Simple Bomb Defuse [script] - v1.2.2
Idea was to create simple "mini-game" / "chalenge" when defusing bombs in game, where unit have little time to think and create space for errors. With this script you can add possibility to "screw something" when deactivating mines. Script randomly generate string of 3 color matrix, where unit must identify which color have most appearances in matrix and cut that color wire accordingly. You can stress out unit with timer you set for deactivating the bomb. If unit cut wrong wire or timer runs out, then bomb will explode. Best object to make bomb is burning barrel, but you can use any object, just need to modify little attached objects. I added C4 and light and beeping sound to improve finding bomb in dark.
Bomb can be defused with any unit, just need to have toolkit in inventory. In future, I can modify script for demotilion class only if needed.
Should be working on multiplayer / dedicated server, need more testing.
- copy folder "bomb" into your mission folder
- include line
#include "bomb\cfgFunctions.hpp"
into your CfgFunctions class in description.ext file
class CfgFunctions
#include "bomb\cfgFunctions.hpp"
- place unit in editor
- place object in editor (barrel)
- In object init line put
null = ["object", "time", "kit", "debug"] execVM "bomb\bomb.sqf";
null = [this, 10, true, false] execVM "bomb\bomb.sqf";
"object" - object to transform to bomb, default: this
"time" - time in seconds for bomb defuse, default: 10
"kit" - boolean value if needed tools to defuse bomb, default: true
"debug" - boolean value if need show right wire to cut, default: false
open file ../bomb/settings.sqf in bomb folder where you can change internal settings of script.
_choices - array of choices to cut wires, more choices will have more colors to cut, default: red, green, blue
_explosion - change classname of explosion, possible values in comments
_matrix - show size of maxtrix with colors, default: big
_expertMultiplier - if expert is defusing bomb, unit will have more time to defuse bomb, default: 2 (time * 2x)
_disableAce3 - disable/enable ACE3 interaction menu
- friendly hint with instructions
- hint is showing only to defuser
- ace3 support
- JIP friendly
- multiplayer / dedicated server friendly
- easy installation
- plug & play system
- specialist have more time to defuse bomb
- custom time for specialist
- defusing bomb with ToolKit or DefusalKit
- random generation of matrix
- custom size of matrix
- custom choices (number of wires)
- beeping sound
- blinking light
- dialog for cutting wires
- cutting wires in right order
- when wrong cut, timer will accelerate
- "slippery hands" ( this is where I move toolkit from unit inventory and spawn it next to him, as he can't cut wires when he dont have toolkit)
- probability of second wiring ( first wiring is dummy )
- prevent attaching objects and sounds to object if class is not Land_MetalBarrel_F
- added new config parameter "_disableAce3" to disable ACE3 interaction menu
- reformat to functions
- added multiplayer / dedicated server support (tested)
- JIP friendly (tested)
- hint showing to only defuser (tested)
- battle-tested in real environment
- changed to "plug & play" system
- added settings.sqf file
- added readme.txt file for instructions
- cleaned code
- added ace3 support
- added customizable explosion size
- added customizable size of maxtrix
- added more wires (custom)
- specialist have more time to defuse bomb
- custom time for specialist (default 2x time)
- custom internal settings
- added documentation
- added simple mission for test
- public release
Use it for public, non monetized purposes only. If you have modifications, use pull request in git repo. Will revise/include them in script.
Do not incorporate this script or portions of it in monetized products or servers without asking for permission and obtaining approval from me!
Larrow - fix for c4 attachment
MILHAUS_CZ - testing JIP and DEDI
- please use issue tracker
- hint showing to every player
- not damaging player with ace3