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Everything posted by Stekelenburg

  1. Stekelenburg

    NLMARSOF V2.185

    Very nice! But I can't download...
  2. Stekelenburg

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    I think they are going to use some ArmA 2 and TKOH models, just like they did in normal ArmA 3. So expect some updated helicopters from ArmA 2 and TKOH
  3. Stekelenburg

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Very nice! Maybe you can add Konyo's MH-47E released yesterday
  4. Stekelenburg

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    It was an april fools joke
  5. And RKSL is making a JAS-39 Gripen and it looks amazing
  6. Stekelenburg

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    This is great! Thanks for all the work. It would be easier to land if the loadmaster counts down how high you are when you land (10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0) via the radio chatter, just like in real life
  7. Stekelenburg

    United States Air Force

    Well, the MH-47E is released now!
  8. Stekelenburg

    ArmA 2 US Helicopters Import to A3

    I don't give a shit how it is in real life, this is about ArmA and in ArmA it falls under the catagory Fixed-Wing.
  9. Stekelenburg

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    Oh, I didn't know that, but they are also in ArmA 2
  10. Stekelenburg

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    The PO-30, CH-49, A-143, MH9/AH9, Quadbike, WY-55 and maybe some more, these are all ArmA 2 models, so why couldn't be a TKOH model in ArmA 3?
  11. Stekelenburg

    MQ-185 'Spectre II' UCAV

    Got it
  12. Stekelenburg

    MQ-185 'Spectre II' UCAV

    No, because the rockets are internal and the cannons can be pulled back inside the MQ-185
  13. Stekelenburg

    Ivory Aircraft

    For me it's 'T', but 'B' is also good
  14. Stekelenburg

    Ivory Aircraft

    If it's possible, I think it's the best to change it to 'R'
  15. Stekelenburg

    United States Air Force

    True, but maybe they will add refueling probes to the helicopters from the helicopter DLC
  16. Stekelenburg

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    I'm pretty sure Blufor and Opfor are getting a Heavy-Lift transport chopper. The Chinook or a Osprey would be great for Blufor, but I don't know about Opfor, a MI-26 would be to big if you compare it to the other ArmA 3 Heavy-Lift choppers and a MI-8 would be too old. The Super Hind is a good option for Indepented. Opfor would get a small recon chopper, I think a BO-105 would be great for that role. If they also add more attack helicopters to Blufor and Opfor, it would probably the Apache and for Opfor the WZ-10. And not to forget, a UH-1 Heuy for the FIA So I think, Blufor: V-22 Osprey AH-64E Apache (Guardian) FIA: UH-1 Heuy Opfor: WZ-10 BO-105 MI-38 Indepented: MI-35 Super Hind That would make a total of 5 Blufor, 1 FIA, 5 Opfor and 3 Indepented helicopters Edit: I think the MI-17 would be the Heavy-Lift transport chopper for Opfor
  17. There are some guides that explain how to do that, you should take a look at that first
  18. Stekelenburg

    Marksmens and Helicopters is free ?

    I think with DLC game features they mean like Zeus and with DLC content they mean like British Armed Forces from ArmA 2
  19. Stekelenburg

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    Hello everyone, what kind of helicopters and features do you think that will be added to this DLC? Personly, I'm pretty sure Blufor and Opfor are getting a Heavy-Lift transport chopper. The Chinook or a Osprey would be great for Blufor, I don't know about Opfor, but I guess a MI-38 or something like that. The Super Hind is a good option for Indepented. Opfor would get a small recon chopper, I think a BO-105 would be great for that role. And not to forget, a UH-1 Heuy for the FIA. So I think, Blufor: V-22 Osprey FIA: UH-1 Heuy Opfor: BO-105 MI-38 Indepented: MI-35 Super Hind That would make a total of 4 Blufor, 4 Opfor and 3 Indepented helicopters
  20. Stekelenburg

    RKSL 3 - A new start... Discussion

    That looks absolutly great! I'm sure this will be one of the best mods of ArmA 3
  21. Stekelenburg

    United States Air Force

    I'm sure Konyo's MH-47E has a refueling probe, so that is an option
  22. Stekelenburg

    MQ-185 'Spectre II' UCAV

    It looks like it, but the MQ-185 is bigger, higher and there are some things that make the MQ-185 more unique
  23. Stekelenburg

    MQ-185 'Spectre II' UCAV

    Not the best picture, but here it is: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/t34.0-12/10006927_1501990690022282_3122101266917253711_n.jpg?oh=ad2a7d1266bb0ba7f546fbf09488cdc8&oe=5362435B&__gda__=1398962976_0ec544adc930d90b25c3be34dd439a0b
  24. Stekelenburg

    MQ-185 'Spectre II' UCAV

    It's a fixed wing plane, there will be 2 different versions: The MQ-185A, a CTOL plane armed with 25mm and 40mm cannon and 2 AIM9X. MQ-185B, a CATOBAR airplane that can takeoff and land on carriers, armed with 8 AGM65s and 2 AIM9X. In the future, I will add other versions and a Mobile Ground Control Station. Pictures of the blueprints of the MQ-185 will be uploaded between now and 24 hours, those are NOT pictures of the 3D model. I also ask you to think about a cool nickname for the MQ-185.
  25. Stekelenburg

    BAFSystems - RAF Tornado GR4

    I don't think they're still working on this addon, but if they still do, I am realy looking forward to a release!