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Everything posted by jstibbsy

  1. It works fine for me, maybe put it in a 'inform.sqf'. Then call it from there, it seems arma won't read sleeps in triggers. Otherwise try this: sleep 5; _layer1 = "normal" cutText ["Briefing Text","PLAIN", 2]; player globalChat "Briefing Text"; sleep 5; _layer2 = "normal" cutText ["Briefing Text 2","PLAIN", 2]; player globalChat "Briefing Text 2"; sleep 5; _layer3 = "normal" cutText ["Briefing Text 3","PLAIN", 2]; player globalChat "Briefing Text 3"; sleep 5;
  2. jstibbsy

    CFGORBAT Map Icon Texture not working

    The thing is that doesn't work, I tried that a while ago, seems it only likes a full path for some reason, only does this with ORBATs from my knowledge. Correct me if I'm wrong. I hope you find a solution soon :)
  3. jstibbsy

    CFGORBAT Map Icon Texture not working

    I had that problem, found a fix. this is what you had: Insignia = "\NS\Imgs\242logo.paa"; I had a problem like this so I did this Insignia = "C:\*name of file*\*name of pc owner*\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\*your arma 3 name (%20 is a space)*\missions\*your mission name*.*island*\NS\Imgs\242logo.paa"; seems to work now, for me atleast. Hope this helps P.S have no clue why this text is green :P
  4. jstibbsy

    [SP] Escapists Grasp

    Mission - 2 Escapists Grasp Campaign Overview Sgt. Andrew Martinez... A normal soldier, until the Stratis incident hit and most of NATO was wiped out. He along with his fellow survivors must Retreat from an overwhelming enemy, Organise a force to be reckoned with and finally Act on the advantages gained. Mission Overview Martinez has been captured by the AAF and is headed for Altis. Escape and find a way to safety. Credits Sgt. Andrew Martinez - Adrian Green SSgt. Michael Sanders - Scott Alsworth Cpt. Verga - Anne Luchtenveld Sgt. O'Cardinal - Caboose (Jake) General Help - BI Forums ArmA 3 itself - Bohemia Interactive Features Custom voice acting Cutscenes Dialog Story Scripts Links http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=742160956 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9NbVBWWOxNDSzBtZUU5ZUtxeUE
  5. jstibbsy

    [REQUEST] ORBAT Tutorial

    Have you got everything the same as you had it in your test mission. If so and it doesn't work I would backup your real mission then merge the test mission into the real mission and then move the description.ext file into the real mission folder. Other wise I have no idea. Could be an Apex problem. Edit: If it's MP, I'm pretty sure ORBAT's don't work.
  6. jstibbsy

    Hold Action Intel Pickup

    Alright figured it out I think something was wrong with my code. Now it all works thanks :)
  7. jstibbsy

    Hold Action Intel Pickup

    I tried that, hmm, still doesn't work, I put a hint saying hint "intel collect"; which works fine but that just doesn't show anything but a new briefing tab. Here's what I have: _intel = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 1; // Add Hold Action to Pick up intel [ /* 0 object */ _intel, /* 1 action title */ "Gather Intel", /* 2 idle icon */ "pics\intel.paa", /* 3 progress icon */ "pics\intel.paa", /* 4 condition to show */ "true", /* 5 condition for action */ "true", /* 6 code executed on start */ {}, /* 7 code executed per tick */ {}, /* 8 code executed on completion */ { hint "intel collected"; {(_this select 1) createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Title of Entry", "Details of entry here."]]} }, /* 9 code executed on interruption */ { }, /* 10 arguments */ [], /* 11 action duration */ 6, /* 12 priority */ 1, /* 13 remove on completion */ true, /* 14 show unconscious */ false ] remoteExec ["bis_fnc_holdActionAdd"]; I will change the name and everything, but still doesn't work.
  8. jstibbsy

    Hold Action Intel Pickup

    When the action is completed the intel is spawned in your briefing or intel tab (can't remember what it was called) but the laptop is not deleted.
  9. have you tried: doTarget _unit;? and having a move waypoint activate at the same time.
  10. jstibbsy

    Voice acting broken

    I have .lips in my missions and they work fine. Nothing has changed for me since Apex, I did notice that they play quietly at some times. I would just fiddle around with it, maybe check your voice files and say3d commands, maybe Apex changed something with them.
  11. Have you placed a Set task State simple module. Cause if you haven't sync the Simple Task to Simple Task State then sync the Simple Task State to the trigger.
  12. jstibbsy

    [SP] Falling Point

    Mission - 1 Falling Point Campaign Overview Sgt. Andrew Martinez... A normal soldier, until the Stratis incident hit and most of NATO was wiped out. He along with his fellow survivors must Retreat from an overwhelming enemy, Organise a force to be reckoned with and finally Act on the advantages gained. Mission Overview Charlie squad has been tasked with securing Alpha, Bravo and Delta's flank. They must hold out long enough until the three teams have secured Agia Marina. Charlie will then converge on the town to hold it along with the other teams, until NATO arrive. Credits Sgt. Andrew Martinez - Adrian Green SSgt. Michael Sanders - Scott Alsworth AAF Soldier - Anne Luchtenveld Pvt. Tim Matthews - Avery Credits script - Scott Alsworth Script Check - Christopher Herr General Help - BI Forums ArmA 3 itself - Bohemia Interactive Features Quality voice acting, custom scripts, cutscene, follows parallel to Survive, Adapt and Win. Download: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=717799540
  13. jstibbsy

    [SP] Falling Point

    I'm going to move one of the zone restrictions back a bit, I have noticed this with a few people.
  14. jstibbsy

    First Script a Lil Help

    _this select 0; is the unit you want it to activate on, eg. I would put a script in a unit's init and in the script at the top you would have: _myunit = _this select 0; _unit_who_activates_it = _this select 1; (this only applies normally with an AddAction script) _id = _this select 2; (This is normally also applied only in AddAction scripts, it is the AddAction, Action. Eg. "Activate me" then scrolling on that and activating it, the addAction would activate but wouldn't disappear. So I would do this to make the addAction after you select it: _myunit removeAction _id; That is all the their is.
  15. jstibbsy

    Delete ORBAT

    Basically I was asking, If I chose the stealth boat option on Strategic Map, I wanted some Orbats to show and some not to on the map (not strategic map since that isn't possible). I got the desired outcome anyway so all is good.
  16. I'm currently fiddling around with the Campaign I'm working on and have come across a cool way of making ORBAT's appear when Triggers are activated. But I have 3 possible ways of completing the mission - A stealth Boat type mission, A full frontal Assault and Support. I'm wondering if I made let's say chose the Stealth Boat option is there a way to make two of my ORBAT's delete themselves? (Never to be seen in other words) Thx
  17. jstibbsy

    Delete ORBAT

    I have figured it out was a simple: deleteVehicle *orbatname*; Also ORBAT's are completely different to the strategic map. Orbat's show the branch of units - normally from squads up to Armies in an interactive way - like in the East Wind campaign.
  18. jstibbsy

    HMS Proteus

    It's in eden editor, it's under Empty\Structures (Altis)\Seaport\HMS Proteus.
  19. where have you put the folder? Cause sometimes arma likes a complete directory like arma3\@addon\boose\images\file3.paa I had a texture problem with something similar and it was because it arma needs an extended path to the addon. Hopefully this helps
  20. I'm currently working on an execution script and I am wonder if I can put an if, then and else statement inside an else statement. Here's my code so far: //execute hostage script _exec = _this select 0; _player = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _hostage = hostage; _list_of_Pistols = [ "hgun_P07_F", "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F", "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F", "hgun_ACPC2_F", "hgun_Rook40_F" ]; _list_of_Rifles = [ "Weapon_arifle_MX_F", "Weapon_arifle_MXC_F", "Weapon_arifle_MX_SW_F", "Weapon_arifle_MXM_F", "Weapon_arifle_MX_GL_F" ]; _exec removeaction _id; _hostage removeaction _id; _hostage switchmove "Acts_ExecutionVictim_Loop"; _hostage setCaptive true; if ( ( { _x in _list_of_Pistols } count ( weapons _exec ) ) != 0 ) then { //when called _exec doTarget _hostage; _exec switchmove "Acts_Executioner_StandingLoop"; _hostage doTarget _exec; sleep 10; //if unit has a pistol _exec switchmove "Acts_Executioner_kill"; _hostage switchmove "Acts_ExecutionVictim_Kill"; sleep 1.733; _hostage switchmove "Acts_ExecutionVictim_Kill_end"; _hostage setHit ["head", 1]; sleep 1.667; _exec switchmove "Acts_Executioner_kill_end"; sleep 1.333; _hostage switchmove "Acts_ExecutionVictim_Killterminal"; } else { [ if ( ( { _x in _list_of_Rifles } ) ) then { //when called _exec doTarget _hostage; //if unit has a primary _exec doFire _hostage; //_hostage setHit ["head", 1]; } else { _exec switchmove "Acts_CivilIdle_1"; hint "No weapon to kill hostage!"; }; ]; }; exit; I'm getting an error right around the: else { _exec switchmove "Acts_CivilIdle_1"; hint "No weapon to kill hostage!"; }; ]; }; exit; It says I'm missing a ] Thx :)
  21. I solved it, I changed the code into a nested if-then-else statement
  22. Ok I removed the [] and the double brackets I'm getting an error around here: else { if ( error if: Type code expected bool
  23. Maybe make the commander of the vehicle the squad leader. That's probably the problem.
  24. jstibbsy

    What Makes a Good Arma Campaign?

    Twilight of the Gods was a pretty well done campaign. Good job wiki. I would recommened this with ALL campaigns. 1. Add music and sound effects. If you can nail the music then the mission feels like you are really involved. It's also cool hearing explosions in the background to give the player a hint at what is currently happening. 2. Lots of optional tasks and the effects of not doing them or doing them. The one thing I really loved about A2 was that each way you approached a situation it would have a different effect. Like in a mission on A2 OA you had to pilot a Apache and if you crashed during the mission the next mission would be much harder. But if you succeeded it would be easier. I don't know why BI changed it but I still enjoyed most of East Wind a hell of a lot.
  25. jstibbsy

    Lipsync over side radio.

    The East Wind campaign did it so it must be possible. Like I said up further there is a snippet of the code, yet it doesn't define who is saying it.