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Everything posted by kolmako

  1. kolmako

    Unlocked Uniforms

    does this mod work anymore? could have sworn i could wear 7 types of guerrilas shirts with this a month ago but now theres nothing?
  2. Such a great concept! Wish you all the best with the development
  3. kolmako

    US Military Mod

    looks great, cannot wait to try the equipment with my 1983 ranger unit.
  4. kolmako

    Ultra Simple Helicopter Request

    Parachute Request seems to spawn friendly reinforcements around 5km from my POS which can mean a 15-20 minute waiting time on arrival and even then some can die in the process of travel resulting in me to leave the AO to 'hook up' with them. if theres anyway to decrease this distance to 3km/2km as a min/max range, I think others would find this a useful change.
  5. kolmako

    Ultra Simple Helicopter Request

    Hey Mad_cheese, great mod! I really love it. some reason the default end didn't work for me, possibly because im on a laptop but using the DEL key does so if anyone is playing on laptop and having trouble, try DEL instead of END Ghosthawk camo works fine for extraction, i really love having parachute backup on operations. Huron does seem to spawn in water though. if you want a pilot to land, try telling them to disembark since theyre part of your group, if this doesn't work, you could try telling them to eject although a large explosion may follow.