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About DrDeathO5

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. DrDeathO5

    TMR Modular Realism

    WHoho,... nice to know TMR is gonna be updated. At the moment i don't use it anymore because to many bugs with later game versions but it was one of the best mods which i really liked with no downsides and a nice attention to detail.
  2. DrDeathO5

    TMR Modular Realism

    Indeed, i just figured i mention it for people who are still using this mod.
  3. DrDeathO5

    TMR Modular Realism

    Maybe but it was hard to find for me also... Better to include this info in the opening post. bug report I didn't go through the whole thread but if you deploy a rifle squad in the editor. The AT rifleman (with PCML attached) has no backpack so he has no ammo to fire.
  4. DrDeathO5

    Latest patch creates some fps stutter.

    somebody in another topic said to put all weather variables to off to fix the stutter see this topic http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?174250-FPS-drop-with-Patch quote from page 4:"Yes, all weather related options set to Manual and sliders to the left."
  5. DrDeathO5

    AI Configuration - feedback

    mmm... Seems yo me the different steps between default AI settings are pretty big. Medium is a bit to difficult it seems for me while low is far to easy... Would be nice to have 5 presets instead of 3. Note: This is tested on the infantry showcase so maybe it is this specific scenario which is pretty though right now and needs some adjustments in the mission itself.
  6. Thanks for the compatibility suggestions. Didn't know that.
  7. This is because the server can't handle the calculations. Server slow -> your comp is also slow. Upgrading your comp isn't gonna help in multiplayer. It's all server-dependend. I would suggest to try different hosts and see which ones do work better for you
  8. Best vehicle addon so far. Quality is great. Love it
  9. Thanks for the mod, Just installed it and seems to work fine in campaign so far.
  10. Hi TPW, While you may be right that the noise is that loud under freefall and at high speed / high altidtude under canopy it really depends also on the other sounds (and their volume) that are being used or not used in ARMA. (f.e. no sound when canopy cracks open). In other words balancing might be needed to allow smoother transitions. btw my brother is a parasailer so while i can't comment on the freefall part he has a lot of experience for flying under canopy. Right now it feels like this to me: freefall: 100% volume canopy cracks open: 0% volume under canopy: 100% volume on ground: 0% volume (I have all arma sounds at default levels and i use the dev version but i dunno if this makes any difference btw) The part where i feel is especially to loud is the under canopy part (low speed, low altitude) and like you said yourself one single sample is used without variables affecting it. It would indeed be great, like you suggested if the noise gets more quite when reducing speed and altitude. Another possibility and maybe short term fix would be to lower the volume of the sound sample under canopy to allow a smoother transition because it really feels strange when going 2 km/h slow hanging 5 meters above the ground and yet the sound still plays like you are going more then 50 km/h. F.e. set the sound under canopy as if you were going 25 km/h on medium altitude. thanks again for the mod and for listening to suggestions.
  11. Tried this for the first time and missions are now on another level... Great stuff and i don't think i'm able to play without it anymore. Big thanks One issue though: I tried also a parajump and the wind noise seemed much to hard. Especially when the chute was opened i would expect a much softer sound but even a few meters above ground with almost no speed the wind kept raving with full speed. Is there any chance i can change this through the parameters or is this gonna be changed in future?