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Everything posted by erem2k

  1. Made a simple template for Spearhead's CDLC US wool shirt - upper part of "U_SPE_US_CC_EM", "U_SPE_US_CC_EM_trop", etc. - that was not included in the sample templates on wiki page. Enjoy! https://mega.nz/file/VF1ViS6b#BH2JMXU09-iGF6KmNPNrloUcbNYGOkMI41cqR7EnXmU
  2. Hello there guys, I've been scrolling trough Arma 3 Beta screens and found Ghosthawk in day "dazzle" camo pattern which was actually added with 27.06.2013 update. Does anyone happen to still have this beta build (0.71.106998) on the disk or even the mentioned texture? I was looking for it ages and still couldn't find it. It seems that texture existed in game files roughly for a month since the update and then got removed for unknown reasons (0.71.108127 is the last version I can track it's existence to). Real shame seeing such magnificent piece of work going away :c Screenshots: This camo also makes apperarance in Dslyexci's TTP3; SwissMaverick mentioned and showed it in his review "What's New in Arma 3 - Ep. #5", if that helps in any way
  3. @Opsixdelta Isn't it that mod you're talking about? It did come out during A3 Beta but it's textures have their own custom pattern unfortunately
  4. CTRG Mod camo for this heli indeed does look similar, but it is a bit darker and has slightly smaller-sized elements in it, which does, no offense to author, look a bit out of place
  5. Alright, thanks a lot for your help!
  6. Hello there, I've been messing around with Hunter's 40mm GMG and got idea of adding smoke rounds as an additional magazine. However, GMG doesn't fire when custom magazine is loaded - according to the .rpt, "Unknown ammo used.". Wasn't ammo declared in cfgAmmo already? Gargh, here's the ammo-magazine-weapons parth of the config. Thanks in advance, guys! class cfgAmmo { class G_40mm_Smoke; }; class cfgMagazines { class 200Rnd_40mm_G_belt; class 50Rnd_40mm_Smoke_Cbelt: 200Rnd_40mm_G_belt { displayName = "50Rnd 40mm Smoke"; ammo = "G_40mm_Smoke"; displayNameShort = "Smoke"; count = 50; }; }; class cfgWeapons { class GMG_40mm; class Special_GMG_40mm: GMG_40mm { scope = 1; displayName = "$STR_A3_GMG_40mm0"; magazines[] = { "200Rnd_40mm_G_belt", "96Rnd_40mm_G_belt", "64Rnd_40mm_G_belt", "32Rnd_40mm_G_belt", "50Rnd_40mm_Smoke_Cbelt" }; }; };
  7. I did some experiments, timeTolive seems to be specified in seconds - default smoke has timeTolive=60. explosionTime looks like initial amount of time before grenade goes off after throw - but that still leaves fuseDistance.
  8. G_40mm_Smoke is based upon SmokeShell class, and the only difference between them is a model. Investigating further into SmokeShell class, it has the same effectsSmoke = "SmokeShellWhite" inside. However, I've noticed a couple of interesting things that may be pertaining to grenade's lifetime - timeToLive, fuseDistance and explosionTime. Could someone give any insight on what these parameters regulate? No idea how to make smoke thicker though
  9. Thanks for that, it finally worked, however, is there any way to make smoke thicker and increase it's lifetime? ~20 second smoke isn't really useful for calling in CAS, y'know. Main idea is to make projectile act similar to UGL 40mm smoke grenade
  10. erem2k

    FLIR for Little Bird Copilot

    Not mean to hjack thread or something, but there are guys working on Mission Enchanced Littlebird - if you're still interested in making your own AH/MH-6, you could probably think of grouping up with them. And yes, they have FLIR in plans too.
  11. erem2k

    FLIR for Little Bird Copilot

    If you don't really mind about cosmetics, you can use external script to add FLIR-ish system to your chopper. I had same intention and I've used TGP script - it basically attaches AR-2 UAV to chopper's underbelly. Worked like a charm
  12. Alright, thanks a lot mate. How did ROF work in Arma 2 anyways, wasn't it tied to frames like it is now in A3?
  13. Hello there, I'm trying to add second, higher ROF firemode for Pawnee's M134 minigun by creating weapon class based on M134_minigun. If I'm trying to edit default firing mode class in new weapon, it only allows to shoot in semiauto mode - and if I'm trying to create a new class, getting "no base class defined" - even though mentioned base class exists in the inherited weapon's (M134_minigun) config. class M134_minigun; class M134_minigun_modROF: M134_minigun { modes[]= { "HighROF", "LowROF", "VHighROF", "close", "short", "medium", "far" }; class VHighROF: HighROF { reloadTime=0.014999999; }; };
  14. erem2k

    [MP] Wasteland VISHERA

    That sounds really awesome mate, at least some difference from other wastelands, downloading now
  15. Hello mates, Ran into problem while using Tophe's Vehicle respawn script. Got a Hellcat on the base with .paa texture strapped on it. Hellcat's init: _m = [this,60,300,0,false,false,"this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"\media\skins\blackcats.paa"]"] execVM "scripts\vehicle\monitor.sqf"; The problem is, though that texture is loaded and displayed on the vehicle just fine after initial spawn, after-respawn texture re-sets to the default one, despite init field being properly set up. Remarkable, that after I tried to execute (vehicle player) setObjectTexture [0,"\media\skins\blackcats.paa"]; trough server console while being mounted in the vehicle, console returned "Picture \media\skins\blackcats.paa not found". I tried doing it another way - setting up on-respawn init as "execVM scripts\vehicle\paint\hellcat.sqf", when hellcat.sqf contained basically the same setObjectTextureGlobal command with the same texture path - that didn't really work out either. Any clues where it had gone wrong?
  16. erem2k

    Help whit sound update.

    All weapon parameters are stored in cfgWeapons class under corresponding weapon classname - same applies to sounds. Looking at your config right now, I can't see, at least from mobile mode, any class cfgWeapons, what means that your chopper uses guns declared and stored either in another mod or config - this means that you'll have to find where the weapon configs are stored manually and edit them according to these notes:https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Weapon_Config_Guidelines#Muzzle_accessories EDIT: I see the external class reference - adf_mi24_base or something like that in the config and that all your chopper classes are based upon this external class - considering that your helos don't have any weapons added on top of the base class, they'll be using guns from the base adf_mi24_base - you'll have to fix gun sounds in this class in order to make them work on your choppers
  17. Hello folks, I'm here with another audio-themed question. Music (sound) is broadcasted by a object using Say3D command - and I need to find a way to stop broadcast using user's action (addAction, strapped to same object). I heard about attaching Game Logic object to the sound-broadcasting object and killing Logic as soon as user needs to stop playing music - is it possible in any way?
  18. Err, I did a sound file containing no sound, declared it properly and made simple switch with it - still nothing, sound continues playing. I think approach with game logic will work - but how to spawn it (trough createVehicle or createUnit)?
  19. erem2k


    Indeed, welcome to biki https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setFatigue https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getFatigue
  20. erem2k


    I've never worked with stamina, but I think you'll find clues at the method ShackTac Stamina bar employs to read it, because if you can read it, you'll be probably able to modify it the same way
  21. Long one, apparently (music track is played). Game logic is spawned and deleted the way regular units are spawned (and deleted, obviously), right?
  22. Yup, sound dies, but with "Sound not found" - I'd want to make something more error-notification-free
  23. These changes... Thanks a lot!
  24. Hmm, any idea where examples of unguided rocket pods system can be found (like on Neophron, Kajman etc.)? I got really lost while trying to configure unguided rocket launch and flight sounds