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pvt. partz

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Everything posted by pvt. partz

  1. pvt. partz

    ArmA 3 Stutters/Lags

    ...that's not exactly what I said. Please read carefuly. I'm no engineer but I found that by disabling AF "in game" which I was told over the years, taxes the CPU. This happens more often in simulators than it does in FPS's. It's better to max it in the control panal which forces the GPU. I could be totally wrong but I know what works on my PC MInimum fps = 25+/- Maximum fps = 70+/-
  2. pvt. partz

    ArmA 3 Stutters/Lags

    I have found that trying to tune my video options, I get into more trouble than "Dennis The Menace!" Try setting your Nvidia control panel to default, then change only,... 1) Anisotropic Filtering = 16x ,... (disable this in game) 2) Power Management Mode = Maximum Performance then in game view distance = 2,000m ...increase or decrease depending on where you are in the map. Some areas are really bad on fps. object distance = 1,600m ...increase or decrease depending on where you are in the map 3) In game, disable PiP This doesn't work for everyone or every scenario but should help generaly speaking.
  3. This might be what you're looking for https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/183739-saveload-game-issue/?p=2899296
  4. pvt. partz

    save/load game issue

    I'm not at home so I can't tell you exactly where to look but somewhere in the Game options you will see a "allow unlimited saves" Simply check the box. Couldn't you just overwrite the oldest save and continue on your way?
  5. My issue may be twofold. Firstly: When I exit Arma 3 I am able to click only 3 or 4 times (closing open windows on my desktop for example) before my mouse click function no longer works. I am still able to move the mouse but cannot click. To fix it I use ctrl-alt-delete, and then am able to press "cancel" when that windows comes up. From that point on I can utilize the mouse normally. Secondly, and this is where it may possible that the two issues might be related: While playing Arma 3, I might set my headset down to leave for 2 minutes or maybe 20 minutes only to find that my mic (Astro A50) has become muted. Also for example, I might restart Arma 3 and find that Teamspeak has timed out and tries to reconnect over and over and over with no success. I have exhausted the Teamspeak forums with no luck. I have created a thread on the Steam forums as well hoping that Steam might be at fault, while finding a solution. I have researched all of the Windows updates, drivers and options such as wake timers, performance options, and so on to no avail. I have completely reformatted my Windows drive and reinstalled Windows 7, fresh. Thanks for helping
  6. pvt. partz

    Windows locks after exiting Arma 3

    Solved,...I think It's been a few weeks and I haven't had Teamspeak/von, mute since I made changes. The problem is I'm not sure which change made the difference. I can only guess that it was in the power options. If anyone else has this issue in the future hopefuly this might help. ,..Admin's, feel free to close this thread.
  7. pvt. partz

    Mutiple Issues

    Hello Spark23 I don't have a solid answer for you but I had a problem where my mic would mute when I would leave the PC for a time. It was so random because I could leave for 1 minute, mic might be muted, might not. I could leave for an hour, mic might be muted, might not. Geeze, no pattern at all !!! Like I said I don't have a solid answer persa but I think what fixed it was by going into the power settings. Since I have an Astro A50, is is essentially a wireless device even though it is plugged in. (check your USB ports to ensure that they are not in a sleep state) Hope this helps
  8. Have you tried testing with Vanilla and then adding your mods in one by one? luck
  9. pvt. partz

    Challenges of Jungle/Marine Warfare in Tanoa

    I am wondering if there will be swamps, lakes, rivers, and maybe caves. Sorry if I missed that if that's posted.
  10. pvt. partz

    AI can see through tree tops?

    I undertand from reading through (scimming) this thread that bullets travelling through, and in a straight line, to the other side of a tree or bush is going to be "hit & miss". Yes I meant to punn it. As an example I was oh maybe 3 or 4 hundred yards shooting through the top of a pine tree with a 7.62 and could NOT hit the AI standing ther laughing at me. I could see the clumps of pine needles flying away but no contact on the enemy.
  11. pvt. partz

    ARMA 3 Vehicle Crate Capacities

    Hello BoldWin Are you looking for something to modify the carrying capacity of your crates/vehicles? Look at this thread and scroll to the recommended section. (Bigger trunk addon)
  12. pvt. partz

    Wasteland Arma 3 Singleplayer?

    My buddy and I want to play Wasteland with only the two of us so my question might be directed to the same objective as the OP. Can you play with just one or two players and fight AI or is this mission style for online players only? (no AI?)
  13. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    That is so true! Playing on MP and getting anywhere from 60 to 70 fps, while then playing SP in almost the same area and getting between 20 and 30. Seems to be no rhyme or logical reason. I know this has nothing to do with Pilgrimage but just to point out the frustration of players in general. If a PC is based on 1's and 0's and the basic concept is "on or off" then why the inconsistency? Just an observation, as old as it might be.
  14. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Yup, long load times are definitely the long mod list ( your choice there ) ( I thought the Mag Repack was broken after the latest BI patch ). The streaking issue?,...we are hoping the scripting will get fixed as Catmandos and/or Rydygier find the time. In the meantime we are having as much fun watching things f@#$ up as we do playing a polished version, LOL
  15. pvt. partz

    Why Bohemia Why?

    ...@Bad Benson any chance on a fix for your EM mod. It works sometimes but after playing a while the climb makes you fly into the air. One of my favorite mods especially for urban combat. PS: Your MidTex still works perfectly!
  16. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    @heyvern69 First of all let me say I had a good chuckle at your post! I guess I was laughing mostly at the exact duplicate issues I'm having. getting blown up in your vehicle?,...don't get blown up!,...LOL. Sorry, I'm laughing quite hysterically now,...LOL On a more serious note though, what mods are you and your buddy using. There are some mods that should only be used with the server while other mods can be safely (fps issues stemming from conflicts) used. I might be able to solve your long load times if I see a problem with your use of mods. The other issues you are experiencing are the result of the reworked mission by Catmandos. Many of us are hoping he can put his talents to good use for us. You could always revert back to Rydygiers original version for the time being.
  17. pvt. partz

    Why Bohemia Why?

    Set your NI or your NV CP "Power Management Mode" setting to, Prefer Maximum Performance.
  18. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    ...Roger that !
  19. pvt. partz

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    I'm not sure I understand you correctly so I'll answer with what I think you need. Firstly, the sound mod has nothing to do with any movements, or in this case, issues with movements. I think you are stuck in free-look because you double tapped your "alt" key. Double tap it again and you should be able to function normally.
  20. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    @Catmandos We've been waiting for you! My buddy and I are hardcore Pilgrimage MP players. We have found workarounds for most of the MP issues that arise while playing but getting them fixed will be great. I think Ryd' said he was swamped with other stuff so having others step in is going to be a big help. If you need testers, let me know. Also, some players, myself included have asked whether other maps can be made to work with Pilgrimage. Is it possible to make it work and if so I would like to lend a hand if there is anything I can do, i.e: placement of chapels.
  21. @TPW. Everything besides animals works great and I can certainly live without them. Arma 3 is still maturing so I would not bust your *&^% any harder than you do until the game updates calm down. We don't want you or any other mod-makers to get dejected and throw in the towel. That would be a loss!
  22. To round out the visuals I would like to recommend... http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19524 ...I'm not sure but I think bcombat will/does not work in MP either very well or not at all. It does great in SP so I stand by it but if you want to experiment for best results I would also suggest... http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24080 Lastly, be careful how heavy you set TPW because to much can tax your fps drastically. But TPW is a must regardless! TWP also has a AI suppression mod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19467 All of these need to be studied carefully so that they don't conflict with each other. I have fiddled for hours trying to find the perfect balance so keep posting if you have issues.
  23. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    @Major-Stiffy Try this http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25875
  24. FYI,....I too have found that the interaction menu does not work, at least in SP. Have not tested in MP. When I press the key bindings I only see the small red circle.
  25. I play a lot of Pilgrimage and I place a lot of markers down so that I can keep track of things. The issue is that when I place a new marker (label) and hit enter, I get a double entry, one on top of the other. If I then hover and hit delete, I can remove one entry but it will be an entry that I put down previously. It's bet tricky to explain so I will try to upload a couple of ss's if needed. I had this issue with AGM as well but just wasn't 100% positive. Now I am quite sure that it is (ACE). Thanks for listening