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Everything posted by Spark23

  1. Spark23

    Spyder Addons

    Any clue about this error? I can't see civil spawn. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/89351028258414866/CAD85C64923D2076D4B32B9F730149E752F48A26/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/89351028258444330/3E12456A492F952AC2423437808FC8227D09F028/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/89351028258444330/3E12456A492F952AC2423437808FC8227D09F028/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/89351028258444027/5AC5F7FCD33BD82A3823E960335EE80D5759EA0B/ Addons: CUP, Rasmahaan map, ace3, rhs... Im not using alive addon.
  2. Thanks to G00golplexian for their answer in discord at first question: About question number 3 im trying this, but Im not figure how make it work: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Event_Handlers#Fired I write this in init of specific unit: FiredH = this addEventHandler [["fired", ffaa_armas_c90], {EHScrtp = _this execVM "c90_fired.sqf"}] *ffaa_armas_c90 = weapon class name. c90_fired.sqf c90_usado=true; In game editor trigger with condition: c90_usado;
  3. Hi, In wiki I read this: Unit(s) Unit(s) refer to EITHER an Array of type unit, or, a singular unit OR a Group. This distinction in the command reference refers to very different Types, any of which could be used in the same command syntax. 1. How can I do that when a civilian die mission is fail? 2. A opforce AI must getin in a car but if a AR2 darter blueforce is detected not getin in car if not that go runing to a house. How can I do this? darter findNearestEnemy position box_in_ground) distance opforce > 30 ???? Or: darter unitsBelowHeight 300 ??? Or: with Eden editor trigger own darter and detected by opforce??? Any way, after be detected, how AI go to house and not to "getin" car? 3. Other question, How can I do that if a AT launcher is used by a player in a specific area a trigger is activated? Thanks!!
  4. Spark23

    Having issues with Zeus

    Same issue. Any solution?
  5. Spark23

    Spyder Addons

    Hi, I have a doubt, does "Incon Undercover by Incontinentia" do the same as your detection module or is it different? Thanks!
  6. In dedicated server skiptime not work, what can I do? Laptop Inic. field: this addAction["<t color='#ff8811'>Advance 12 Hours</t>", "skipTime.sqf"]; Skiptime.sqf skipTime 12; hint "Time advanced by 12 hours"; Thanks!
  7. Thanks belbo, Your code is all to insert in Inic field?
  8. Spark23

    Arma3 Videos

    This year its the 20th anniversary of escuadron111 (a spanish legend in flight sims since 1996, with falcon 4, bms, dcs, arma2, arma3, etc.) I hope that do you like the video. Not its extraordinary edited but was maked with love :-)
  9. Spark23

    Spyder Addons

    Thanks!, seriously, your mod is great. Nobody can help you? I see that you are with dixon13, 2 persons only. I dont have knowledge about programing in arma3 :(
  10. Spark23

    Spyder Addons

    I have doubts about entry format to list factions, and all options fields. its for example vehicle faction: faction1, faction2, or its: "faction1", "faction2", how I see in rhsmod simple list? Rhsmods faction classes simplelist example:"rhs_faction_usarmy_wd","rhs_faction_usarmy_d","rhs_faction_usmc_wd",
  11. Why CPR and epinefrine can't wake up a patient? its no possible technically?
  12. Spark23

    Spyder Addons

    Its a great feature. You're going to continue with detection module in the future or is abandoned?.
  13. Hi, im trying make a mission pvp when you kill all players soldiers blue then trigger is on. But not work, i set type=none, activation=all group (info say that when all group is select the trigger will turn on when all members of owner group success the condition) type of activation=no present. Trigger attach with detect activator owner to blueforce leader. When I kill blueforce leader trigger is success, i dont need kill all owner group. Any idea about this? If i set activation=anyone of group, (info say start when anyone member of group owners accomplish the activation condition). seems its working in eden editor when I kill exclusively all blue force players characters.
  14. The trigger info say trigger owner, and only can be 1 owner linked. That written conditions is in "Trigger Expression: condition", true?
  15. Then is necessary apply PAK? you can't start hearth rate with rcp and epinefrine?
  16. Spark23

    Spyder Addons

    I just test a mission yesterday after of update, thanks by advice. About sentences, yes, google translation not is perfect, is best option manually with dictionary. I have doubs about incognito/detection module. I have module sync with a blue unit, to equip this unit before get a LOP_AM unit, save their equipment/Loadout in BIS arsenal, and after in editor I edit the blue unit in bis arselan loading and saving LOP_AM. After with alive I go to village, when enemies spot me they kill me. Any idea that I doing bad? Thanks!
  17. Hi, i want know if a uncouncious men can be reanimated/wake up without medi packs, in theory if you apply bandage and after apply epinefrine should work. This in advanced medical. My squad is using medi packs because we think that not is possible reanimated a uncouncious men via ace menu options, but is little arcade to us do this. Thanks.
  18. Spark23

    Spyder Addons

    I can fork in github to dont disturb if i dont finish it, and translate it slowly, then I'll let you know if I finish. What mean you with broken sentences? excesive lengh of sentences? what files I need edit to translate?
  19. Spark23

    Spyder Addons

    Hi, the default modules values are the recommended? I have doubts about ambiance spawn range to performance, if 1000 is the balanced value. A misión created with this addon is needed in server and client? Is there the possibility of creating an option where you can select the available language of the talks? For example, a contributor translate this line: //-- Build question list _index = _listone lbAdd "How are you?"; //-- Build question list _index = _listone lbAdd "¿Cómo estás tú?"; when all files are complete its included in final addon, and with lenguage selection option you select the lenguage.
  20. Spark23

    Random desync

    someone knows what mean messages from *.rpt of this issue ticket? https://feedback.bistudio.com/T119620 Yesterday we was 5 friends, after passed 15 minutes, when a 6th friend joined to game desyncs started, This is random. nobody die but rpt say dead....
  21. Spark23

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Im using squad.xml to get my name in a pacht in left shouder and arma 3 units patch in right shoulder.
  22. Hi there, Im editing a mission where i put a soldier in mid air with steerable parachute in back pack. Then with wheel of mouse you can open steerable parachute. But if i put a non-steerable parachute no menu action there. I need a non-steerable parachute to player soldier reach more or less a specific zone and not go where he want. Why happen this? Thanks.
  23. I find the issue, steerable parachute not is changed by Task force radio (long range radio) but non-steerable parachute yes is changed by TFR, because of this there was not open parachute action menu. I inserted a TFR module and change the option give long range radio automatically to leaders, and now non-steerable parachute still there.