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About NotBrad

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    hiding in the basement playing ArmA
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    Doom4u (Pvt. Reas [29th ID])
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  1. NotBrad

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Will you be adding ASDG_jointmuzzle support so we can use suppressors from other mods in conjunction with your absolutely fantastic us-army weapon models? because as of right now we can only use the very shitty and unrealistically and ridiculously large default BIS 5.56 suppressor which is really clunky and can give away a soldiers position in PVP if hes not careful of the extra two feet of barrel sticking out from behind cover or out of a window? does not have to be right now, but my unit is going to be reviewing our mod list in the coming weeks to make revisions, and this would definitely help me get them to add the US forces as we are only using the russian portion of the mod. Thanks
  2. Ignore these guys. They are all just jealous that they are incapable of coming up with anything awesome. You do whatever you want an ignore their condescending posts.
  3. I have not read through all of this thread, (due to the fact that it is 233 pages long) and there may already have been requests for this, but I have seen that within ArmA 3, there are relatively few types of vests in the vanilla version. My humble request from BIS would be to add new types of uniforms and vest types into the game, not re textures but different models that will be added to some of the default infantry types so that there can be some variety and choice when playing the game that can open up more options than what are currently available, this would be a nice addition in either a future update or a future addon. another request is that you add some more current day or older equipment such as M4's and M249's, because as it stands, there is relatively few weapon choices in the game, because there may be a half dozen versions of the same weapon, in different configurations, but that does not really give us a choice in our equipment, because there is relatively little aesthetic or game play difference to them. one very subtle request though, that even if you do not apply anything else, the holographic sight in the game sits slightly to the left of the actual rail, as well as that the reticle does not line up with the barrel of the gun, which is not a problem in CQC, but can seriously affect accuracy at longer ranges
  4. NotBrad

    Zeus Feature Request Thread

    what I mean is have independent ranges for different item types, that will only be visible when placing that type of item.
  5. NotBrad

    Zeus Feature Request Thread

    Early yesterday morning, I was playing the new Zeus game-mode after downloading the Development beta off steam, and noticed that although the boundary protected the players from unit spam and object modification that would break the game-mode, it also prevents the Zeus or moderator from airdropping supplies and vehicles for the human players, which in many of the games I have played since then, logistics and getting supplies to players seems to be the biggest issue. So... the application of a dome would greatly improve the Zeus players abilities in the area of providing the players on the ground with the correct equipment, without having to worry about them running past the placed equipment without them realizing that they had it available. But at the same time, it would be ludicrous for the Zeus to be able to spawn hostile helicopters above them, but would at the same time be a great addition to be able to have hostiles drop onto the player position from above by parachute. So there could be some balancing issues that I acknowledge, but if a way to implement this could be to have multiple placement boundaries pertaining to different categories of objects, that would be broken down into 5 properties for each boundary. 1. SHAPE (sphere/dome, circle, rectangle, box) 2. LENGTH (in the direction a player is looking so as not to change scenery within their field of view) 3. WIDTH (to perform the same function that the circle does now, so hostile units are not too close to players without them being able to see them first) 4. OBJECT TYPE (allows specific types of objects to have greater placement radius to allow scenario flexibility) 5. FACTION (so that based on scenario, hostile units and objects can have greater placement radius than allied objects) If you have any comments or additional Ideas, feel free to post them, or if certain things need clarification, I will be glad to do so. Any criticism is welcome, as it will allow the generation of new ideas.
  6. NotBrad

    Zeus Feature Request Thread

    Early yesterday morning, I was playing the new Zeus game-mode after downloading the Development beta off steam, and noticed that although the boundary protected the players from unit spam and object modification that would break the game-mode, it also prevents the Zeus or moderator from airdropping supplies and vehicles for the human players, which in many of the games I have played since then, logistics and getting supplies to players seems to be the biggest issue. So... the application of a dome would greatly improve the Zeus players abilities in the area of providing the players on the ground with the correct equipment, without having to worry about them running past the placed equipment without them realizing that they had it available. But at the same time, it would be ludicrous for the Zeus to be able to spawn hostile helicopters above them, but would at the same time be a great addition to be able to have hostiles drop onto the player position from above by parachute. So there could be some balancing issues that I acknowledge, but if a way to implement this could be to have multiple placement boundaries pertaining to different categories of objects, that would be broken down into 5 properties for each boundary. 1. SHAPE (sphere/dome, circle, rectangle, box) 2. LENGTH (in the direction a player is looking so as not to change scenery within their field of view) 3. WIDTH (to perform the same function that the circle does now, so hostile units are not too close to players without them being able to see them first) 4. OBJECT TYPE (allows specific types of objects to have greater placement radius to allow scenario flexibility) 5. FACTION (so that based on scenario, hostile units and objects can have greater placement radius than allied objects) If you have any comments or additional Ideas, feel free to post them, or if certain things need clarification, I will be glad to do so. Any criticism is welcome, as it will allow the generation of new ideas.