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Everything posted by kbbw123

  1. kbbw123

    $13 billion warship is first of its kind

    so.... isn't this just a bit streched out nimitz class carrier??
  2. the way we did it was to place a marker around the are of the house. next there is a list of coding to do ;) _House = "Markername"; // the place the script will start to look for the building _thishousepos = getmarkerpos _House; // this is done so that we can use multiple buildings with a diffrent script that have divvrent markers on them bit more complicated _Building = _thishousepos nearestobject "Land_i_Shop_02_V1_F"; // this tells the script what building it is its lookig for /* now in order to get everything right you will have to do the following to every object.*/ _item1 = "itemclass name or unit classname" createvehicle _thishousepos; _offset = [0,0,0]; //depending where you want it if you have all the items and offsets allready ready would say make a massive array shomwhere annd call them from there _Itempos = _building modeltoworld _offset; _item1 setpos _Itempos; _item1 setdir getdir _building+10; //direction. number depends where you want it directing to hope this helps
  3. this sounds as a jip problem. unfortunatly i suck at jip meself........
  4. kbbw123

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    I think i also saw something that had china and blue see project or something like that...... Might be the main target for this iland crazy chinees WMD's or something alike
  5. kbbw123

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    you can still do shit loads of NAvy seal stuf. Hostage search and rescue, assasnation missions, and if you want full jungle combat you can always come up with a fictional war between the factions
  6. kbbw123

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    You won't see shit xD no Seriously jus play unsung the nights are horrible you can't see anything :P
  7. kbbw123

    Countermeasures need an overhaul.

    afaik CM's in reallife only give a chance of the missile going for them in stead of you. yet if the CM are sucesfull and the missile has lost his lock on you it will fly in a straight line. if you follow the same course as you where befor you will definetly get hit by the missle even whitout the lock. if you have a missile lock move sideways and drop CM's there is a higher chance opf the missle missing you then.
  8. Working on it when i have a fix for you I'll post it ;)
  9. Okay you will have to do it like this out of my head: If (!isDedicated) then { if (player == "B_Soldier_SL_F") then {[vabox,["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam","U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt","Rangefinder","MineDetector"]] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo}; }; put an ammobox called vabox and that should be it. there is no need to put a call bis_fnc_arsenal as the 4th parameter of the addVirtualItemCargo enables a addaction to the box by default. when putting in open,false you will clear the box again after it loaded the whitelisted stuf.
  10. you don't need the addaction. the 4th parameter of the addVirtualItem cargo is the addaction and is by defaukt true. if you pt an addaction with open,true than you wil whipe the VA clean again after you filled it up basicly
  11. Well you can black/whitelist the arsenal https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arsenal After that you just have to put it so that it recognizes the class names of the soldiers and loads the specifick gear maybe like this: if (player == "B_Soldier_AT_F") then {bis functions with the array of gear here} something like this i think. might be more briliant scripters here that would find a better way
  12. kbbw123

    Getting kicked off every server

    Easiest solution for A3 is to use the A3 Launcher from bis. implement the game foder as where it should look for the mods and tick/untick the ones you want/don't want. if you wanna run compleet vanilla you just make sure you have no mods ticked and of you go pure vanilla game.
  13. Also note that will hold public trainings from time to time on servers like the BafX and Unsung. these are the days we ussually get the missions completly full so if your interested keep or forums in the eye and our di will post something about it ;)
  14. kbbw123

    [WIP] Halo Covenant

    na mate set the material to the same as the VR Entity's thats what he means. if i remember correct you either set the material in the config ot you have to put it in the model... some much more experienced modders than myself might give the awnser to that...
  15. kbbw123

    The Witcher 3

    I have no clue what people are talking about.... I can only play at standard with my GPU but it allready looks frikking amazing....the lightning and forest all beautifull
  16. OOOoooooh I would love to know what you wouldcome up with with the campaing I'm stuc with because that is what I'm mostly getting stuck at...... I'll send you a PM this weekend (atm through the week I'm to busy with work) about what i allready have (Charecter wise ect.) Cheers!
  17. kbbw123

    Armata T-14 WIP

    yes, our modeller had to redo the whole model to make it more HQ. we are also in a fit because we have noone to texture it. once we have a texturer we can continue with the rest
  18. you don't have the model in the unit. put the model path in the unit aswell so the uniform you created knows how to look
  19. Have you validated your game? It happens quite often that a steam update is somehow corrupted anf you have to validate your files to fix it
  20. kbbw123

    Personal Insignia Extension

    This is awesome! quick question how is it linked? can it be done over the .xml or do you have to put custom insignia's in a PBO and define them and have them called somewhere?
  21. kbbw123

    this needs a fix

    You do know they don't work on OA that much anymore right? they will release a fix patch and thats it.....
  22. kbbw123

    Virtual Arsenal for AI in MP

    Nope thats not possible. even if you executed it on an AI it won't be of use because AI can't pick their laodout in Arsenal. the go from either config gear or scripted gear but not a selection system like arsenal (EXcept for zeus ofcoarse) you can however create a gear yourself and script that onto them.
  23. kbbw123

    Chernarus Plus as DLC for ArmA3?

    current DayZSA Eula soes not allow for the Cherno plus or any other DayZSA Material whiting any other game including ArmA for this to happen they would have to Redo there complete Eula to a point where it is possible for Non Devs to use material of DayZSA for commercial and modding use
  24. .... So there studio is a vaction villa with an awesome lake behind it? so..... bis..... when are you starting to get the community over for a massive Lan Party around the lake?
  25. put in baseWeapon = "<weapon classname>"; That will put it in the arsenal. Inhereting a other MX whitout this will use the default the inheretet one. meaning that it will either stay the MX black or puts it in the custom arsenal even when you put in your own classname