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About RangeCreed

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  1. RangeCreed

    Chernarus Redux [WIP Release]

    Oh thats actually amazing. Thanks for the info.. can actually go back to what I was doing :p
  2. RangeCreed

    Chernarus Redux [WIP Release]

    Oh right well maybe add DLC tag in the workshop? Just because I can imagine people bitching to server admins about being shot through objects by non-dlc owners.
  3. RangeCreed

    Chernarus Redux [WIP Release]

    Just be careful if you are using Apex assets, I noticed a few down there. It would make the DLC a requirement as clients without the DLC will not see the object. Unless this was changed? But when we spawned in buildings added by the DLC and had a non-dlc client join he would not see them.
  4. RangeCreed

    Chernarus Redux [WIP Release]

    Such a shame we don't have a decent multiplayer survival mod to pair this with :l
  5. I am wondering if you guys have investigated the possibility off replacing buildings ingame with the ones in this thread. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/171990-wip-buildings-of-russian-village/ (This thread contains SOURCE files, located on page2) They are just existing buildings with interiors. They do however need ALOT of work to meet the CUP standards as they are a few bugs with each building. Maybe an entire re-texture of the insides aswell. Will flesh out alot of Arma 2 maps lacking enterables. PHOTO ALBUM (Not all buildings in here 1-2 missing as they need quite abit of work) http://imgur.com/a/qCIXb
  6. RangeCreed

    [WIP] Terrain "X-Cam-Taunus"

    Whats the average FPS on this map?
  7. Hello: Currently using some custom weapons that use there own reload animation independent of Arma 3 however, no matter the ammo count of my current magazine it will always play the same animation as it should. For example I will always chamber 5 rounds into my mosin rifle regardless to the actual ammo count. So for example, I have 3 rounds left but when I reload I will always chamber 5 rounds because that is how the reload animation is played. How would I get it to play custom animations dependant on my current ammo count and how would I even reference this in a config? Would each mag need its own entry in a config? So we have 1x_7.62, 2x_7.62, 3x_7.62, 4x_7.62 , 5x.7.62 But how would you actually define in a weapons config to play a different animation dependant on the ammunition type being loaded? Also if I fire a round with mag 5x_7.62 reload into a fresh 5x_7.62 and then reload back into the previous mag now 4x_7.62 would the game automatically define properties from the config or would it still see that mag as 5x_7.62 with 1 less round. I know this sounds complicated but I really want to know if this would work. Thankyou ~RangeCreed
  8. I believe you are looking for MMG_02_sand_F (This is the LMG you want in sand) bipod_01_F_blk (Black Nato bipod) 130Rnd_338_Mag (Magazine) Can't help you with the Acog scope you are after as it is not present in the default Arma 3 game. Need to know what mod it is from
  9. Yeah no worries, I'll post it tonight :) I think it's to do with how certain things are read since APEX released, some models of my own worked flawlessly before but now suffer the same issue
  10. MASSIVE BUG/ABUSE - people in buildings are invisible after 50-70m because it loads a LOD that doesn't show any interior. You can only see them if you scope or zoom with right mouse. Basically their are little to no LOD's and as a result this is awkward to use in a PVP enviroment
  11. I'll get it sorted tonight/tommorow and post here, shouldn't take more than 15 minutes.
  12. If you still need someone to do this let me know, can be done easily with a config override.
  13. UPDATE So I have sorted it ingame and got it replacing correctly, what I am noticing though is some buildings (but not all) are moving ever so slightly and not retaining original position. What parameters do I need to use to prevent this happening? Example http://imgur.com/a/xeO95
  14. Hello everyone: I was wondering if anyone can lend me a hand. I am currently trying to rack my brain around the best way to use config override to replace a non-enterable building added by CUP with another (an enterable one). The building I wish to replace it with is not in Arma 3 but from another source, it is though configured correctly and works flawlessly ingame. I have done a decent amount of research on this matter but such documentation on actually replacing a building with another in this such way has come up short, and my attempts have been unsuccessful. The process seems to be a little more complicated than it normally is when using CfgPatches to replace textures,uniforms or weapons. I presume I do not have to add things such as interior textures to the config as these should just be pulled from the model itself correct? TLDR - Override a building added by a mod with another, while keeping that mod active. Some assistance with this issue would be most welcome.
  15. RangeCreed

    Apex Vehicles Feedback

    Latest update has broken vehicle sounds for the new military 4x4's . The vehicle will produce sound when you start the engine but is 100% silent while on the move. No engine sounds or anything of the sort.