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Everything posted by jshock

  1. Thanks for the report. I swear I need to stop coding at 3am.... To fix it temporarily until I push a hotfix, you need to put down a Mask Settings Module and that should solve the issue. I will probably wait a few days to make sure I didn't screw something else up before I push the hotfix.
  2. UPDATE: PUBLIC v0.5.1 is LIVE Changelog: The OP will be updated in time. And as with any update please let me know if there are any major and immediate issues!!
  3. Yea, I had a function attempt to grab a variable that no longer existed (because I changed something somewhere) and the value defaulted out to -1, which isn't a good value to judge time on, lol. But it should be fixed now nonetheless. I don't know why yours would be working fine....coding at its best.
  4. @TrueMonolith It's funny you bring it up, I was also just made aware of this issue with the overlay last night, this issue has already been fixed and will be pushed out in the coming days . Thanks for the report though, I'm suprised more ACE users haven't noticed that the time to death handling was screwed up too, they would have gone down immediately entering a zone without gear. I found that issue just messing around on a mission (testing an updated feature).
  5. Yes, I'm aware of that thanks to another patron on Steam as well, I will be pushing a key along with it in the next update (I'm shooting for Friday sometime, earlier if things work out nicely, by the end of the weekend if not so nicely). Just slipped my mind when I initially compiled the files for the mod. Appreciate the post, seems like you made an account just to let me know about this .
  6. Well, I don't know if it's easy to do on the Workshop or if this mod is just that well received: Nonetheless, thank you to everyone thus far that has supported this mod, we made the Workshop front page, most popular this week, in a little over 3 days! Make sure to keep the thumbs up coming so we can ensure it will stay there .
  7. You will need to put it in the initPlayerLocal.sqf, though I don't know if anything has changed but I seem to remember something about activatedAddons being deactivated in MP? I may be thinking of something else, but here is another alternative if that is the case (this is untested): 0 = [] spawn { waitUntil {time > 1 && !isNull player && !isNull (findDisplay 46)}; _teamspeakServer = "myTeamSpeakServer"; _teamspeakChannel = "myTeamSpeakChannel"; _timeout = 60; _timePassed = 0; _h = [_teamspeakServer,_teamspeakChannel] spawn { params ["_teamspeakServer","_teamspeakChannel"]; if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgPathces" >> "task_force_radio")) then { scopeName "serverCheckScope"; if !(call TFAR_fnc_getTeamSpeakServerName isEqualTo _teamspeakServer) then { systemChat format ["Please join the TeamSpeak (%1)!",_teamspeakServer]; sleep 4; breakTo "serverCheckScope"; } else { scopeName "channelCheckScope"; if !(call call TFAR_fnc_getTeamSpeakChannelName isEqualTo _teamspeakChannel) then { systemChat format["Please join the correct TeamSpeak channel (%1)",_teamspeakChannel]; sleep 4; breakTo "channelCheckScope"; }; }; } else { systemChat "You must have TFAR loaded to play this mission."; sleep 1; endMission "end2"; }; waitUntil {_timePassed = _timePassed + 1; sleep 1; scriptDone _h || _timePassed >= _timeout;}; if (_timePassed >= _timeout) then { systemChat "TFAR check has timed out please make sure to be in the TeamSpeak and the proper channel."; sleep 1; endMission "end2"; } else { systemChat "Welcome to the mission!"; }; }; };
  8. That's not really the point, just be glad I'm one of the guys who could give a sh*t.... Anyways, short answer to directly accessing the contamination integer is no. The only way to "alter" it would be to mess with your area's (cold zone) radius settings. I'm aware that the current detection strength calculation is relatively linear, but I just have to get around to using my brain to think about where to go with it to make it more interesting and that is extremely low priority on my dev list right now. Nonetheless, I'm happy my mod inspired someone to develop something to their liking, I can't possibly think of everything, that's what this community is all about (IMHO). I thought about making the detector a proper geiger, but then I decided to make the intent of the mod to cover more than just radiation, that's why I went with a digital age style detector.
  9. I think the original pbo with all the goodies was about a half gig ~120MB. I'm still trying to decide if I will use all of the stuff included. If I don't that should drive the size down a bit. But as Mr. S said, outside of the base required stuff RVMATs and etc, each new "camo" is its own standalone texture that really doesn't add that much to file size, maybe a couple MBs. I will more than likely release the gear as its own thing mainly because of the size. This mod by itself right now is ~2.7MB and will probably never break 5MB once everything is added and done. But my plan with the gear is to have seperate pbos for each type of gear: uniforms, vests, masks, and so on. Which isn't exactly what you are looking for but it's honestly the best I'm willing to do right now. The timeline on pushing the gear is tenative anyways, so there will be time for things and ideas to change. Thank you for your input Limbo, it is much appreciated! EDIT: Correction, original pbo was only ~120MB, which isn't that bad honestly.
  10. With a little assistance from the original content creator, @Mr.Skellington, I have been able to truly start the process of porting his content into this mod. The teaser:
  11. Ok, cool, yea that sounds similar to the whole Google Drive workaround except yours seems to have a couple more features . EDIT: Nvm, found the Google Analytics linked to it, so I can see all the same stuff, nice to know DB has the same optionality though!
  12. _play = _this select 0; _name = _this select 1; _markname = _this select 2; ObjVar = _play getVariable ["ObjVar",objNull]; _rallyExists = !isNull ObjVar; _distanceExists = count (allUnits select {side _x == west && _x distance _play <= 700}) > 0; if (_distanceExists) then { hint "Enemy too close! Must not be within 700 meters of an enemy soldier"; } else { if (_rallyExists) then { hint "Rally already placed!"; } else { disableUserInput true; sleep 5; _name = "LIB_AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Large" createVehicle position _play; disableUserInput false; _play setVariable ["ObjVar", _name]; _markname = createMarker ["_markname", position _name]; _markname setMarkerShape "ICON"; _markname setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _markname setMarkerText format ["%1 Rally", _play]; [_name, ["Destroy Rally Point", "Destroy.sqf", [_play, _name, _markname]]] remoteExec ["addAction", 0, true]; publicvariable "_name"; }; };
  13. Try this instead of setDamage: deleteVehicle _name;
  14. Replace your destroy.sqf stuff with this: (_this select 3) params ["_play","_name","_markname"]; _name setdamage 1; _play setVariable ["ObjVar", objNull]; deletemarker "_markname";
  15. I completely understand doing things the old fashion way, I'm normally categorized in that group a lot of the time. I assume the EULA on SW breaks our ability to exercise exclusivity over our own content, at least that is what I got after skimming it. I am not too worried, if someone steals my shit, someone steals it. But I completely understand why people would have an issue with that. Anyways I hope the Google Drive will work out for those that don't use the Workshop and I hope to see some reports in the coming days whether they are issues or glaring reviews on how terrible my mod is .
  16. Check my edit on my first post and see if that makes more sense to you, it avoids needing the actual name of the rally. Make sure west_rally_mark is the in the form of a string with my version.
  17. What is "_play" and "_name" in this context? Share your executing line of code as well (i.e. [myParameters] execVM "myScript.sqf";) EDIT: I see that _name is the actionID and _play is the player... Your issue is that you need to make _name -> name. No underscore. I recommend you change the variable name to something like: rallyPointActionID Actually, I just redid it to some degree: _player = _this select 0; _markname = _this select 1; _rallyObj = _player getVariable ["rallyPointObj",objNull]; _rallyExists = !isNull _rallyObj; if (_rallyExists) then { hint "Rally already placed!"; } else { disableUserInput true; sleep 5; _obj = "LIB_AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Large" createVehicle position _play; disableUserInput false; _player setVariable ["rallyPointObj",_obj]; _markname = createMarker [_markname, position _obj]; _markname setMarkerShape "ICON"; _markname setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _markname setMarkerText format ["%1 Rally", _play]; _obj addAction ["Destroy Rally", "Destroy.sqf", _obj]; }; With the above you need to pass in the player themselves and a marker name in the form of a string. You will need to go into your Destroy.sqf and add a line similar to the following: _player setVariable ["rallyPointObj",objNull];
  18. That makes sense. I just haven't had that issue quite yet I suppose... Well, I found a way to track it with Google Drive, post above will be updated.
  19. Plans can change :D. The main reason I wanted to push mainly SW was so I can track the popularity a bit easier. You can call it ego or whatever, I just like to track such things. Unless I'm mistaken Armaholic's downloads ticker is still broken. I may push a dropbox or similar at somepoint here in the coming days depending on the need for a non-SW. If I may ask in my own ignorance, why wouldn't people use the SW?
  20. Thanks, I've been slowly working on integrating your stuff and I haven't decided if it will release with the mod package or not. I plan on working further with Ltf on expanding on numerous different camos and such. At least people are free to put in whatever gear they want so they can just download your original until then!
  21. FULL RELEASE THREAD (link) I've had this project half finished for months now, but I am seeing what the community may think of a contamination area mod. What does this mean? It means that you can simulate a biological attack (or anything in your imagination) within a user defined/placed area and the only way you can make it through it is if you have a "mask" on or certain set of gear (all user defined). This mod would be modular and allow you to define any headgear/goggles/uniform/vest to be considered necessary gear for traversing the area (so it will work with Hidden Identities) and there is a detection sound when you are in the area (similar to a Geiger counter) so you know if you need to have your gear on or not. The mod will have no outside dependencies, but will be compatible with ACE3 in the sense of how damage is applied over time to the player if ACE3 is enabled on the client. Please let me know if this would be of any use (or if there is something already out there) and I may be able to find some time to finish it and push it out to the community :)! Features List(s): Here is some footage of what I have thus far: Aspiring/Interested Developers If you are interested in assisting me with this mod, there is a list of features below that I'm unsure I can complete myself, you will of course get credits when/if it's released! - MOPP Gear models/configs (mask, suits, etc.) -Particle effects for areas Please PM me here on the forums if you are interested!
  22. If a moderator would be so kind to close this thread, as I have officially released:
  23. If you look at this page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_setTask There is a "isGlobal" option (true by defualt), so it can be ran from any locality, so long as that is set true it will be broadcasted to everyone. It's important to know the targets of the tasks as well.
  24. Locality of which part, BIS_fnc_setTask?
  25. Agreed on all fronts. I was just looking through to config to see what I could see.