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Everything posted by DSabre

  1. DSabre

    CO_pilot setup for ARMA 3

    Hard to find info about this. I have a half working copilot setup here. Maybe it's useful for someone. Don't want to get this lost so here it is: One problem I have is a weird boarding issue in MP with other players. Sometimes they get stuck till the other person gets out. Not sure if related to my config: It includes a copilot and 2 Door gunners (FFV). It is from my An-2 First you inherit the classes of course: class CfgVehicles { class Air; class Plane: Air { class NewTurret; class Sounds; class AnimationSources; class HitPoints { class HitHull; }; }; then you start your own plane: class sab_an2_BASE : Plane { displayName = "sab_An2"; model = "\sab_an2\an2.p3d"; icon = "sab_an2\data\icon_an2_ca.paa"; picture = "sab_an2\data\picture_an2_ca.paa"; mapSize = 20; hasGunner = true; // test v 091 fuelCapacity = 800; hascommander = false; // ? startEngine = true; gearRetracting = false; fov = 0.7; cabinOpening = false; driverCompartments = "Compartment1"; cargoCompartments[] = {"Compartment1"}; driverAction = "driver_Truck_02"; crew = "C_man_shorts_2_F"; // pilot + copilot + gunners *************************** driverIsCommander = true; ejectDeadDriver = true; hideWeaponsDriver = true; hideWeaponsCargo = false; memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver"; memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos driver dir"; driverLeftHandAnimName = "stick_pilot"; driverRightHandAnimName = "stick_pilot"; driverLeftLegAnimName = "pedal1"; driverRightLegAnimName = "pedal1"; class Turrets { // Copilot and Door Gunner Turrets - door gunner shouldn't be able to take control. Don't know how to prevent this : ( class MainTurret : NewTurret { // copilot commanding = -1; gunnerName = "Co-Pilot"; gunnerCompartments = "Compartment1"; gunnerUsesPilotView = true; primaryGunner = 0; proxyIndex = 1; memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir"; gunnergetinaction = "GetInLow"; gunnergetoutaction = "GetOutHigh"; caneject = 1; weapons[] = {}; magazines[] = {}; gunnerForceOptics = false; gunnerAction = "driver_Truck_02"; gunnerlefthandanimname = "stick_pilot_2"; gunnerrighthandanimname = "stick_pilot_2"; gunnerLeftLegAnimName = "pedal2"; gunnerRightLegAnimName = "pedal2"; minElev = -60; maxElev = 10; initElev = 0; minTurn = -70; maxTurn = 70; initTurn = 0; ejectDeadGunner = 1; }; class GunnerTurret : NewTurret { // door seat enableCopilot = false; commanding = -2; gunnerName = "Door seat 1"; gunnerCompartments = "Compartment1"; gunnerUsesPilotView = false; gunnerAction = "passenger_bench_1"; primaryGunner = 0; proxyIndex = 2; memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir"; gunnergetinaction = "GetInLow"; gunnergetoutaction = "GetOutHigh"; caneject = 1; weapons[] = {}; magazines[] = {}; gunnerForceOptics = false; ejectDeadGunner = 1; isPersonTurret = 1; // enable FFV minElev = -60; maxElev = 10; initElev = 0; minTurn = -70; maxTurn = 70; initTurn = 0; class ViewPilot : ViewPilot { initFov = 1; minFov = 0.3; maxFov = 1.2; initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -75; maxAngleX = 85; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -170; maxAngleY = 170; minMoveX = -0.2; maxMoveX = 0.2; minMoveY = -0.025; maxMoveY = 0.1; minMoveZ = -0.2; maxMoveZ = 0.2; }; }; class GunnerTurret2 : NewTurret { // door seat enableCopilot = false; commanding = -3; gunnerName = "Door Seat 2"; gunnerCompartments = "Compartment1"; gunnerUsesPilotView = false; gunnerAction = "passenger_bench_1"; primaryGunner = 0; proxyIndex = 3; memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir"; gunnergetinaction = "GetInLow"; gunnergetoutaction = "GetOutHigh"; caneject = 1; weapons[] = {}; magazines[] = {}; gunnerForceOptics = false; ejectDeadGunner = 1; isPersonTurret = 1; // enable FFV minElev = -60; maxElev = 10; initElev = 0; minTurn = -70; maxTurn = 70; initTurn = 0; class ViewPilot : ViewPilot { initFov = 1; minFov = 0.3; maxFov = 1.2; initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -75; maxAngleX = 85; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -170; maxAngleY = 170; minMoveX = -0.2; maxMoveX = 0.2; minMoveY = -0.025; maxMoveY = 0.1; minMoveZ = -0.2; maxMoveZ = 0.2; }; }; }; then comes all the other stuff. Proxies are pilot.001, gunner.001, gunner.002, gunner.003 if anyone knows how to prevent door gunners from being able to take control or solve my mp boarding issue I'd be grateful. Hope this helps other people even with the faulty state it may be in : )
  2. DSabre

    Antonov An-2

    Thank you - you are welcome. My suggestion is to make a mission with a few friends where you circle your targets AC-130 style. I will try to add some excitement to it with adjusting the Fire LOD, so that grenades you try to throw out may get stuck inside the plane : )
  3. DSabre

    Sukhoi Su-34

    well you don't have to wait. Send me a pm and you can join the alpha test : )
  4. DSabre

    Lockheed C-130

    first attempt and also first successful attempt to land the XFC-130H in a soccer stadium: DarkSideSixOfficial : )
  5. Hi Saul, Hi John, First of, awesome job you're doing there. I am doing my best trying to port the SU-34 right now. I' d like to make it fit in with your SU-35 or at least to try not make it look not too shabby when they fly together. What I am missing right now is a hex pattern template. My pattern is really awful and I am not good at making it good enough for my plane to sit next to yours :D Do you have a hex pattern template I could use maybe? Something like this but with what you used for the SU? At first glance it looks okish, but if you look closer you see that my texture is "washed out" and not sharp : ( (more pics of my SU in my signatures link) PS: would highly appreciate if someone could testfly both and comment on how I should adjust my plane to match the SU-35 better.
  6. DSabre

    Lockheed C-130

    @Baconide: Just ask him. You can also take part together in the alpha test and decide if you want to submit your textures or not after testing All the others here: Alpha Testing now open, send me a pm if you want to take part
  7. DSabre

    Sukhoi Su-34

    Alpha Testing now open, send me a pm if you want to take part
  8. DSabre

    Sukhoi Su-34

    good idea Przemo, will as soon as theother stuff works. Thanks Darkside, I think you just made the coverpic for this mod : )
  9. I hear you, I hear you, same situation for me and my stuff : )
  10. I found some interesting thoughts in a thread about the fatigue system. Someone there stated how he hates it that if you're suddenly shot at but you' re fatigued already your guy will just slowly walk to take cover instead of sprinting no matter how tired/overburdened. Would it be possible to simulate an adrenalin surge and disable the fatigue system initially when twitched/supressed? So to make it possible to sprint to cover? Anyway, all of your addons are a great additon. Many thanks!
  11. DSabre

    Sukhoi Su-34

    I agree. Sometimes I think flying went better in OA. At least my An2 flies nicely. But as soon you go a bit faster you really notice. A few quick texture tests:
  12. DSabre

    Sukhoi Su-34

    woaa but that thing is pretty cool. And I should be able to do that, I like monochrome nonpattern stuff. I will totally try that later !!! My oh my, so many weapons :S - had I known before... Can we pretend that whoever is operating this had no money left for weapons? like aaf or something. I'll try my best. I'll start with a combat air patrol as you said with 2 Short Air-to-Air Missles and 2 Medium Air-to-Air Missles. Then a simple CAS for starters with a few bombs. That other thing we will keep for later : ) @Xhunter33 yea good idea with the Neophron hex pattern. Anyone want to volunteer to make it : )?
  13. DSabre

    Sukhoi Su-34

    Hehe hope you like it. Since you put this in motion, any suggestions about what kind of loadout I should use? I am a bit confused about the A3 weapons, or any at that. I want to make an AA and a CAS layout for the start. Keeping it simple till I understand what I am doing.
  14. DSabre

    Lockheed C-130

    @ Baconide: you mean that thing between the engines? Somewhat like this just without the Shrike rocket engines in this pic? Can do. What do you want with it? 4 blade Prop or 6 blade? Do you have any Camo/texture I can put on it? Playing around with the Firing from Vehicles, works just fine : ) ***
  15. DSabre

    Mine Detector

    Thank you, just what my mine clearers in my civilian units addon needed : )
  16. DSabre

    Lockheed C-130

    @ Goblin https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_2_Sample_Models - I think that's where I got them from. A2 wouldn't help you as the models in there are binarized. So you're not missing out there. I will release the source code of the standard C130J from this addon to whoever wants to use it. Just send a pm. You can have it! It can fly already, most of the features that worked in OA work already with the exception of the hud and the mfd backlight. I will delete the floatplane part tho, till I have permission from Gnat to share his idea how to make it work. @Defunkt Thank you and thanks for the link - Yes I did have a look at that thread a while ago - especially where they mentioned JATO and Flannels Jato script. His effects are much nicer than my old Jato script, I like it a lot! I see, Sakura_Chan actually offered it out for someome to take over, I had missed that. Let's hope he can continue on it sometime - or someone with more time and knowledge than me can take over - the MV22 looks so awesome too. Right now I am positive I can make everything work I want to include by myself. My AN-2 port teached me all of what I want to know right now. I also fixed the wheels poking through the body. That drove me so MAD in A2:OA :S It took me 5 minutes... just had to tilt the angle of the gear axis and make a new one for the other side...and we had to put up with it for years :S You can expect about the same features as my AN-2 such as working Copilot, Firing from Vehicles, Lights, Instruments, extended TrackIR support thanks to Feint, landing on water thanks to Gnat, Moving Pilot Controls - I do know how to meanwhile :) , etc. you will of course have all the bugs too till someone tells me how to fix them : ) Yea Firing from Vehicles. I will add 2 sitting positions close to the ramp and you may use your handgun from there. You will also be able to control the plane from there till I figure out how to block that :D But future, who knows, maybe those guys fly the plane with their mobile phones...
  17. DSabre

    Lockheed C-130

    Thank you! Hehe, not really : ) When I manage to finish my XFC-130H variant and made some nicer floats for the floatplane I will concentrate on an L100 Airliner and a Firefighter version. Stealth version of the XFC-130 would be wicked tho and actually make sense! I lack the necessary remodeling skills to pull that off sadly. I am totally amazed by Saul and John Spartans F18 Black Wasp. Its such high quality. Something like that would be so awesome really : ) btw I am looking for alpha testers. Anyone interested in piloting these planes send me a pm!
  18. DSabre

    Lockheed C-130

    Well with the An-2 working so nicely on water thanks to Gnat - I googled if anyone had ever made an amphibian version of the C130. Turns out there were plans both for a floatplane with field installable amphibian floats and a fully redesigned version as C130 Flying Boat. No one asked for it but yet here it is :D
  19. DSabre

    Civilian UAV

    Changed 3rd person cam position. Think it's better this way. Update 0.5 @Fox/Six Again I apologize for this quick update cycle - sorry .D Yesterday I had no idea I could fix these things! changelog: v 0.5 Zeus compability removed unecessary extra faction changed skins (still ultra simple :)) added some ugvs further improved config.cpp changed 3rd person camera on the uav Download 0.5 ***
  20. DSabre

    Antonov An-2

    UPDATE V 0.9 I won't put up the changelog here, it's too long : ) Among other things we now have: -Firing from Vehicles -Seaplane working in SP, partially on MP dedicated (50/50 chance of surviving : )) -more Instruments -working control wheel/stick -flight model changed (after I saw a youtube vid of An-2 making loopings, turns, etc) -copilot, can take controls -fully automatic Zeus compability -door animation ... Issues: Door Gunner can take control of plane?! No idea how to prevent it - Help welcome Plane can fly backwards, reminds me of dragons in skyrim at lauch - still working on the flight model Weird Issues with boarding plane together in MP or with AI Special credits for this version: Gnat for helping me with the Seaplane!!! So much appreciated - Thank you so much! Download: Version 0.9 @Accuracy Yes, armed version included. ***
  21. DSabre

    Civilian UAV

    Thank you, Actually I was just struck by some accidental insight. I finally understand why my addons won't work in Zeus automatically and I found the proper civilian vehicle classes for the objects. Next Update will include full automatic Zeus compability (should then work in the popular Steam Zeus missions from Sasha)! Expect it sometime soonish config.cpp for the interested: key for making it work in Zeus was requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F_ItemHolders", "A3_UAV_F_Weapons_F_Gamma_Ammoboxes", "A3_Air_F", "A3_Characters_F_Gamma", "A3_Weapons_F", "A3_Weapons_F_Beta_Ammoboxes"};(not sure if all of these are needed as reference) and removing custom faction class.
  22. DSabre

    UN 2030

    Thanks guys!
  23. DSabre

    Civilian UAV

    Thankies both of you!!