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Everything posted by O.Languedoc

  1. O.Languedoc

    3den Enhanced

    Did you fix the grass issue?
  2. I made sure all MCC option were off. I tought it was the JIP Sync. I have a pretty huge repo. Mainly CUP, ACE, Homemade addons and stuff... This issue is recent but i cant find the tuning point (apex update ?). We were always using MCC before and miss it very much.
  3. O.Languedoc

    Operation NorthStar (ONS)

    I think there is already someone making the m777. I saw some pick on the forum already. Its not in ONS list right now.
  4. O.Languedoc

    3den Enhanced

    Noticed that mission made with 3DEN have no grass on my server and in EDEN. I saw that it was a know bug. The current fixed it? Cheers
  5. Hi guys, I noticed lately that there was no grass on my server. TerrainGrid is set to "10"... and still nothing. any hint? Were else can the grass level be set? Cheers
  6. Well. It Didnt work. Players cant JIP when MCC is activated in my mod set. Cant figure out why. We get stuck on the map and dont get To vanilla the respawn sélection position interface. Randomly after a crtl-alt-delete some managed To join but not everyone. We are using a dedicated box with 3 HC
  7. Hello All, Is MCC Still stable with the last arma release? Any bug that I should know of before bringing MCC into my modset? I heard people were sometime having a hard time joining the games while MCC is active. Something to do with Arma Vanilla Repsawn Position interface... Any hint would be appreciated. Cheers.
  8. O.Languedoc

    Operation NorthStar (ONS)

    We are actively working on the mod. We are bringing a lot of cool stuff but we are taking our time to make it right. New Griffon, New Chinook (F Variant), G-Wagon, C6-C7-C8-C9, new character (player model), New Camo etc. It will be ready when its ready. We are working on it when we have time. People with skills are welcomed to help out. 3D modeling & UV mapping specially.
  9. +1 for Vehicle Racks & Intercom System. Great work guys.
  10. That's what I realized also. I was coming back to right a report on this. DIdnt know that.
  11. Hey guys, I noticed that I cant grab items from crates I placed in the eden on my dedicated server. Once in game, when I spawn a crate via zeus there is no issue. I am using ACEX with headless clients. Anybody know whats going on? ------ SOLVED ------ You have to make sure that simulation is "ON" on the crates.
  12. O.Languedoc

    [R3F] Logistics

    Hey Guys. I am playing with the factory. Is there a way to only have specific items in the categories... or you absolutely have the whole categorie with all the items in her hierarchy?
  13. I had that bug. We world our way around it By setting a keybind To open the interface. Controls -----> mods config at the botom ------> MCC For me when I Press crrl+delete it opens up
  14. O.Languedoc

    [R3F] Logistics

    Fixed . I forgot to name the container i ma using.
  15. O.Languedoc

    [R3F] Logistics

    Hey. Trying to make the factory work. I have errors when i launch the game. i dont get it. All the rest is working (moving crates, cargo in veh.... its just the factory.... any hint?
  16. O.Languedoc

    Oil Rig Composition

    Hey all, Having some fun with the composition tool in 3den. Loving it and wanted to share a little project we have in our group for naval missions. I tried to build an oil rig with the parts I had on hand. Here are some pictures The helipad has now changed since then. The helicopter were exploding 3 out of 4 time i landed. Made a new one with a piece a wall from apex. Works great now. I would have loved the Helipad from the Hospital on Altis.. but its not an object. What is missing in the editor now are some simple things : different type of wall piece, floor piece and different kind of doors with their frame.The floor i made is ugly and composed of so many duplicates. The amount of poly in the floor is crazy.... Mods used : Cup, Mbg KillHouses, EmBuildings, Apex Cheers
  17. O.Languedoc

    Oil Rig Composition

  18. O.Languedoc

    Oil Rig Composition

    Also, repaired the landing pad with a GAS station ;)
  19. O.Languedoc

    Oil Rig Composition

    Finally AI don't like it at all & garrison don't work since the buildings are up in the air and not on the ground I think. Gonna have to use disable move in the unit I think
  20. O.Languedoc

    Oil Rig Composition

    Mbgkillhouse mod & EmBuildings mod & Cup terrain
  21. O.Languedoc

    Oil Rig Composition

    @PolyG Didnt try ai yet but I guess that they Will fall in the sea since there is not Pathfinding on the plate-forme itself. I guess that ares instant garrison script would work since most of the objects in there have pathfinding. Patrols on the rig won't work I think. @ItchiBuh Yes it is. You can access the rig via the 4 pillars at water level. There is a ladder on each one. ---- Once i'am done I'll post a download link.
  22. Hi guys, i want to spawn a fire with smoke at the top of a chimney. Do you gues know how to do this? Tried with this script in a object placed at the top. this = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle position this; Didnt work. Fire & Smoke are always spawning at ground level. Cheers
  23. We would love the BAM & Hurricane only also.... But. They have been really clear that they Will never split their mods...