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About derLandvogt

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. derLandvogt

    Altis Life RPG

    Ok i have a Porblem in my normal CIV car shop i only can buy the Service truck. The other Offroaders are gone all of them just the service truck is in there plz help me
  2. derLandvogt

    Altis Life RPG

    Till the Arma patch not long ago this Day no one is able to connect to any of th Altis Servers Somone maybe have a Solution ????
  3. derLandvogt

    Altis Life RPG

    working on it for days now no one have a idea tested the same like you and in many other files nothing works (policeuniforms)
  4. Hi there for all that read this thread here I readed many post many stuff the last time cause of scripting and retexturing What i need is : One that can tell me why my cars from garage not usable ( unlock ok use not ok ) And how to change the Police Uniforms
  5. yeah but i read you can implant a hidden selcetion but i dont no where to get it in ?? and how it works maybe you can help and where to but the line above into ?? The cars dont work with setObjectTextureGlobal in my mission it works with the vehiclecolorcfg see : case "C_SUV_01_F": { _ret = [ ["\a3\soft_f_gamma\SUV_01\Data\suv_01_ext_co.paa","civ"], ["textures\police_suv.paa","cop"], ["\a3\soft_f_gamma\SUV_01\Data\suv_01_ext_03_co.paa","civ"], ["\a3\soft_f_gamma\SUV_01\Data\suv_01_ext_04_co.paa","civ"], ["textures\SUV_dea_1.paa","cop"] ]; };
  6. derLandvogt

    Altis Life RPG

    Can someone help me with my Problem : When you store a car into the garage and get it out later you can unlock it but not get in and not lockeable anymore
  7. Hi i break my head no for over 1 week about the custom / retextured Uniforms for the policeman in altis life I have seen it on a couple of Server but i cant get it to wrok cause i am pretty new to scripting i done all on my server by myself like retexturig cars / policecars and stuff This is my only problem left Plz somone give me assistance here i really need help
  8. can someone plz tell me how to change the uniforms of the Policeman in Altis life i have seen it on many servers now that the policeman has custom uniforms and the vest and helmet all retextured / custom # really i need help here i am really new to the scripting community But i done myself great last weeks have added custom Vehicle skins and other stuff the only thing left is the uniforms
  9. derLandvogt

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    Anyone has a n idea or maybe an tutorial for me for an script to add custom police uniforms to altis life ???
  10. derLandvogt

    Altis Life RPG

    What you think guys is this working ?? : //Load player with default cop gear. player addUniform "U_Rangemaster"; this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\police_man_co.paa"]; player addVest "V_Rangemaster_belt"; this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\police_belt_co.paa"];
  11. derLandvogt

    Altis Life RPG

    Having a problem : Cars from Garage can be opend but you cant get in any solution???
  12. derLandvogt

    Altis Life RPG

    Ok so my question is shouldi put hte Hiddenselection into the init.sqf and if yes in which line# ok i see this will get no help ^^ no problem then maybe another help To edit the map should just gett my mission.sqm int arma3otherprofiles/missions and load it into editor or is there another way a better way ??
  13. derLandvogt

    Altis Life RPG

    Hi guys so i read a lot the last few days about the police uniforms retextureing What i know from now is : I need to make a hidden selection , my problem with it where to but in and how to write it then i read i have to make for example : _objectname setobjecttexture [0,"\pboname\texture.paa"] _objectname setobjecttexture [1,"\pboname\texture2.paa"] but can i put the textures in my textures where i have my cars in and take that patch ??? plz someone help me with it so i can start up my server cause the rest is done only uniforms left again : Where to make the hidden selection maybe with an example would be great and then the setObjectTexture where to put in and how to write it thx for the ones that helps me
  14. derLandvogt

    Altis Life RPG

    good evening guys need some assistance When i pull Cars out of the Garage i can unlock them and lock them But i cant sit in the cars Whole Server has that problem need help can´t find the error
  15. derLandvogt

    Altis Life RPG

    @ BTNGaming : Thx alot man and yes you are a good man !!!! really!!! :bounce3: Really this guy is so hostile cause he is pissed of something More Guys like you less guys like Trulz and the world would be a great place thx a lot mate ---------- Post added at 20:22 ---------- Previous post was at 20:10 ---------- Great Man ^^ Thx a lot maybe you can help me a bit with retexturing the Police Uniforms I know that you have to write a own Script with setObjecttexture an so but i am really new at the modding community but understand the most maybe a tip where to make the scruipt , how to mname it and where to bind it in that would be great