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  1. Assault (CAN)

    Most freaky music video..

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Detroit Grand Poohbahs: Sandwiches<span id='postcolor'> LMAO, "make your legs like butter baby, easy to spread" That song was hillarious! There is good rap out there, but I havent found it yet. Its all the same, as mentioned before. Some moron who rents a Ferrari and a mansion for a video and who sings about where his 'niggaz' or 'dogz' are at and brags about how many 'bitches' and 'hos' he has, actually gets play on MTV. Worst of all, alot of them glorify drug use. The worst part is, there are tons of suburban white boys who walk around in gangsta clothes and do drugs, do you see a link at all? MTV sucks, Much Music is actually better, but since it started airing in the U.S. it has been drifting the way of Americanized MTV. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Soundgarden "Black Hole Sun" - excellent and disturbing.<span id='postcolor'> I must agree, Soundgarden was one of my favorite bands of the 90's. I still pop one of their CD's into my player every now and then. Tyler
  2. Raptor-Man

    Lost brothers team is getting oxigen!

    hmmm lemme see this is basically an m16 which was adopted from the ar15 and given full auto and notice the triangular forergrip instead of the round one (current model) and the 20 round clip. I know it shouldnt be called an m16a1 i just called it that to avoid confusion between this m16 and the normal m16 chief. rap
  3. Raptor-Man

    Lost brothers team is getting oxigen!

    hey that m16a1 looks familiar new version too be uploaded soon probs with the cpp somehow the rounds per mag got switched to 30 instead of 20 like the magazine i modelled but i bibmi fixed it for me. rap
  4. Die Alive

    Family guy

    Peter Griffin Police radio: "We have five down and one wounded at the corner of 5th and elm." Peter: "Is it just me, or is rap music getting lazier?" Peter:  "So the deal is, I sit through this and I get anal, right?" LONG PAUSE, AUDIENCE LOOKS IN ASTONISHMENT, LOIS LOOKS FRIGHTENED Peter:  "No really, I sit through this and you clean the house as much as I want" Peter: Brian...There's A Message In My Alphabets. It Says Ooooooooo. Brian: Peter, those are cheerios "You know those Germans. If you don't join there party they'll come get ya." [102] "Geez, first he takes my friends, then he takes my job, the way I wear my hat. No, no he can't take that away from me." [105] "You're not supposed to admire wheelchair people, you're supposed to feel sorry for them!" [105] "Our own summer house, I feel kinda bad for doing that thing with her toothbrush." [201] "Your Aunt Margarite is probably laughing at me while she's burning in hell, may she rest in peace." [201] "Well Lois I tried finding my creativity like you said, first I took an art class... Am..Am I supposed to draw the penis? Then I tried sculpting... Am..Am I supposed to sculpt the penis? Then I tried music... Am..Am I supposed to conduct with my penis? I was starting to think there was nothing that I would be good at, but then I realised that this is it. Lois my penis belongs on stage." [207] "The grown up in me likes the prospect of fun, but the kid in me is suicidal over what a fat bastard I will become." [211] Stewie Griffin "Damn you, vile woman! You've impeded my work since the day I escaped from your wretched womb. When you least expect it your uppance will come!" [101] "At last, victory is mine!" [101] "It's times like this I wish they used me for Stem Cell Research"  "Well, well mother, we meet again." [101] "You know Mother, life is like a box of chocolates [he presents her with a box], you never know what you’re going to get, your life however is more like a box of active grenades! [the box has grenades in it] Now I offer you one last chance for deliverance- return my mind control device, or be destroyed." [101] "Forecast for tomorrow: A few sprinkles of genius with a chance of doom!" [102] "Hello mother, care to partake in one of your oh-so-exhilarating games of Peek-a-boo?" [104 - Stewie is drunk] "Ohhh, Is the doggie going bye bye? Quick back up!" [107] "Oh you clumsy oath, Michael Flately must be turning in his grave, wait a minute he's not dead...yet!" [205] "What's your email? Mine is loismustdie, all one word, @yahoo.com." [206] "Ah, the breakfast thing. Yes, it wasn't about the eggs really, frankly I like the yolks, I..I don't..I have no problem, it's, there's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me and it's not so much that I want to kill her. It's just that I want her not to be alive anymore. I sometimes wonder if all women are this difficult, and then I think to myself, by god wouldn't it be marvellous if I turned out to be a homosexual." [212] "...that was another one of your wretched culinary abortions..." [214] Glen Quagmire "Huh, Tuesdays in the 80's I was in bed by eight... and home by eleven, O!"[205] "Whats going on, I was just jerk...ed out a deep sleep" [205] Quagmire: Hey there sweetie. How old are you? Connie: 16. Q: 18? You're first! Connie: Mom! Q: I like where this is going....giggidy, giggidy, gig-i-dy! Q: Hey Meg! 18 yet? Meg: No. Q: Hey Chris. [walks away] (Quagmire at the Lesbian bar) "Any you ladies ever been penetrated?" Other Quotes Ronald McDonnald: You're a McDonald, not a whore!
  5. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Corky thatcher

    The Corky Rap My name's Corky Thatcher I have a red bike My dad won't let me ride it so I sneak out at night. I have a dog named Arnold He pees on the floor I used to lick it up, but not anymore I have a friend named Josh who used to go to my school But he moved away cuz he was too cool He moved away to the Carribean Sea He had a condition called leprosy I know I am stupid but I do not care Because now I have my girly underwear I used to wear a hat, I thought it was nice Until I found out I HAD LICE! Chorus: Ob la dee, Ob la da Corky wears a purple bra He is also a drag queen He likes to eat pork and beans Well Ob la dee and Ob la da Oh I wish I could be a Corky...duh!
  6. DarkLight

    Why americans scare me

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Albert Schweizer @ April 04 2002,00:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DarkLight @ April 03 2002,16:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Personally i don't understand what the fuck is wrong with all you ppl! Belgium's population is probably 1/1 cows to human? You probable haven't been here once!!!  Do you really believe everything that everybody tells you? Sheesh man, i'm so damn tired of ppl thinking that Belgium is a country full of stupid farmers (no offense to farmers). When you say the name Belgium, ppl immediatly think about dumb farmers who have nothing more than cows and other animals... It's all countryside stuff, that's what everybody thinks. Yes there are many farmers here (especially in the East part) but there are lots of other stuff too. Belgium is a rich country that has one of THE BEST educating systems in the WHOLE DAMN WORLD so how many ppl do you think still care about farming here? When there's the opportunity to earn a huge amount of money, there aren't a lot of farmers... Oh and there ARE a lot of guns in this country too, and a lot of dangerous stuff happen here. It's not cuz this is a small country that we don't have a lot of criminality, some really serious stuff happend here (one of these is "de bende van Nijvel", translated to english that would be something like "the gang of Nijvel" , these guys have killed many ppl without giving a damn and even today there still isn't any real proof about who did it), cities like Antwerp, Brussels, Mechelen,... can be very dangerous at night. I'm not attacking you Albert Schweizer, you're a really nice and cool guy and i have a lot of respect for you and all the other Forum members. I'm just a bit sick of ppl that say stuff that was correct 50 years ago but that is totally wrong in these days... just like the cow thing Now... i said my thing Lets get back to the "accident with guns" thing, i'm not talking about all the ppl that got killed together in one country. I'm talking  about the scale of the whole population on 100 (Sry if this isn't really clear to you, i don't know all those hard words in English  ) that had this accident, so the population doesn't really matter... Ofcourse it is possible that i made a mistake while reading the article, i while re-read it when i find it again and perhap you are right. We'll see...<span id='postcolor'> I was born in Aachen and my parents still live there. And this is pretty in the south of Aachen, so if I take a walk I reach the point of the 'three countries' (Germany, Holland, Belgium)in about 3 minutes. And Spa is about half an hour from here (formula 1). I think I know Belgium, and I am still still still very much sure that my thesis: 'Belgium is rather a 'farmers-country' than a 'Queens-downtown-Getho' must be true! Well thanks god! I only wonder why you defend the opposite. Just because you like R&B doesnt mean you have to live in a gang-neighbourhood! I know my little Aachen and I know that in our area nothing realy differs, all the Benelux States are pretty much like my little Aachen <span id='postcolor'> Hehe You are right, it's rather a farmers country than a Queens dowtown ghetto. The reason is pretty simple, i think, Belgium isn't a ghetto at all, there isn't a lot of criminality here. I can't remember saying that i live in a ghetto, the thing about criminality in Belgium was just to show that there are a lot of weapons in Belgium (not where i live, but i live in some stupid village ). And that there are a lot of accidents with 'em, i keep defending what i was talking about cuz i'm sick of ppl calling the ppl that live in Belgium (including myself) farmers. Yeah, there are farmers here, but the biggest part of our country aren't farmers. Anyway, i'm not gonna keep nagging about this subject, other ppl can believe or think what they want to believe/think. I just hope ppl might think twice now before calling some Belgian guy a farmer. It was nice having this conversation, now we both know some more about eachother ps: Aachen sounds so familiar, where is it exactly? pss: Ppl who say that they're in a ghetto just cuz they like r&b, rap,... are stupid sissys. If you ask me, you see enough of these cry babies on TV already!
  7. 762WorldOrder

    Just who are you?

    I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA in 1977. Â I studied Psychology and Liberal Arts at Purdue University. Â After finishing my degree I acquired A+ and MCSE certifications to find a career in computers. Â I am currently a network administrator at a law firm in Indianapolis and make a decent living (especially for someone who didn't get a CS degree and still works with computers). Â I don't like watching sports, but I like playing them, especially hockey and soccer (football). Â American football, baseball, and basketball are OK, but boring compared to games that stress strategy over constant scoring. Â I guess I'm more like Europeans in that way. Â I also enjoy playing the guitar (just bought a new American Fender Strat last year), listening to all sorts of music (except country, rap and pop, basically anything that is soulless and has no balls). Â I train in the martial art of Ju-Jitsu and am almost a brown belt (the belt below a black belt). Â I am a video game addict that plays OFP way more than he should. Â I like to smoke weed a lot, but I don't really care for drinking too much (though it's good to get hammered once in a while). Â Above all else, I like my toys. Â
  8. Morph

    1.20 & kolzice

    Yeah... Its the Resistance Hunter... I wouldnt bother though.. It's c rap!
  9. InRange


    Spetsnaz. Yeah, I saw the first part last week. The 'Spetsnaz rap' was funny.
  10. Assault (CAN)

    Just who are you?

    Interesting reading so far, lets keep it up! I was born on August 23rd, 1983 (which makes me 18) in Niagara Falls Ontario and I have lived in St. Catharines Ontario all my life. My background is Croatian and English, my last name is Croatian but for obvious reasons I can't say what it is but I would imagine most of you know my first name is Tyler. My friends call me 'Steppy' (taken from my last name) I am currently in grade 13 (we have that in Ontario) and am planning to go to university in Sept. 2003 for Criminology. My main goal is to become a Police Officer. I am currently serving in the Lincoln and Welland Regiment (reserve) as a Private in the infantry. I am also a trained machine gunner and an exceptional shot Languages: Canadian English, eh? a little French does 'jibberish' count? Interests: Cycling; on road or off, music, PC games like this one, target shooting, and last but not least, hanging out with friends. As for music: I like Canadian rock/alternative bands like the 'Matthew Good Band', 'The Tragically Hip', 'Treblecharger' and 'Sloan' and punk acts like 'Gob'. I DESPISE Rap, country, techno, and pop. I am no computer whiz but I know enough to get by! Noone has included any physical traits yet, so I will start. .... I am 6 foot 2 1/2 (189 cm) tall, have hazel eyes and short brown hair and I weigh about 230 pounds. ...so there, try and kick my ass! Tyler
  11. nordin dk

    2pac isnt dead

    I have one rap-cd in my collection, it features the two songs: "I wanna f*ck you in the ass" & "Pass the toiletpaper"
  12. Charlie_McSheenie

    2pac isnt dead

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Mar. 03 2002,12:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's a good thing I've neved liked it <span id='postcolor'> i wish i never liked it, i have shitloads of rap cd's in my room i feel like an eminem groupy everytime i'm in there, even if i have 4lyn or something playing
  13. Charlie_McSheenie

    2pac isnt dead

    i used to like rap, but then everyone else started liking it
  14. Damage Inc

    2pac isnt dead

    All rap sucks.
  15. Joe Porta

    Your most memorable drinking missadventure?

    This one was told to me in work about an old friend of mine i had lost contact since leaving school. It was back in 99 my friend was out on a 2 day drink and drugs bender. His cash was almost gone and it was nearly his turn to buy a round of drinks. So he decides that he should go home and get more money. But like the tit he is he had brought his car and against all common sense and laws he decided to drive home. It should be explained that he had about a dozen E's in him over a 12hour period. Apparently he found a 1/2 bottle of Buckfast (Tonic wine which is used to power russian spacecraft) in his car or on the street from some wino. So he's racing home with his right foot out the side window (its an automatic) a bottle of buckfast in one hand and the speedo ay 110mph. Eventually the RUC ping him and start to give chase in two big landrovers (the big grey vehicles you see on the news in riots). My friend accepting the challenge leads them on a chase that lasts about 40 minutes through N.Ireland's many rural roads going through 15 red lights. The drugs are starting to ware off at this stage so he decides just to go home, he pulls into his driveway with the RUC right behind him. Gets out and goes inside to his surprise his dinner is ready he sits down says grace and starts to eat, the RUC at this stage have surrounded the house and are moving in. They rap the door and are greeted by his parents who are quite shocked by his rampage. They confront him at the dinner table were he tells the RUC to "go fuck yourselves" they arrest him and 6 months later he's in court. The judge gives him a Å500 fine bannes him from driving for 5 years and gives him 3 year suspended sentence.
  16. Vaszilij Zajcev

    Radio commands

    I also don't know the answer for your question, but I also have a (Idon'tknowwhat'sthisnamebutit'sintheforumandterearealotofaboutthis) question about this, and if you look at the "Some questions about the editing", which is Vaszilij Zajcev's, you might take answer this queston. P.E:My friend is also like Slayer. I think rock is crazy. (I am a RAP-per!
  17. Rogue2020

    Closure of "Closure of best spammer thread,

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Feb. 12 2002,08:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Oh no I hate Eminem!<span id='postcolor'> Gangsta rap is about all I ever listen to...plus that's D12.......
  18. Rogue2020

    Closure of "Closure of best spammer thread,

    [Eminem] its shit like this i kick to these rich white kids who just might see how fucked up this sick life is whoops i did it again, didnt i? my shit, its harder to figure out then what britneys tit size is (wooooo) i probably pissed u off again, didnt i bitch? (so what) grab christina gaguilera, kiss my grits do u know how many shits i give, i wish i did so i could quit givin these twisted little kids ideas this just in, britney just kissed justin she just fucked ben got tit fucked and dick sucked him if affleck can get his ass licked how come i cant, shit god damn bitch, im rich, i cant understand this are those pictures i made of us together on the internet as close as im eva gonna get to hittin her from the back shit, when it comes to that, i hit harder from the back then everlast when hes pluggin lethal in his fuckin ass just gimme 1 more chance, britney hit me 1 more time let me know whats on ur mind, whitney give me 1 more line to sniff, u fuckers know what time it is fuck ur jewelery my records almost diamond bitch [chorus] [Eminem] whats goin on in the world today? people fightin, feudin, lootin, its ok let it go, let it flow, let the good times roll, tell em dre [drdre] it aint nuttin but music [Eminem] whats goin on in the world today? people fightin, feudin, lootin, its ok let it go, let it flow, let the good times roll, tell em dre [drdre] it aint nuttin but music [bizarre] eminem doesnt like nsync, well i do so fuck him and the backstreet boys too (yea i said it) whateva happened to the cast of different strokes? garys broke, todd snort coke, and dana an overdose (ahhhh) i got two little boys with me michael jackson sent two helicopters to get me (heee heeee) im up early with my hair curly me and mr.furley fuckin lavern and shirly [Kuniva] alotta rappers are livin in la la land thats why i lets my dogs out on the baha men (bark) as bad as the life i had, im not mad i dont need to be a jackass to beat up my dad (punch) my whole familys country, my grandmothers oldfashioned she keeps askin me why i rap with a honky but granny im a flunky, i could b a junkie i could b hangin with the hoochies outta the club scene [Kon Artis] for all the indpendent women in the house (house) show us ur tits and shut ur mother fuckin mouths [Proof] Robert downey, bobby brownie, whitney housten the shit shes usin, jesse jackson, reverand scandal, got george michaels, tevin campbell pee-wee hermans, peep show places, public restrooms, beat those cases [chorus] [swift] your mom and dad probably mad at us (for what?) we done turned their kids into little body snatchers they like where im from (uh huh), we dont bite our tongue (yea) are you sure you want niggas 21 to carry guns? (blah blah blah) its sad but im glad that im made to rhyme when you work, you aint gettin paid for that overtime (damn) its only music, media know it, but they blind (thats right) i aint in ur life so stay the hell up outta mine (nigga) and your the reason why princess diana ended up dying you people get offended, i dont care (stop cryin) tryin to get us to leave cuz what we say just aint playin but holdin me back from what i say just aint me [Kon Artis] now whats these parents so mad for? (ur music is bad) for teenage kids who drink more than ted danson in cheers carson drinks beers, we all fart and piss and cuss out our bitch (shut up) (poor or rich) i still do the same old shit, i dont jump infront of a camera and say no shit when they ask me about my sarcastic-ness i just slap them, turn around and ask them this [chorus] [Eminem] La La, La La La La La, La La La, La La La La La, La [group] OoooooooOOOoooooooooOOOO OoooooooOOOoooooooooOOOO [Kuniva] Look for that new D12 R&B Album coming soon Straight R&B, Straight R&B, Straight R&B
  19. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Whats the dumbest song you've ever heard?

    Most if not all rap.
  20. Adds 4 new colors of the tractor - Grey, Blue, Yellow, and Green. Also includes a custom icon. Nothing special, just something for the civilians :cool: Since my FTP is down, head over HERE to view pictures and more information and to download the tractors. To this forum only: Notice I never said you must download this. If you don't like it, keep your negativity to yourself. It's not even a real addon, so don't bother wasting your breatch on a bad rap.
  21. Devil, they aren't giving it a bad rap they are just suggesting possible improvements David FlashpointCenter.com
  22. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from NovaPhoenix on 3:50 pm on Nov. 23, 2001 I know theres always someone to spoil someone else's fun, but I'm gonna be the critic here. Â Your unit ideas are great but they seem very limited, alot of them just look like you have changed the Hue and stuff on the textures to make them look different. Â Eg all the sports cars and tractors are just plain colored, no new fetures or anything and they just all look alike... :\ Â Maybe sit down for a while longer and give a few a massive makeover or buidlt a texture from scrath? well thats my b*tch over :> <span id='postcolor'> Why the #### do you bother giving my addons a bad rap, guys? I mean if you don't like it, why do you even WASTE your time replying? If you like it fine. If not, leave it be.