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Posts posted by Crielaard

  1. On 9/8/2022 at 4:12 PM, GamerOnkel said:

    hello can you provide a new download link for the ah-64e and i found a bug, when pressing the Y key (singflug for me) it opens the PNVS deas is very annoying can you fix it?


    I'll see when I reupload it. Maybe Ill eventually share it on the Steam Workshop.

    Singflug? Do you mean single pilot?
    The mod does not support single-pilot operation. It's a 2 crew aircraft and should be used as such. So no effort will be put in that.

    That brings me to another point. The engine doesn't support features which we implemented through multiplayer. Yes we could script it to death to make it work. But that is not the philosophy. The Config-based pylon pitching is a good example. The changes do not properly propagte over the network, specially in MP and swapping A/C-controls. It is made as close to the engine as possible.
    So most of the issues will not be fixed, unless BI changes things. (Which in turn will not happen either)


    Thanks for the interest in the mod. 🙂

  2. 11 hours ago, Sgt_Guneery said:

    Why the AH-64E texture doesn't have the United States Army written on it? I request a US Army version......


    Hi Guneery.

    Happy to see you like the mod.


    There is no US texture, because LLW is purely focussed assets for Netherlands Army / Airforce / Navy.


    You are allowed to create a re-texture addon for this as you like.

    The Old Arma2 textures should fit (although they are lower resolution)

    However keep yourself and others from sharing the original files on the Steam Workshop or any platform that requires payment for download.

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  3. The code must run wherever the unit you are trying animate is local.

    An AI placed in the scenario's is usually a server entity. (Unless its an AI in a player's group)


    So if the script is run by a client, it wont work on the AI


    In your case you try to animate a player it seems? If this script runs from the server, the player is not local to the server, it is local to the the player's computer. Thus it needs to be ran there.


  4. https://discordapp.com/channels/473229021375758336/667105656376918088/723283829334343752


    NL South-Mid "Middle Brabant" updated!

    - Over 10.000 objects placed between the villages Dussen and Almkerk (High detail inset)

    - Camp Bakhuis Roozeboom got some extra objects for detail

    - GPS location 100% accurate with real life maps (Now use your ACE3 GPS to see where you are on your physical map)

    - Some terrain meshes improved

  5. Since this week we have started to work on an AAR script! We hope to help the Milsim and Realism community to get the best out of their debriefings. Maybe even the PvP community is going to be able to use it aswel!


    The battlefield is going to be exported into CSV format and ready through an external application afterwards.


    The first tests so far are promising. We hope to be able to show you more in the form of video's very soon!

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