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Everything posted by Nalin

  1. Mozilla, Google, and Apple are all blocking WoSign/StartCom SSL certificates. In January, Firefox 51 and Google Chrome 56 will release and, since the Project Argo site forces itself to use HTTPS, nobody will be able to access it anymore. For people on the beta channels for the browsers, this change is already in place: I am unable to go to the Project Argo website on Firefox Beta. You may want to consider switching your certificate to one that isn't blocked. https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2016/10/24/distrusting-new-wosign-and-startcom-certificates/ https://security.googleblog.com/2016/10/distrusting-wosign-and-startcom.html https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204132
  2. Not only that, but Chrome 56 has now been released. I would say a significant amount of people are now affected. Chrome will let you bypass the warning by clicking the text that says "Advanced", and then clicking to "Proceed to www.projectargo.net (unsafe)" But it gives a big old "Not secure" warning right on the URL bar. Firefox is worse as it won't even let you visit the website.
  3. Weapon eras sounds like a pretty cool feature. This mod is the best thing that has happened to Arma 3 for the group I play with. We were tired of playing boring, laggy gametypes. You guys have done a great job with the polish and performance of TacBF. I think the only annoyance we've had has been the keybind popups that happen every time you start a new match (please, how do you turn those off?) I hope more people take notice of this mod as it is one of the best I have seen so far.