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Everything posted by pierremgi

  1. pierremgi

    Black boxes over textures

    @ oneEyedCat Some mods did that, like Unsung. Problem of unclosed model vertices or something like that. But you should try different versions of your video driver. Sometimes a downgrade (or an upgrade if you're not up-to-date) can solve that! I experienced that on NVIDIA M series (for laptops).
  2. pierremgi

    Spatial Awareness Improvements

    I don't know how to add a picture here. I thought a Steam screenshot could be easy to post! nvm Here is the link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198090533419/screenshot/271726528936538801 I'd like to improve my radar. At this time, I have an icon: - for each group member, - colored along with damage status (green to red) of the unit, - icon depends on the kind of vehicle (offroad for offroad, but also ifrit, wipeout.... static MG.. ) - when unit is selected (by leader) the icon is blue, - in SP the #nbr in group is displayed, in MP, the name is displayed, colored with the team color, - from 0 to 300 m, the radar has an adapted range corresponding to to farthest unit, - if a unit is farther than 300m, radar keeps 300 m range but indicates also the max distance in the group, and unit(s) beyond 300 m are displayed on the border of the scope. I'll appreciate if you have any improvement to suggest, especially on radar adapted range. Thanks Included in this addon.
  3. You're playing in front of your screen and you are more reactive on a moving than a static enemy. An AI shoot at you any time it can have a computed clear Line Of Sight (LOS) + knowsAbout you. And furthermore, it ceases fire only if you're dead. No matter if you're not returning fire, just prone. The engine knows your status. The knowsAbout acquisition should be different in jungle area than in open field, but also on static vs moving target. A kind of loop back regulator added to the engine. Furthermore, AIs suffer of 3 linked problems: - when AI "knowsabout" , be sure it doesn't loose your position even if you're circumventing a building. Where a player will scout at left /right sides alternatively, an AI knows what you're doing! - this knowsabout remains too much time (6 minutes) even by dark night without NVG, Say You're dead, if you shot at AIs direction and try to escape in the dark. - When an AI runs, overpass a corner of a building, makes a 90° turn to shoot at you, it rarely fails! Such skills are absolutely impossible for human beings. Two ways to explore here: - drastically decrease the knowsabout at loss of sight (LOS). 4 to 1.4 for example, less by night without NVG. Not zero of course! - consider the position of the LOS, and not the actualized position. NB: Perhaps, this weird behavior (actualized position) occurs with some buildings but not for the whole situations. One obvious case is the exit of the jail in all Tanoa escape missions. Be discovered, turn around the jail blocks, units are waiting for you exactly where you're appearing again.
  4. pierremgi

    Force Vehicle lights on?

    All considerations above are outdated. There is no mean to have light on, on a AI driven vehicle with setPilotLight or SetCollisionLight or driver ... action ["lightOn",...] if the vehicle has a different behavior than CARELESS or SAFE. That means, if SAFE, the vehicle will switch off the headlights automatically, entering in AWARE or COMBAT behavior due to the Arma engine. Any loop is useless here!
  5. I hoped that trigger radio "ALPHA" to move the respawn point on player's position who called it, (my link above), was one good example. (I answered to Vapour's question) I guess all radio triggers in MP could benefit of the caller position, for evac, reinforcements or spawns. Radio type apart, I don't know. Each time, you want an effect with a "local parameter" like the variable player, but not returned by thislist ? This could help somewhere. What was the need for adding this option on createTrigger command since v 1.43? Just to avoid if (isServer) then {...} in a script? I guess no! We are speaking about "local effect" which can be seen by other player (like a marker position). I prefer to mention "local param" instead of confusing "local effect" in this case. Sorry, I'm thinking about that while writing at you. Same consideration for addAction, which is a command supposed to be EL. But here effect local doesn't mean "without any effect on other clients or server". That depends on behavior of the code, and the effects of the commands inside. For example, on each playable units in init field : this addaction ["spawn vehicle", {"B_MRAP_01_F" createVehicle getPosATL (_this select 1)},nil,0,false,true,"", "vehicle _target == vehicle _this"] will create a Hunter visible everywhere, each time a client will fire it, but on this client's position.
  6. Thanks semiconductor && KK. Yes, I understand the fact we are in editor and I used to script local triggers like in this conversation i had on ArmaHolic. On the other hand, there is something missing: - triggers are local but run on server + every clients by default, - triggers can be run on server only, - what about the new feature (scripted trigger local for effect local) ? if editor content (mission.sqm) is loaded by each clients, why a trigger couldn't be effect local? On my mind, that doesn't mean "different" individual conditions. Perhaps, I missed something (it's not the first time!). If you could have a look at the link and tell me my mistake, or why this couldn't be done via editor, changing the trigger engine? Something like: class Item144 { dataType="Trigger"; position[]={12036.325,5.4922376,2878.8521}; angle=0; class Attributes { onActivation="<some code>;"; onDeactivation="<some other code>;"; sizeA=15; sizeB=10; sizeC=10; repeatable=1; activationBy="WEST"; isRectangle=1; makeGlobal = false; }; id=764; type="EmptyDetectorArea10x10"; };
  7. You can also search similar problems and what to do for any help. Just write crash in search field.
  8. As title says, first JIP makes the animated unit thrown at [0,0,0]. That's fun for man standing above surface of the water, but not really useful. A possible workaround: if (isServer) then { [[this,"STAND_U2"],BIS_fnc_ambientAnim] remoteExec ["call"] };
  9. pierremgi

    Ability to clear vehicle arsenal

    a check box equals to: clearItemCargoGlobal this; clearWeaponCargoGlobal this; clearMagazineCargoGlobal this;
  10. pierremgi

    ARMA3 - Lost Inertia with all weapons!

    The problem is when AI's don't have the same handicaps...
  11. Same for me,... sometimes.
  12. Hi all, I'm looking at composition in Eden editor. As far I try, I can only copy/paste some objects together. The interesting thing is probably to avoid a copy/paste between two scenarios on different maps. And that's all? I'd like to refer to a group of edited objects (camp, base...) and script with that! For example, hideObject or disable simulation for all objects (so far, it's easy to do in editor with a mouse drag and attributes) but, next step, I'd like to un-hide Objects and enable their sim, with a script. Or even, spawn a composition during mission. So, I didn't find a command or a function allowing scripts with a composition. BI could do that ? Let's say a variable on a composition returning the array of objects included in it, or class names of objects... Thanks
  13. pierremgi

    Major UAV Falcon BUG

    Good luck for your Falcon bug. I can't count the months I (and some others) warn for WY-55 Hellcat bug (unable to AI fire).
  14. pierremgi

    BIS_fnc_getUnitInsignia... sometimes

    road Runner, I'm aware of config.cpp for addon. And the difference between config.cpp and description.ext for textures of resource paths. There should be no need to have one more mod for displaying a custom insignia ! (Theoretically). Because it's just like sounds in cfgSounds or cfgMusic.. working fine from description.ext. Hopefully! Your work around cfgUnitInsignia remains interesting for a mod. As I said, the problem is not here. BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia calls setObjectTextureGlobal which is broken in MP. Sometimes, reading BI documentation makes you spill many times: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Unit_Insignia That's wrong as far as you're trying to define the insignia in description.ext for a MP mission. (hosted) server and clients refer to the same class but not the same texture path.
  15. Hello, I can't understand what I'm missing, trying to display insignia for a SP mission, even after changing uniform. This works fine: { _x spawn { _unit = _this; while {true} do { [_unit,"GBGM"] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia; sleep 3; }; } } forEach units GBGM; This doesn't work on uniform shift !!!: { _x spawn { _unit = _this; while {true} do { waitUntil {sleep 3; [_unit] call BIS_fnc_getUnitInsignia != "GBGM"}; [_unit,"GBGM"] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia; }; } } forEach units GBGM; All units in group GBGM receive the insignia at start but never more after that. As player, if you change uniform, or just drop/take yours, the insignia disappear but debug console says you have it (returns true for the same condition as in waitUntil)... In fact Bis_fnc_getUnitInsignia doesn't report the current insignia but the set one, even if no more displayed.
  16. pierremgi

    BIS_fnc_getUnitInsignia... sometimes

    Could you explain? What link? the paa is found in SP, found in MP for hosted server. So, what can I do if client must have a different "link"?
  17. Nothing to link with mods. This happens in Vanilla as well. The more objects in editor, the more glitches in landscape.
  18. Hi Vasily, Next step? Feel free to test that: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=35478
  19. pierremgi

    BIS_fnc_getUnitInsignia... sometimes

    Bah, BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia is broken with setObjectTextureGlobal in it. I didn't success to make that work in MP....
  20. Hi all, I'm struggling with a problem of unrecognized path for custom texture. I put a paa file in mission directory (the one with mission.sqm) and I call my own texture for an helo with setObjectTextureGlobal in the init file of the helo. No problem in SP. All work fine! From my eden editor, I decided to publish on steam the mission (friend yeyes) then have a test. I open a LAN session for my 2 PCs , one hosting the scenario, one client, both subscribed for the mission. I've an error message and I can't see the helo texture (no more texture on it in fact) because the path mpMission... paa is not found ! So my question is: How to make this custom texture visible in SP, MP, preview, hosted server, dedicated... in every cases!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
  21. pierremgi

    SetObjectTextureGlobal : path in MP?

    Yes, found in Fx viewer. BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia uses setObectTextureGlobal. So, there is no chance to make it work fine... at developers good will. ^_^
  22. pierremgi

    SetObjectTextureGlobal : path in MP?

    Yes! Thank you very much beno. I made it work in init field (or as you wrote in intServer.sqf) with remoteExec. Just target 0 (all) instead of 2 (server) as 2 is not JIP compatible (true as last param). So: [my_helo,[0,"heli_light_01_ext_gendarmerie_co.paa"]] remoteExec ["setObjectTexture", 0, true]; Works fine! ..... Now, I'm struggling for BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia. Same thing, works in SP, fail for path in MP (class found but not the paa file): In description.ext: class CfgUnitInsignia { class GBGM { displayName = "Groupement Blindé Gendarmerie Mobile"; // Name displayed in Arsenal author = "Pierre MGI"; // Author displayed in Arsenal texture = "logoGend.paa"; // Image path textureVehicle = ""; // Does nothing currently, reserved for future use }; }; in initServer.sqf : { _x spawn { _unit = _this; _uniform = uniformContainer _this; while {true} do { [[_unit,"GBGM"] , BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia] remoteExec ["call",0,true]; // doesn't work for JIP // [_unit,"GBGM"] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia; // doesn't work for JIP waitUntil {sleep 3; uniformContainer _unit != _uniform}; _uniform = uniformContainer _unit; }; } } forEach units GBGM; Any idea? NB: the loop is just for adding insignia in case of choosing another uniform.
  23. pierremgi

    P Drive Empty

    One more patch-up job, poorly designed.
  24. pierremgi

    SetObjectTextureGlobal : path in MP?

    Code is simple: In init field of my helo: this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"heli_light_01_ext_gendarmerie_co.paa"] IN SP, no problem. In EDEN MP session, as far as the mission wasn't in PBO format , no problem. Since I published (PBOed) the scenario: - in EDEN MP: - my host player can see the helo texture and there is no error msg as far as he's alone; - receive an error msg (box) if any JIP coming: cannot load texture mpMission\__cur_mp.tanoa\heli_light_01_ext_gendarmerie_co.paa (on host) - the JIP client PC has this message: c:\users\.....\heli_light_01_ext_gendarmerie_co.paa where ... is the full path on the host! (not the local PC) From Steam upload/downloaded mission, (out of EDEN scope) - my host player can see the helo texture and there is no error msg as far as he's alone; - receive an error msg (box) if any JIP coming: cannot load texture mpMission\__cur_mp.tanoa\heli_light_01_ext_gendarmerie_co.paa (on host). Texture disappears. - the JIP client PC receive the same message now. So, it's not a problem of texture, it's not a problem of pbo or missing file (pbo has all mission files, paa included) It's a matter of relative path. And probably my init field of helo runs twice: one for server, one for client. I'd like to know how to match relative path (mission root) in all cases.
  25. pierremgi

    Major UAV Falcon BUG

    On th other hand, some missions on public servers, like Tanoa Escape, have very efficient UAV patrol, forcing players to quit vehicles to be not fired.