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Everything posted by Crielaard

  1. Lol love the old Falcon 3.0 music
  2. Its always best to use the program where its packed with. 7zip file with 7zip, Rar file with winrar and Ace file with winace.
  3. {_x removeitem radioitem; _x additem <tfar radio here>} foreach units (side east) in your init.sqf
  4. But what is the problem then? Because the engine should and will fail with a well placed shot. A dual engine fail is just less likely because you have to be under fire from both sides.
  5. You're saying you're not gettingfull engine failures?
  6. You can easily reconfig the weapons by making a count=2 variant. But Ill add it in a later version. I just checked and with me (RNLAF version) the sound is fine. Will fix it in the BAF/US version. Stingers will never happen. The Apache can carry them but it is really useless. If there are any air threats, CAPs are there to take it out far before the helos can ever see it. And if you really have to, the 30mm with it's auto ranging and FCC is well able to take out air threats. Same for Hellfires. eventhough they're AG weapons, they're fine for self defense. RNLAF has proven this against Italian jets in an exercise about 10 years ago. Laser guided hellfire AA kill. :) (simulated ofcourse) You should have seen the face of this guy when we showed the tape during the debriefing. There is indeed a dependency for the RNLAF apache But you can blaim me for that. Im allergic to dependencies. Ill fix it. It shouldnt be there. Note: after the US version release and updated UK version Ill stop supporting these variants and focus on Dutch stuff only.
  7. Hey...the Beeping for the missile is a big I never got reported. will check it out! thnx for reporting Like I said. You can add whatever weapons you like through the init. (or reconfig) The NVGs Ill take a look at. since its not there IRL. Maybe I can fix the issue inba smart confug/script way. It never occured to me (or anyone else for that matter)
  8. Crielaard

    Prussian Empire Mod

    Im working on somendutch terrains...but have some germans in mind aswell. If you guys have modellers that can make objects for the map, the choice would be easy!
  9. Hi McNab The armor value is intentionally high. You can wreck all systems so it plummets out of the sky but the pilots will survive. Hence you'll barely be able to "blow it up". So it is a feature, but let me know if it is a real problem. What kind of loadouts did you have in mind? If you want a different set of Hellfires and hydras, you can just use the addweapon/magazine command. You can also just reconfig the mod for inhouse use. That you wont be allowed to do that is the biggest bullshit rule in the community anyway. It kills part of the opportunity to have modders learn from eachother. ...Im drifting. Lets get back on topic. :D
  10. Crielaard

    Lowlands Warrior

    A small textual Update. The CH47F has now been released for testing by Batavian Tactical. In the next few weeks they will test it live during Online missions/training. The Advanced Flight Model seems to be implemented well now, with some help for a RL Chinook pilot! At the moment special features like 'firing from vehicles' and others are being implemented. Also someone is working on a correct texture (gray) and the Miniguns that were fitted in Konyo's version are being replaced by an FN MAG. More pictures and possibly a live action video soon!
  11. Why dont you just use encryption?
  12. Crielaard

    Arma vanilla Artillery Fire?

    No that is not the issue. I dont say that it doesnt work. Im saying that when fired manually the submunition isnt released. This is because the shell needs input from the arty computer to determin where its intended target is. So I would like to know really how you provide the shell with such a position. It must be a funtion under the arty fire button.
  13. Crielaard

    Lowlands Warrior

    Its low on our Prio list. However, if we do, it will be: Eindhoven AB + Oirschotseheide+Drunese duinen
  14. Thats a limit of CBA. So my guesse is, dont hold your breath for it. Easy fix: Since you have the Warthog, I'd say make a simple profile that makes your radio buttons output keys that you use for radio transmition.
  15. Crielaard

    Lowlands Warrior

    Here we go again! While working on the Chinook 6 people have come together to work on terrains. At the moment we have the Artillery Firing Range taking shape and the area we call Netherlands South-Center is taking serious shape aswell. Within a month we will go our making pictures on the Leusderheide training area. Which one will be available first for the public is yet unknown. But we intent to push out an Alpha version of one of these terrains before the end of the year! There is a bigger plan and the picture below gives you an idea of what we are up to:
  16. In other words. RTFM :D
  17. Crielaard

    Immersion Cigs

    This forum needs a 'like' button. Smoking affects you lowlight vision aswell. Maybe a future featre?
  18. Crielaard

    Immersion Cigs

    How the hell did I mis this one!? We MUST have this in our mod pack! Thanks for making this. Why does a Milsim group need this in their modpack? Because of a 10 year old running joke. :D
  19. Crielaard


    I see you have a food/water system. cool! is there any way to have that sepperate from the rest? I've been asking ACE3 about this feature with no response at all. We play long missions where we could be behind enemy lines over a week. Having relyance on food in our backpack would be great.
  20. Crielaard

    Bo-105 Helicopter

    Advanced flight model? :)
  21. Crielaard

    Arma 3 Medals

    like! Would you make this an opensource project so people can easily add their own medals? And would this be attached to the player's ID? Or mission specific?
  22. Agreed. A3sync is easy to use. Just put up a repo server and you just have to explain once. And you have full control of what your group uses. Other than missions I make, my pbos arrnt getting anywhere near steam. And who puts em up there and has the balls to state it's their own work, will get them ripped off violently. (as happend some timen ago)
  23. That is correct What you see up that is merely WiP state skins. Which really is the original green skin with a RNLAF roundel
  24. Crielaard

    The Mach Loop: LFA7

    Spooky...son... YOUR FUCKIN ROCK!!!!