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2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

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Everything posted by 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

  1. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    US Destroyer Ship (WIP)

    looks awesome man
  2. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    US Destroyer Ship (WIP)

    looking good man
  3. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    coming along nicely
  4. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    unable to replicate either spawning in as nato pilot with an empty F35A or spawning as player being the pilot of the F35A
  5. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    [WIP] HEMTT M1975 - Dry Support Bridge Vehicle

    oh hell yea this looks to be awesome
  6. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    aye it is very badass of a helo flown in a few in my time also who can argue with this being badass
  7. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    nice work folks also chairborne glad to see bi helping with the amphib vehicles
  8. raid love the work youve done with the mod have you considered including your M1A1 mod into this modpack for armored support ?
  9. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    [WIP] Parris Island

    hope this turns out as amazing as you hope man looking forward to seeing how it turns out
  10. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP]

    personally i do agree i personally love the thought of it and i do personally love how all the hard works the folks over at RHS as well as the USAF and the ACE3 crews have done to enhance the community and we here on the team hope to do the same
  11. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP]

    the marines still fly the EA-6B
  12. thanks for the hard work burns
  13. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP]

    nice cant wait im excited
  14. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    M1117 Guardian ASV [WIP]

    ah the good ole rhino bar
  15. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    M1117 Guardian ASV [WIP]

    awesome work cant wait to see how this turns out
  16. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    actually I had a question will there be a option to have the aircraft in the USAF pack be able to be called in as fire support in zeus/ares the like as of now I know only the default a3 planes and the rhs a-10 are usable but the idea of being able to call in a b-1 /b-2 or a ac-130 for fire support is quite appealing
  17. nice work love the progress with the loadout screens will this be cabable of carrier arrestment or is it only airfield landing capable
  18. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP]

    love the progress on the MH-60S the two horn like protusions on the nose are slanged fish eyes they look pretty similar to the ends of the hellfires the model is awesome appreciate the quick turn around are the mod team planning to do a non batwinged version because the MH-60S doenst normally mount the window mounted crew served guns when packing pylon mounted weapons reference the two images included in this post this is primarily due to backblast from the forward firing weapons (rockets/missles/and the occasional gun/cannon) these are just nervous ticks from a former maintainer on one of the MH-60s also on a side note MH-60S are typically fielded by "HSC" squadrons which atypically perform "gator" Search and rescue (by gator I mean amphibious ship LHD's and the like" as well as vertrep or vertical replenishment off of supply ships like T-AOE's
  19. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP]

    :P what can i say i spent a decade in the navy working on planes and helos :P ive been trying to help delta gamer with the LHD hes working on as well I sent him a photo of a cutaway of the bataan
  20. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP]

    hmm I think the VQI SpookWar mod has something like that pm sent on the 15th forums also on as side note theres a socom mkv mod which is early wip by ADSG and as for the H60 for the mod pack a slight rework on the h-60 in the USAF pack with m-240s and a retexture would be a passible for the MH60S now if you were going to have the batwing ess pylons however If your doing a SH-60B I worked on those in japan but the SH-60B/MH-60F/ and the HH-60H have all been replaced by either the MH-60S or the MH-60Rc
  21. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP]

    Turtle when you get to working on the EA-18G lemme know ive worked on both the EA-6B prowler and the newer EA-18G
  22. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    USMC Aircraft (AV8B/AH1/UH1)

    awesome work on the rotor tip lights had a question is there a way to spawn the mv-22 in the editor with it packed ? also did the AH-1z and uh-1y have the ability spawn in with "packed" folded rotors I noticed that the RHS team has implemented a way to do it in the virtual garage but Ive always thought it would be cool to start off a mission with a full flight deck of aircraft and helo's some not in use but folded packed away
  23. 2ndLt Schneider-Wiss

    US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP]

    this is going to be awesome