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About Pakislav

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    Private First Class

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  1. This is the greatest reskin out there. But I really wish it was a replacement pack for vanilla units, so that it worked with missions made without it, and so that missions made with it worked without it also. If you are really planning to add weapons textures and more vehicles to the mix... That is gonna be AMAAAAAAAAZZZIIING. :D
  2. I've done a few tests too. Sometimes the SL remains stationary while the team moves up, but that's as far as strange immobility goes. I've also realized, that bCombat seems to work much better with AGM. Only after I tested it without AGM I found out the true meaning of "mass" surrender of AI. With AGM it's normal, AI surrenders after a prolonged firefight and suffering heavy losses. The horrible(90 degrees below their barrels) accuracy of MG'ers, I have found, was caused by my low accuracy settings for that difficulty level and high suppression. Quick question; Does bCombat utilizes waypoint issuing? Eg, to investigate distant disturbance or to withdraw away from the enemy, if not other orders are given?
  3. First of all, I have to say this mod is amazing. AI behavior is the most realistic of all mods I tested. They go for cover, engage properly and advance on enemy units. They are a lot less static, don't just sit in the open and thus appear a lot less dumb in comparison with other AI out there. The big issue currently seems to be the base Arma 3 changes mentioned. After a short firefight the AI, sometimes all of them, sometimes just one side, either mass surrenders or starts shooting the ground directly in front of them. The latter applies especially to machinegunners, who stirr the dust in an arc directly in front of their feet. Authentic Gameplay Modification (AGM) I'm using might affect this, but it only changes base Arma 3 settings without the use of any scripts. All in all, I believe there should be a setting that caps how low the morale/accuracy skill can drop for AI. Even the most cowardly soldier wouldn't shoot that inaccurately and instead either stop shooting and hide, run away or surrender. It would also be great if the mod took into account the morale of entire squad as opposed to just single units so that the leader can decide to withdraw in a more coherent fashion with all troops under his command to regroup and replenish morale. It would really add a lot to the game I think, increasing AI survivability. Otherwise they just break and get easily killed one by one, which is unrealistic and too easy. ;p PS; Is it recommended to play this mod with AI accuracy set to 100% in the difficulty settings? The higher it is the longer the machinegunners seem to shoot more or less straight.
  4. Pakislav

    East Static Weapons Pack

    I can't find western static weapons anywhere? They aren't available in under any faction neither in the editor nor zeus.
  5. Problem: All sites direct me to a zip file that doesn't have an @folder as described in installation instructions. Are we supposed to create that folder or is that just the select files required for a hotfix?
  6. Why isn't ACRE using Mumble... haven't had such a mindfuck with software before. Right now, after hours of trying to get it to work, TS decided to make me completely inaudible to my friend. My icon flashes, in tests I can hear myself and TS moves the bar, but he can't hear me. Also keyboard hotkeys refuse to work. Lil Feedback: When ACRE plugin is present keyboard hotkeys for TS do not work and can not be set. When its moved out of the folder it's fine.
  7. I have a quick question about TS server; Do we need to do anything with it, install some files there, select ports or anything? Or is just the TS client plugin and Arma 3 addon that's needed?
  8. Pakislav

    Farooq's Revive

    This is a great script, does pretty much exactly what I want it to. But I have two problems with it. 1.) When a Zeus-controlled player character dies (suicide/bleedout) he looses his ability to go into Zeus interface, despite it being set to logged-in admin. 2.) On death the players loose their gear, but it's easy to amend since bootcamp, though I have no possibility of restricting players to given class, unfortunately.
  9. Pakislav

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Oh... so that's what these files... were. I did think they could be... but they were ten-fold smaller than the mission.sqm. And my judgement was clouded by negative emotions. Unfortunately they are no more, as I hoped removing everything LEA-related would possibly fix it. Let that be a lesson to remain cool-headed in dire situations! I can provide you with the broken mission.sqm file, but it'll probably be of little help after I had tampered with it, trying to salvage something. I was also using CBA and MCC during mission making. PS: What are your thoughts about the Armory from Bootcamp update? It seems to cover the most important basics of LEA functionality.
  10. Pakislav

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Just wanted to whine to somebody, that an auto-backup would be EXTREMELY useful for this tool. Whole weeks work with little sleep went down the drain due to LEA cutting the mission file in half. No, I will not tell you just how angry I am right now.
  11. Pakislav

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Could someone kindly explain to me how to use LEA to allow players to select a loadout from the menu on respawn?
  12. Pakislav

    How is multiplayer/coop saves working out?

    It's possible to resume a multiplayer mission. Except. Few things need to be met: 1.) The mission must be saved as sqm user-made mission. Can't be exported as a multiplayer .pbo mission. 2.) It has to be run from the game itself, not a dedicated server. As in you go to multiplayer, press 'host new', select the given mission and press "resume".
  13. I have two problems; 1.) Mission list is empty. I even copied all the missions from documents to the folder in root Arma3 directory. 2.) I can see my server on lan, but it doesn't show in internet in the browser and nobody can connect. I have forwarded ports 2302:2305, 27016 and 8766 in my routers settings. //Scratch this. Apparently I had to forward them as UDP, not TCP. ^^' Any suggestions? :/