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Everything posted by Midnighters

  1. Midnighters

    Delete Destroyed Building

    @pierremgi What are you talking about "There is no way to check who blew the charge". The "HandleDamage" event handler for instance.
  2. _thisListTrigger = (_this select 0); //this would be an array of objects detected by the trigger. { } forEach _thisListTrigger; forEach or Count are great commands for this kind of stuff, they work directly with arrays.
  3. if((isNil(currentWeapon player)) OR (!(isTouchingGround player))) then { player setCaptive true; };
  4. Ah, nope. This is a snippet of a script I had made a long while back. basically what I did is set the trigger activation to anybody, then execute the script when it's activated. You can pass certain parameters from the trigger into the script. So in this case we need thisList. so I guess you can do this? (it's been a while, don't bank on it) [thisList] call compile preProcessFile "myMusicDetection.sqf"; or [thisList] execVM "myMusicDetection.sqf"; or [thisList] call compile "myMusicDetection.sqf";
  5. Yep. The game is going "Wtf is player? And what's this all about?" this goes back to my indication of thisList implementation, but some would say it's completely subjective as to wether or not you use it. So up to you.
  6. Midnighters


    uniform if((typeOf (uniform player)) == "MyCSATClassname") then {hint " He's a SPY!";};
  7. ((vehicle player) != objNull) try that...?
  8. I mean we're already getting tides back into the game, albeit it may be a bit broken on some maps like Tanoa. But I think we're close to seeing user implementation of this? I thought at one point in time you were able to change the tides on Utes and Chernarus in A2. But I dunno.
  9. Well, they aren't just going to go gun ho on you as soon as you reveal the target. It's slightly more methodical than that I suppose. Though if they have direct line of sight it's usually a almost instantanious firefight.
  10. @pliskin124 Are you sure you typed it correctly? This should return a boolean, not an object. thisList just gathers any players that are in the trigger at the time of activation. So: _trgThsLis = (_this select 0); { if((vehicle _x) isEqualTo objNull) then { } else { hint format["Player %1 is in a vehicle",(name (_x))]; }; } forEach _trgThsLis;
  11. Midnighters

    % Presence object deletion

    consider something like this: (this is a snippet of a piece of code I have written) for "_i" from 0 to 10 do { _rN = random 100; _chance = 50; if(_rn > _chance ) then { }; }; I'm not sure I fully understand the question though. Hopefully this helps?
  12. @pliskin124 Nate my friend, conditions are already setup for if then statements, since it all has to be a boolean in the end. so. for the condition: (!(vehicle player) isEqualTo objNull) laySongs = _veh addaction ["Start music player","musicplayer.sqf",true,1,false,true,"","player in _target"]; _veh RemoveAllActions; You may want to consider using thisList and referencing the trigger instead of the player
  13. Midnighters

    Wyatt's grenade script

    AHA! I see, this is what you posted on the other day huh? Pretty neat.
  14. Dynamic Simulation is your best bet hands down, it's hard coded and it's an amazing solution to something that could go very wrong in game run time if you did it for yourself (that goes for anyone, I'm talking in general) #monitor is used to track server fps not client fps. You know, you can never dance away performance drops in some cases. So it's best you do what you can I suppose. Oh, and if you really want to save on performance. Like squeeze the ever living shit out of the game in terms of performance. Disabling FSM's on AI, albeit you'll need to enable them once the player gets back in range. But mainly that is the performance hit behind AI.
  15. if((vehicle player) isEqualTo objNull) then { } else {hint "Player is in a vehicle!"}; @pliskin124
  16. jesus, let's stop quoting code please holy shit.
  17. When's round 2? I've got muscles on muscles, I ate nails for breakfast. I like say3D too. But eh, ROUND 2?
  18. Ah what the fuck? I swear some sound command returned something. Too late? Game on? :|
  19. That's the whole point, as soon as you change the position -> sound distortion. attachTo would work together with playSound3D is you assigned the sound to a certain memory point or point I suppose. I've experienced sound distortion if it is moved at all at point in time. This may not be the case, I've always used attachTo for moving objects.
  20. vehicle containing sound -> attachTo -> no sound distortion As far as I can tell at least, because generally it sort of just zips around near the vehicle.
  21. well, like Pierremgi said, you're gonna need remoteExec and it's your friend in this situation. Didn't realize you were still doing that. remoteExec
  22. HA, see that is where you are wrong. attachTo is lovely for this kind of situation. Why execute it in the initServer.sqf anyways?
  23. Air refers to anything that can fly in the air. then you have Armoured which is for armored vehicles obviously. if you look in the config viewer and look at a vehicle, at the very bottom you will see a list of strings. Those are all parents of that config entry, and you can reference them with "isKindOf"
  24. Something like this would be what you're aiming for. { if((_x isKindOf "Air")) then { _x addAction["Play Music","musicScript.sqf",[_x,"a3\sounds_f\test.ogg"]]; }; } forEach vehicles; doubt this is the most optimal way of doing it but it works