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About Gorogon

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Gorogon

    Feedback tracker administration

    Yes. i would like to confirm this bug as well. I currentrly had to make a script to indicate fire modes. This is not rocket science but its should be in basic fucntional in any artillery or mortar. Looking forward to see this issue resolved
  2. Gorogon

    Helvantis Terrain

    Can u pls fix it becose its very annoying that after damage forticifactions gets bugged http://postimg.org/image/xo4zzxav1/full/ Or at least somebody pls tel me how to make these fortifictions indestructable. I have tried all scripts that work well at chernarus or takistan but they dont work on helvantis. ANy ideas?
  3. Just checked server russians anonymizers becouse i am from russia . All of them have that GAY shit. Then i tried foreign anonymizers and saw HETERO PORN. I am not joking . I really dont know WTF is going ON???? If problem was in me then anonymizers would show me right page not gay porn page. So i think there may be only two explanations: 1. All of you are trolling me! ANd you see thta gay porn . 2. Some weird this happening to my internet provider or the whole world!
  4. Still NOT FIXED!!! HEy admins what if same kid follow that link and see one guy stick his dick in mans ass. Kids life will be ruined forever!!!
  5. Go here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2 In Getting Started Category press "ArmA II Units and objects Library"!!!!!!!!! :butbut::butbut::butbut:
  6. Gorogon

    East Static Weapons Pack

    AI in Some RDS Static weapons do not attack RHS tanks and AI in some RHS tanks do not attack RDS statics weapons. JUST CHECKED M119 vs t-72B3. When will yopu fix it?
  7. Gorogon

    Helvantis Terrain

    Just tested. Problem was in AIA. They Updated it, fixed bugs and now everything is OK. no more freezes and CTD
  8. Gorogon

    Helvantis Terrain

    1. Game is constantly freezing in main city every time i tested this map (Only arma 3 process termination helps) 2. Game is constantly freezing at loading screen after your press preview. (Happens only if you run this map first in editor) Sorry but now your awesome map is unplayable! P.S. Downloaded by PWS. 01.09.2015 Just tested. Problem was in AIA. They Updated it, fixed bugs and now everything is OK. no more freezes and CTD
  9. Gorogon

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yes please post the ticket to BIS Arma 3 feedback. Its better be you then me. I beleieve that BIS devs would rather listen to well known mod maker then me. And I am interested only in faster solution of this problem.
  10. Gorogon

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Have you read the full feedback? guy said that: "while testing i have noticed that using famous RHS mod increase probability of occurence of this error which in the end lead to total loss of ability to hear sounds of gunshots for some players." So maybe he is right you have to cooperate with bis devs and find out what is going on? I think its possible becouse its a matter of time when RHS become inherent part of Arma 3
  11. Gorogon

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Just registered at forums to say that i and my buddy just tested vanilla arma 3 and RHS on dedicated and we have exacly same problem .When we took any RHS weapons - sounds, muzzle flashes start to dissaper. Sometimes it starts instantly after you take RHS gun. Sometines after few minutes. So right now we deleted RHS mod unit devs fix that annying bug.