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Posts posted by jus61

  1. On 5.10.2018 at 2:30 AM, Jigsor said:

    I am aware of that issue in v1.48 and have almost completely reworked the way persistence is handled now for upcoming v1.49. It works great now.


    Is the problem with persistence in beta already revised? 

  2. Error: 

    12:55:52 File mpmissions__cur_mp.Chernarus_2035\core\scripts\inCap.sqf, line 45
    12:55:55 Error in expression <);
    sleep 1;
    if ((alive _unit) && ((side _dragger) != civilian) && ((lifeState _d>
    12:55:55   Error position: <_dragger) != civilian) && ((lifeState _d>
    12:55:55   Error Undefined variable in expression: _dragger


  3. On 20.4.2018 at 7:56 PM, Jigsor said:


    Persistence options of the main core component grid zone/capture progression are included in v1.48.


    Unfortunately this does not work in the 1.48 . After each server restart everything is red again


    	class INS_persistence//44
    	title = "		Enable Progression Saving and Restoration?";
    	texts[]={"No, clear progression if any is saved","Yes, save mission progression and restore if any is saved","Yes, save mission progression and clear progression if any is saved"};
    	default = 1;


  4.  8:29:16 Error in expression <alive _x}) isEqualTo -1) then
    _x call VCM_fnc_SquadExc;
    } count>
     8:29:16   Error position: <VCM_fnc_SquadExc;
    } count>
     8:29:16   Error Undefined variable in expression: vcm_fnc_squadexc
     8:29:16 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus_2035\Vcom\VcomInit.sqf, line 75
    //----------------------------------------- UPDATE ---------------------------//   
    15:53:55 Error in expression <VCM_ARTYDELAY) < time && {count (units (group _NearestEnemy)) > 2}>
    15:53:55   Error position: <group _NearestEnemy)) > 2}>
    15:53:55   Error group: Type Array, expected Object   


  5. 13 hours ago, Stapp said:

    Hey all,


    Trying to get a dedicated game server up via HostHavoc, who's firewall doesn't allow executables. Is there any workaround in ACRE to not need the Wav2B64 executable? My group (and myself included) would hate to have to devolve back to TFAR, or more likely, switch our server provider.





    Add this in you server.cfg:


    allowedLoadFileExtensions[]         = {"ogg","hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi","ini","b64"};
    allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[]   = {"oog","hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi","b64"};
    allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[]         = {"htm","html","xml","txt"};

