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Everything posted by DSabre

  1. Hi Community, I am somehow unable to strip a MQ4A Greyhawk of it's weapons without destroying the turret/camera. What I want is a MQ4A Greyhawk with a pilot and a gunner without weapons. The gunner should only be able to use the camera or the laserpointer. Is anyone able to help me? I failed to find any related issue that would help me. my current config will strip it off its weapons but mess up the turret at the same time. Both pilot and gunner will be a pilot with this config : ( None has access to the camera/turret. I guess I am making a mistake with inheriting the turret class. class UAV_02_base_F; // External class reference class sab_UAV_02_CAS_base_F : UAV_02_base_F { class Turrets; class MainTurret; displayName = "UN UAV base 1"; weapons[] = {"CMFlareLauncher"}; magazines[] = {"240Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"}; class sabTurrets : Turrets { class sabMainTurret : MainTurret { weapons[] = {"Laserdesignator_mounted"}; magazines[] = {"Laserbatteries"}; }; }; }; Any help welcome. Thank you!
  2. yea I am really not in the mood to fix it to be honest since I kind of expect the next update to break a lot more. I might wait for that and then try to fix it all in one go instead of slaving away on problems after each consecutive update.
  3. that would be awesome. with the number of planes I have to maintain this would make it a lot easier : D many thanks for considering it!
  4. DSabre

    Flying Circus

    I forgot to add: you can change the Brisfits liveries in eden editor: I will adapt this feature for most of my planes to reduce some editor clutter. Probably once we have that new jet dlc loadout thing
  5. wow, this is jaw dropping - respect!
  6. DSabre

    Flying Circus

    V 1.3 added Brisfit added Hansa Brandenburg W.29 Both are work in progress of course
  7. DSabre


    update 0.7 - fixed the 0.68 arsenal issue - added some liveries - messed with tripod geo lod - optional units (c-130, su-34, an-12)
  8. Hi Lesh, what is the simplest way I can make my aircraft compatible? Can I add a point in my memory LOD instead of measuring offsets : ) ?
  9. DSabre


    A few more textures going to be updated in a while. added vtol function to the jets : )
  10. forgot to add. i can only launch buldozer from the install directory. if I use the default setup it won't launch
  11. DSabre

    Civil Aviation

    the points are defined and it did work up to the last time I flew it. I can check what Tetet suggested, only thing I can think of... My points were about 1m to 50cm above ground. I lowered them and now it works again. Thx Tetet. Of course I still get this in the log which I get since day 1: 16:54:42 In Vehicle: sab_robindr400\robindr400.p3d missing driver get in direction point 16:54:42 In Vehicle: sab_robindr400\robindr400.p3d missing driver get in direction point 16:54:42 In Vehicle: sab_robindr400\robindr400.p3d missing driver get in direction point... those updates and changes of rules sure keep us busy (meanwhile I found out that this error comes not from a missing get in point, but instead from if there is more than one point. Also BIS had removed the default getinradius value for the base plane class. So now we have to define it again for our planes. It can not be inherited anymore. Use someting like getinradius=5;)
  12. DSabre


    I actually saw one land on an airport I was passing today. It flew directly over me just seconds before touching down. Well not the AEW version but still, what is the chance for that : D I have made the livery in celebration of this event and will add it into my addon sometime, you can have it too of couse. It's flashy green so probably wont fit in here though : ) btw, really liking that livery with the black belly. looks neat.
  13. that is good for fixing the paths : ) - thx, i had the p: in my paths for a few weeks and did not know why. very annoying to remove manually. didn't fix my texture/mat issue though. I will try delete and reinstall the whole thing
  14. aye, mine didn't show rvmats for a while now. I have updated. now textures are gone too : O
  15. DSabre

    Sukhoi Su-34

    I might make some new skins for it actually, not sure about plaaf. you have any examples? feel free to make textures yourself btw, I can add them to the addon,
  16. DSabre

    Flying Circus

    small update
  17. Looking very good. Really nice work! Love the vehicles
  18. DSabre

    Civil Aviation

    All the points are there and defined in model and in config. You can actually get in and out. Nothing I know of that I can do about those messages (meanwhile found out this error comes from defining those points not once only but twice or more)
  19. DSabre

    APL C-130

    That's good! Thank you
  20. I didn't make the Hellcat, just converted it. All the released models here have been made by Helijah : ) You can see what I am working on in my threads or steam screenshots. nothing else is planned.
  21. not on my list. Quite busy with other things
  22. DSabre

    Flying Circus

    Hansa Brandenburg - the new version is coming along nicely. Time to do the uvmapping and the interior
  23. Avia 534 - work in progress. Had to redo the fuselage. Now I can concentrate on the interior and the textures/uvmapping.
  24. DSabre

    Flying Circus

    v1.25 I have added the balloons and hangars and things directly to this addon. Also added a Junkers J7 (basically a 1 seater smaller version of the CL.I)