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Everything posted by direone

  1. So guys i made these 2 new poses today :D As you can see (expecially in the second picture that i post) there is a problem with the leg due to the cunico's uniforms that is a different model from the standard one :/ but with the default uniforms the poses work with no problems
  2. DEVGRU operators conducting an operation to take alive an importat HVT affiliated with a most wanted war lord Advancing to the target hideout. Breaching into the HVT hideout. A sniper cover the squad from a near building. After some firefight into the building where the HVT hide the squad take him alive and bring him out. A suv is waiting outside the hideout to extract them.
  3. Yep mate i put it in the pack :P
  4. :D ahaha i'm really glad that you enjoy them mate! And many more poses will come in the future :P
  5. Just a small suggestion, to use the sitting poses with object that are already on the map use the attachTo command with a small object like a can like this for example: s1 (unit name) c1 (can name) s1 attachTo [c1,[0,0,0]] (0,0,0 are the x y z variable so play a bit around with them to find a good position for the unit :P)
  6. Soo here you go with the 1.3 version guys, i think that all is ok but if there is something wrong tell me :D https://www.dropbox.com/s/5l7pf8y54nqiji7/DIREONE%27s%20Static%20Animations%20Pack%20v1.3.rar?dl=0 Changelogs: -Added 21 new poses -Added a folder in the pack that contains pics of all the poses to simplify the research for a specific pose without entering the animations viewer
  7. Thanks a lot buddy! :D i have other poses but i don't have pics of them :/ they will be a surprise lol :P i'm working on the update right now,i just need a bit of time
  8. Here you go mate :P A new pointing pose The 3 poses in this pic are all new, for give more variety about walking poses :D
  9. So guys i think that this evening i can release an update :D i have some new poses for you :P
  10. Ehy mate, i see your last post on the OPX2 topic and you said that you will stop the project, but you will keep up this one? :) just for be sure that i'm not wrong Anyway your work is awesome bud! Your buildings have a lot of details on them, thanks for all your hard work! :D
  11. Also DEVGRU operators was deployed to tanoa
  12. direone

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    I think that it not look like something from COD In my opinion. It looks like more to a uniform for splinter cell conviction, except for the camo lol anyway i love it
  13. A DEVGRU marksman in Afghanistan DEVGRU operators and a MARSOC operator after a combined operation to take down a small group of weapons dealers that resupply the local militia in Tribal areas, Afghanistan DEVGRU and a GROM operator seize two suspects in iraq DEVGRU operators ready for extraction DEVGRU operators after the capture of an HVT in tribal areas, Afghanistan
  14. Guys i'm now working on some new poses! I'm sorry that i was away from the topic for a while but i was a bit busy :/ but i think i can release an update really soon :D Peace guys! And for you mate i checked the mod and there isn't the kick pose in the pack :/ i will put it in in the next update :P
  15. direone

    Design mastery weapons

    Take your time mate! We can wait for those sexy weapons! I hope that after the apex update we all can take a break from new update and all the modders can work with no problems on their works :D
  16. hmm...Good question mate, i'm updating the game now and as i have more than 50 animations now i don't remember the number of the door kick pose :S also for me i use a personal pack of poses so the blender file and the file in the pack that i released doesn't match :/ i will check as soon as the game is ready man or maybe someone can answer your question before i can check the game :D
  17. DEVGRU operators ready to breach The uniforms are a personal retexture made by me of the Khaki uniforms From Road Runner, Thanks a lot again mate for allowing me to make these retexture! :D
  18. direone

    "switchmove" does not work

    This is a problem mate, some animations works with the player other no, other animaitons instead stuck the player in a position after they are ended
  19. direone

    "switchmove" does not work

    Try this mate, put down two unit one as player and the other one as non playable unit, give a name to the non playable unit like s1 or whatever you want then use this command in a trigger or in the debug console: s1 switchMove "anim name"; s1 disableAI "anim" i made screenshots and i use animations a lot so i use always this command and it's works fine :D Also i see the video, it's ok the way you use but remember to use also the disableAI "anim" command like this: this switchMove "anim name"; this disableAI "anim"
  20. SWCC operators CAG operator in Afghanistan
  21. Guys the fact is, i can pick suggestion but this pack born for a pesonal need of mine, most of the animations are made for specific screenshots that i like to make, so there will not be any cerimonic animations as i don't need any of this type of poses and also because there are alredy some of those type of animations in game, sorry :/ And @Hate i can take into consideration the pose of the physical fight but i don't promisse you nothing mate as i don't really need a pose like that but could be cool