PATHFINDING(E): Unable to open navmesh file ".NavData/cwnavmesh/navData_0.ntile"!
PATHFINDING(E): Not able to load data from file .NavData/cwnavmesh/navData_0.ntile
RESOURCES (E): Failed to load '
I've built a terrain and wanted to generate a navmesh so AI can function. I've generated the navmesh and I can see the lines drawn and generated around the map. When generation is complete I hit save whole generation and it brings up a window asking where I want to save it, there are no options so I hit ok and it opens windows file browser. I navigate to my addon in the workbench and make a name. So I have my navmesh file in the project and I can reference it in the AIWorld. When I launch the scenario and spawn an ai to direct around I'm given the error above. I notice that the .NavData folder is not visible in the project and when i try to import this navData_0.ntile is says registration failed. this is extremely frustrating as I've followed several guides but cant seem to find where I've gone wrong. Has anyone else dealt with this?