a few more.

6.- Now it's the moment to declare which HUD will show which content of variables, because all variables and his final values to be shown are ready to be shown.

7.- I 'publish' the Hint now.

8.- Here starts the 2nd part of the script for vehicles, where i'm detecting when the vehicle is near gas stations, medical tents, Helipads (not the Empty one, to make more compatible this script with existing missions), repair trucks, ammo crates... etc etc etc to change a little bit the issues of supporting vehicles and many things more.

Well, i have another file for infantry. Just is running when the player is infantry (only when alive). Actually i stopped to work in the infantry script because so soon i discovered that vehicles is more complicated. And i prefer to start to script the more complicated before, because if i can't do it, then all my job has no sense, i need to keep learning about commands, so, step-by-step i will reach the end of this script.

The final part of this whole family of scripts is one new concept of teamwork that i'll try to implement in missions in MP to be tested. I think, that concept is so useful. Basically it is working for you, but in a hidden way. You'll notice his behaviour only when 'really needed', keeping intact the known behaviour of ArmA.

I call it: WARnet.

There is several ways to make WARnet. Basically, one WARnet per kind of MP game.

And yes, is only useful in MP. It has no sense in Single Missions because there is only one human player in those missions.

Well, if WARnet is impossible to do, still the vehicles and infantry scripts can be useful to MP missions.

But first, i need to learn a lot about locality in MP.

So... step-by-step...

Then, the behaviour of scripts in dedicated servers...

And then... tests tests tests tests tests and probably i will need to rent a dedi server to make the final tests.

Maybe i'm crazy, but i have a big wish to enhance this game. No matter with the content of the future patches from BIS.

Well, now about arrays as 'truths'.

Infantry scripts has a lot of less 'truths' to be declared.

Why this kind of array?

Well, i think that if at start of certain kind of scripting-way, you are declaring some 'truths'... you will reduce the time you spending to check some instances, because... always instances has its reference from... truths...facts...norms...enough-tested-behaviours...rocket-science...

As example:

_UsedCargoSeats = (_MainVehicleArray select X) - (vehicle emptyPositions "cargo")

Where X is your known position of array where is declared the max seats of the vehicle you checking.

Understanding the concept?

Well... it doesn't mean that you have to declare as many arrays as total vehicles in ArmA.

Yes and no.

It depends only on how many vehicles you wanting to make changes or extract info.

In my case... A.L.L.

I have to make the note that im only scripting for MP, so, this method can help me a lot, but this concept, i think that can be scripted in the same way to single missions.

Just 'create' your truths.

As example:

If you making a script that only is running while you inside a vehicle and then exiting when you dying, (disconnecting of course), or just leaving... then... it means that the script will be started just when you joined the vehicle.

Then, at its start, you have to check which vehicle.

Then conditions like:

? vehicle == "UH60MG" : _MainVehicleArray = [4,1,89,"M134",2000...] ; goto "RunToCheckSeats-Quickly"

? vehicle == "RepairTruck" : _MainVehicleArray = [0,0,34,"",0,...] ; goto "RunToCheckSeats-Quickly"


YES, you have to declare array-per-vehicle, and

NOT, because only one array will consume memory registers, because only one Array will be created, always will be the same Array named, but with different values  wink_o.gif

Another question if you trying this method. I encourage you to use always the same size of array in all your first conditions about which vehicle you are.

As example, if one position of that array is how many weapons has the vehicle (originally and in a full state) then in the future you can check its ammo in a faster way, because you always will know WHICH WEAPONS HAS THE VEHICLE.

Another truth... in ArmA 1.05, with original AddOn... the max amount of weapons is 4 in one vehicle... so this truth helps a lot to build an array with same positions to all vehicles.

I'm not saying that you can't add more playable weapons to your vehicles... nope... just the original addOn means, if you not adding more weapons to vehicles, the max amount is 4.

I have to read my arrays to say you which one has 4.

Just make your tests, always i can help you in some vehicle details when you want.

If max weapons is 4... you can fill the array with 'null' values in those vehicles having less weapons and also 0.

Of course, if you are changing the original weapons of the vehicles, and putting others, you must to declare it in those arrays.

Just think that those arrays, will be your own "Wikipedia" inside a script.

Ok, and if you are scripting too for infantry... then another file with arrays with weapons... magazines... or some magic values...

What i want to say with 'magic values'?

As example: in ArmA 1.02 (still not again tested in 1.05), when the damage of a player is > than 0.9, he will not able to walk. Only to stand up, and when wanting to walk/run, again in the ground. Just wounded in legs. Another behaviour as a truth in ArmA. When someone shot your leg, you can't walk, testing your health, you have more than 0.9 dammage (>90%). Well, if a choppers shooting rockets to your position, and if you still alive and can't walk, your damage will be > 90%. So, no matter if being shot directly in the leg or not, having a damage > 90% will cause you can't walk. Then i can think in this value as a 'magic number'.

Same issue when hands hit. There is another 'magic number' but i can't remember which one because i stopped to test infantry 2 months ago. Yep, and because the new 1.05 patch, so i had to test all my scripts to ensure all is working good in the new patch. Only a few changes.

So, why you want to spend time in use "? player canWalk" or command like that if when you are scripting issues of HEAL, you will be checking his damage as value, so try to test your own 'magic values' first with lots of tests, and then, put what you want in arrays.

Then, when checking values (strings etc etc) probably you will reduce a lot the weight of the script/scripts.

Its only my method. All what i'm saying you is not the best way to script, only mine.

Don't use exactly all sentences im writing here, it will error all.

Just catch the concept, and learn by yourself.

Always i will try to help you with 'truths' of ArmA (i don't know all), 'magic numbers' and this kind of real values.

Ooops i forgot one thing.

That arrays have to be global.

Why? probably you will script with more script files at the same time... its like more people wanting to go to the same bibliothec. (library?). So you need to 'keep it open' to all scripts needing 'a book' of your arrays. Its better to create more 'libraries' than one script with all the 'bibles'. As those arrays being global... its a perfect concept (i think).

Another thing, in this style of script, you have at first, one main problem.

Which one?huh.gif?huh.gif?huh.gif?

While you inside a vehicle... you are only inside one... ok, this is stupidly truth... but if you jumping out as parachute-man (if lucky) then you will be in a new vehicle, as ArmA handling parachutes as 'air-vehicles'.

Just take this detail always into account.

When (vehicle player == player), player = infantry, if not, player = inside a vehicle. Another truth filtered with if the vehicle is alive, and if the player is alive... it's easy to stablish truths...

And another note:

If you making this kind of scripts, try to adjust the Notepad (or the tool you are using) to allow you to read one array per line, because, if you reading an array in 2 lines... it will cause that you will spend more time understanding and centering your eyes in the correct position in the arrays. And you need not that waste of time. Just one array per line and you will be able to correct your arrays (always sized equally, fill it with spaces if necessary) in the fastest way.


Good luck.

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As example: this 2 real lines of script, sry because this forum will cut it in more lines.

?vehplyr == "AH1W"                   : Vehp = ["Cobra AH-1Z"      ,3,1,0, 0, 2,2,1,"M197 Cannon: "   ,"M197"             ,"750Rnd_M197_AH1"      , 750,1,"FFAR Rockets:   ","FFARLauncher"      ,"38Rnd_FFAR"         ,  38,1,"HellFires:         ","HellfireLauncher","8Rnd_Hellfire"      ,   8,1,""                   ,""                 ,""                   ,   0,0,  1,3, 3,1,0,1]; goto "MainSeats"

?vehplyr == "AH6"                    : Vehp = ["AH6"              ,2,0,0, 1, 2,2,1,"FFAR Rockets:   ","FFARLauncher"     ,"14Rnd_FFAR"           ,  14,1,"M134 Cannon:   " ,"TwinM134"          ,"4000Rnd_762x51_M134",4000,1,""                   ,""                ,""                   ,   0,0,""                   ,""                 ,""                   ,   0,0, 50,7, 5,1,0,1]; goto "MainSeats"

If this posts could be seen in Lucida console Size 8-10 or courier...

Well, just copy this piece of script and paste it into Notepad, and then select the whole text and menu Font, choose "Lucida console" or courier, try 8-9 size of font.

And adjust too that Notepad will not cut your lines, just like longest possible.

This kind of style of scripting, i call it "Programming by tables".

Just like most integrated circuits with memory inside.

As another example, the fastest way to make a script to show the letters that belongs to Heading (N,NE,W,WE,SE etc) is the "script by tables" way.

The GPS too.

And not, i'm not the first guy playing ArmA (others first OFP) that is programming by tables.

Just try this method always you can. Declare your own truths/limits/values before.

This way in big scripts are so useful.

One issue of command "Hint"

The content of the Hint, still is shown when you seeing the map, so i think its useful show Hints as general info to pilots in choppers and planes... if pilots seeing the map... they are not seeing his altitude... and maybe it helps to make them crash, but if you are showing them some info... it helps a bit to prevent a bit, accidents.

I know that pilots, normally, not switching to map... but maybe you can aim the heaven a little, switch to map, make your tasks, keep an eye on altitude and speed and again switch off map. Choppers and Harrier can hover, choppers better and faster (more practical too), but planes has the same right that choppers to see the map when they wanting heheheh just reducing the risk a little.

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Wow, that's a lot of info - almost blew off my head there smile_o.gif

I think I got the gist of it though...

I'm thinking of something way simpler - add an action to every vehicle that displays whos inside and how many free seats there are. It's kind of annoying dropping paratroopers behind enemy lines, and check if everyone has jumped out (surprisingly many people seem to be mute).

I can't believe I missed the emptyPositions command wow_o.gif, but now that you've put it right in front of my nose it should be fairly simple... Maybe add a height thingy for choppers too - but I don't want to give too much info to my guinea pigs whistle.gif

Your system seems very helpful - might help calm the chaos on the public servers crazy_o.gif

Btw, I mostly use jEdit when scripting - made it easier to 'get' the sqf format.

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I think that when players saying nothing, or just never parachuting or just never saying, "hey land here, for me its enough", is because... maybe... they are AFK. I did it sometimes, so i can figure out why others doing it. Maybe i'm right.

Quote[/b] ]add an action to every vehicle that displays

I think that idea will add a new action each time a player entering a vehicle, but i think that i'm understanding you.

Quote[/b] ]and check if everyone has jumped out

I think a pilot never have to check it while on air, if he checking it, he will risk the vehicle. It's only my way of think.Check it when in ground.

Really, when you have the CARGO HUD in the Hint space, you have not to see it to know if still there is inside people.

It's a human issue. Your eyes, without to see it directly, will see how a diffused white block will be reducing in a progressive way (that progressive time is depending on how many people inside the vehicle). And you will see how it is reducing because when players jumping out, the names of that players will be removed from that list.

If you wanna test yourself this not-yet-finished scripts, just search for "LynxEye in LYNX-PC" in ArmA MP browser, the 'no-mission' is called "AAA-LynxTest by LynxEye" or something like this.

If i'm not there... i'm scripting hehehe

And yes, you will see if its useful or not. Still i'm changing which info i want to show in which way, to which players, and when.

At this moment, the script for infantry is only showing GPS and HDG. Nothing more. I'm hard working on vehicles. And by the moment, i have a little bug when rearming vehicles. I'm pursuiting it as fast as i can run, but... by the moment, it is still in front of me. I will catch it soon. Meep Meep

Note to jEdit, thx by the resource  thumbs-up.gif

Quote[/b] ]I don't want to give too much info

I'm agree with you, still i'm seeing what is useful and what not, and even when.

Not all that variables are being shown in all vehicles. As example, in a car, you dont need the AltGND, because is not useful...

In a boat, you dont need Altitude of any kind... etc etc

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I don't have an issue with the AFK players - I do that myself from time to time (I try to say brb or smth though). It's when they jump but don't say they've jumped. If you have 12 paratroopers listening to the 'exit sound' won't help you. So I'm basically saying that without this "Hint HUD" it can be a pain in the ass to transport people.

I was thinking more in the line of adding the action to every vehicle at mission start - it can only be used if the vehicle has the same side as you though.

Quote[/b] ]It's a human issue. Your eyes, without to see it directly, will see how a diffused white block will be reducing in a progressive way (that progressive time is depending on how many people inside the vehicle). And you will see how it is reducing because when players jumping out, the names of that players will be removed from that list.

Didn't get this huh.gif

Is it part of your script?

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Quote[/b] ]If you have 12 paratroopers listening to the 'exit sound'

When gunner changing to doorgunner in UH60MG or at inverse way, the vehicle will 'fire' that sound too... just keep it on mind... If you are the gunner switching seat or doorgunner switching to gunner, you will not hear it, don't know if cargo players can hear it... but pilot... YES. Maybe a new bug.

I don't need to add actions at the start.

Doing that style when a new player is joining a server will add more actions to all vehicles.

I prefer handle it when a player is inside a vehicle.

I'm not 100% sure that when you are adding an action being 'fired' by a vehicle, all players inside is seeing that action. Dunno in dedi servers how it is working. Still only tested as 'host' in normal 'Internet' sessions.

When i'm launching an action attached to a vehicle (_myAction = vehicle addAction ["YAHOOO!","blahblahblah.sqs"] as example), i noticed that

only the player that effectively ran that piece of script, will see that action, so, i'm doing 'personal' actions when inside a vehicle.

If you leave the vehicle, the action is not in your 'menu actions list', because you 'launched' it attached to a vehicle, and not your vehicle-player. But if you putting yourself so close to that vehicle, again you will see the old actions, because that vehicle 'is remembering' which actions you added to that vehicle, and not, with the object player you cant remove actions added with object vehicle, so you have to remove it all actions before to leave, it means too, you have to remove it all before you die.

Is this possible? Yep, if you putting "_myvehicle = vehicle player" a bit after the start of the script, that variable will remember always the 'object vehicle' where you are inside. Then, when you dying, or leaving the vehicle, before you closing the vehicles script you have to remove the action started with "_myaction = _myvehicle addAction ....". If you doing it with removeAction, it will works, and while you dead, the vehicle script in just milliseconds or less, will remove it thx to _myvehicle variable, that still it contains the object vehicle where you died, leaved.

Then, now you can close so safely the script, and starting again the infantry ones when alive again.

If you left the vehicle (being alive) and again going close to that vehicle, you now will not see that actions, because i removed it by script, and then, when you inside the same vehicle again, you will add the actions again, but never repeated. =)

Just think in this:

As example: 3 players in the server.

Player 1 is walking, Player 2 is pilot in UH60, and Player 3 is cargo in that UH60.

Then, Player 1 is running the "Infantry" script, Player 2 and Player 3 is running the "Vehicle" script. Of course, one copy each player.

Player 1 can see only the HUD for infantry.

Player 2, as pilot, can see this added actions:




- HUD off

Player 3, as cargo, can only see this action:

- HUD on (if HUD is off). That HUD is = HUD CARGO.

HUD BASIC is only to see a few things. Crew + Position info (GPS, HDG, Alt)

When i'm saying 'Crew' is only Pilot/Driver, Gunners, Commander, not Cargo, that i call it, just Cargo players.

HUD PRO is showing too Fuel%, Armor% and weapons/ammo.

Still not checking if the vehicle has no weapons, HUD PRO will be added as action too. But i'm not interested to fix this at this moment, i know how to fix it, but i'm centering my job in another angle.

HUD CARGO is only to see Crew+Cargo players, and a few of Position info.

HUD off is for those players not wanting the HUD on screen.

Probably in the future i will remove one HUD. I think 4 new actions in the menu action when inside a vehicle... is too many added actions. Probably i will keep 3 for crew, 1 for Cargo.

WARnet will add actions too, but only under certain conditions, so i have to handle this amount of added actions so carefully. I don't want to disturb players, only doing a good script to 'enhance' the MP part.

Still WARnet is not appearing on this scripts, just only starting to declare his variables, nothing more, and not all.

And last, the 'human issue'. Sorry about my tarzan english.

Tell me if you understanding this words, dont know even if existing in english or how its good spelled (spelt?): 'perimethral view' or 'peripheral view'.

Now inside the game, you piloting... moving your eyes to mountains, hills, trees, the sun, clouds, watching for enemy vehicles, enemy troops, electric wires... etc etc. As an example, if in the chopper there is 8 cargo players, you having enabled the CARGO HUD, but you not moving your eyes to the Hint HUD, still you are seeing a relative-white-block at your left (the whole content of white text with all the info that is appearing in the HUD) or at least, your brain is detecting it, but you are not reading it.

So, when a lot of soldiers is jumping out from your chopper, your brain will detect that block is being reduced progressively. But still you are not reading it. So, not always you need to read that Cargo HUD Hint. You can 'see' the outside in front of your chopper (or right, left etc) and at the same time, you are 'seeing' that HUD, but without to read it.

I don't want to distract pilots. Just try (if you want) to enable the Cargo HUD some time before you reaching a hot area (if you knowing where is...).

Just think about this concept.

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