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Everything posted by onlybone

  1. onlybone

    Feedback Thread

    First: this ^. Second: maybe think about giving each side a unique set of weapons, because it can be quite hard to differentiate between a friendly or enemy firing. Third: change the color of the font in the lobby to a more readable one, right now its nearly white on white.
  2. onlybone

    Terrain "Pecher"

    Hey man, great work so far, I really enjoy your map. There is one thing tho that seems off to me. The biggest building in the city seems to give no visual cover against AI. If you place them even 150m away and you run up the stairs, they somehow detect you and begin to open fire, would really like to see that fixed, as it renders the building useless for sniper missions etc.
  3. The downloadlink is down, would be great if you provide a fixed one :)
  4. Hello, im currently trying to get the spectator running. Ive already checked out the wiki entry and even copy/pasted the code for the description.ext and it still wont run. What I have also tried was using the [true] call ace_spectator_fnc_setSpectator command. That worked without problems.. What am I missing here? BTW: Would it be possible to make the camera movement more "smooth" like the vanilla one and also hide the mouse cursor when hiding the interface (if it has not already been requested).
  5. Hey, I just wanted to ask if you could help me with a problem. When i run the script it says "Resource CSSA3_openMain not found". What should I do?
  6. onlybone

    End Game Spectator - Feedback

    Will we be able to use this in mission? So when a player dies he can still spectate the others. Because i think it would be a waste if you could only spectate by having a specific spectator slot...
  7. Hey voiper, did you ever thought of implementing it into ACE3? Would be really neat :)
  8. onlybone

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    Im not sure where to post this, so sorry if this is the wrong place! I got a question regarding the decorative items of the Helicopter DLC: Will people be able to use these items in a mission without owning the DLC itself? By using I mean something like spawning them via script (for example [R3F] Logistics Creation Factory) or similar to build a base. (you are doing great so far :D)
  9. onlybone

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    The best way I could think of is to practice with somebody who is familiar with it ^^