Hey, great script. As all your work diwako
Since someone asked (and it seems someone did it already somewhere)
Just add this code snippet into the "fn_threatPFH.sqf"
_max = _max max _threatLevel;
//Chemical Detector Display
"ThreatDisplay" cutRsc ["RscWeaponChemicalDetector", "PLAIN", 1, false];
private _ui = uiNamespace getVariable "RscWeaponChemicalDetector";
private _obj = _ui displayCtrl 101;
_obj ctrlAnimateModel ["Threat_Level_Source", _threatLevel, true];
"_max = _max max _threatLevel; " is the last line inside the loop. Just paste the snippet directly underneath it.
Tested in SP and it did work fine (and precise). Didnt test it in MP since i startet using this great script today.