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Everything posted by Midnighters

  1. I recommend you just run this on the vehicle. I have absolutely no idea what your setup is, but yes you need to define it otherwise is not going to work. so running it in the initServer.sqf wouldn't necessarily make any sense. so if I had a wipeout, and I wanted to play some music on it. I'd do this in a action: myWipeout addAction["Play Music","musicScript.sqf",[myWipeout,soundToPlay]]; then in the musicScript.sqf: _myWipeout = (_this select 0); _soundToPlay = (_this select 1); //must be a full path for playSound3D playSound3D[_soundToPlay,_sourceObject,false,getPos _sourceObject,10,1,50];
  2. _vehicle addAction["MyAction","MusicPlayer.sqf",[(_sourceObject)]];
  3. sure, breaking it down and learning how it functions is all fine and dandy. The point in which you learn is you do something simple and build up and see success out of it. That right there, is how you keep the information and learn.
  4. I don't have years of coding knowledge. But I hate it when people don't take the time to learn things. My point is spoon feeding people the answer is the opposite of helping in my eyes. I also don't think I could be any more clearer. The sound is played on the object defined as _sourceObject. Define the source object and your sound will be played!. simple.
  5. Midnighters

    Respawn in new vehicle

    *facepalm* because respawn_west1 is going to be still picked up by the respawn system, doesn't matter what number is after it. rename it.
  6. I've been able to find runway lights and houses with nearestTerrainObjects before. I understand the difference between editor placed versus terrain builder shit. But in general use I don't see much difference, of course if a command yields something the other variant doesn't for your particular project. Then so be it, I was just wondering in this instance why trees weren't being picked up.
  7. Midnighters

    Respawning with the same loadout

    Why would you need to remove everything first?
  8. Midnighters

    Respawning with the same loadout

    I like my missionNamespace and profileNamespace :( makes it easier to grab from the player without get/set variants I suppose. Either which way it works
  9. tirpitz means that the player now has an assigned vehicle. Just like if you were to plop a unit into a helo, now you can see that it's assigned to the unit and you can tell if the unit has flown or ridden in the helo. if((assignedVehicle player) isEqualTo objNull) then { hint "player has no vehicle assigned" } else { hint format["Player has vehicle : %1 assigned to it",(assignedVehicle player)];}; example.
  10. Midnighters

    Respawning with the same loadout

    if you're using the arsenal then use this: Bis_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler with BIS_fnc_saveInventory and BIS_fnc_loadInventory or you can just use them on their own. without the scripted event handler. Ex: [player,[missionNamespace,(name player)]] call bis_fnc_saveInventory; and to load [player,[missionNamespace,(name player)]] call bis_fnc_loadInventory and an example with the scripted event handler [missionNamespace,"arsenalClosed",{ [player,[profileNamespace,name player)]] call bis_fnc_saveInventory; hint format["Player %1 your inventory has been saved",(name player)]; }] call bis_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;
  11. nearestTerrainObjects vs nearestObjects? because as far as I can tell, the nearestTerrainObjects picks up on pretty much everything in my testing. Not sure if it is applied differently on your testing Tank.
  12. Midnighters

    Event on watch opened

    Welp. Solution found then.
  13. Don't waste anybody's time with foolish replies. Study it for a while, this is how everybody learns. What I mean is the passed parameters, [] execVM "your lovely script" or call compile "A better looking script" needs parameters for this to work. So for instance. [ThisIsMyPassedSourceObject] call compile "script.sqf"; then the first passed parameter can be selected in the script. _sourceObject = (_this select 0);
  14. still doesn't help that the pathing loses functionality.
  15. Midnighters

    Flare module fix

    I'm no expert, but the structure says it all... "CfgPatches".
  16. Midnighters

    Flare module fix

    *facepalm* No....this is an addon. this is following the concept of: Replacement Config Tutorial
  17. Luckily you have the dynamic simulation stuff that BI has implemented, so all that is done by default.
  18. I wouldn't disable simulation in the first place, even if it is enabled back. It'll be like placing a monkey in New York City from the jungle, they don't know where to go.
  19. Looks like all the fsm stuff gets screwed up after it's enabled again?
  20. Not anything specific, you may want to report this to the author of this mission and see if he/she has any intel on it. Since they designed the framework, so it may be apparent to them if you inform them
  21. Midnighters

    Event on watch opened

    I dunno, never mentioned such so I'm just going with whatever. input action method is probably the worst way to go in this case though, that is for sure.
  22. I'm not sure the binarization would have caused this even if it was just the mission alone, because as far as I know all missions are binarized by default unless specified in the eden editor preferences. Never had this happen to me personally.
  23. Midnighters

    Respawn in new vehicle

    Right, okay. Thanks for the info. Didn't realize this was a init field, personally I stray away from that.
  24. Midnighters

    Respawn in new vehicle

    Right, i mean outside the eh _this addEventHandler["Respawn",{(event handler params are valid here}]; (not out here)