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Everything posted by fry02312

  1. fry02312

    seelenlos Zeus

    Updated to v.1.4.1
  2. fry02312

    seelenlos Zeus

    I try it.
  3. fry02312

    seelenlos Zeus

    @coolspy and s0l0knight Can you upload or post your client and server rpt file?
  4. fry02312

    seelenlos Zeus

    Do you have add the units in the array "SLZ_objects" array and set "SLZ_autoAddObj" to one? Which addon do you have use before?
  5. fry02312

    seelenlos Zeus

    I will look into it soon.
  6. fry02312

    seelenlos Zeus

    Mod is updated to version 1.3. It is not a patch for the bug which coolspy described.
  7. fry02312

    seelenlos Zeus

    I can't reproduce this behavior. Do you use other Mods? Please describe step by step what i have to do to get this bug. MfG Fry
  8. fry02312

    seelenlos Zeus

    Thanks man! I will look into it.
  9. fry02312

    seelenlos Zeus

    No, because you have to login as admin and this is not possible in sp.
  10. fry02312

    seelenlos Zeus

    Mod is updated to version 1.2! See first post for more infos.
  11. fry02312

    New Respawn Screen (dev branch)

    Hello, I have one question. I have tried to use the new respawn screen without MenuPosition template. Instead, I used a marker called respawn_west. But this don't work correct. If I respawn the first time, I am at the position, where i place the unit in the editior and after the second respawn i am at the respawn_west marker position. Is the new repsawn screen incompatible with the marker respawn system?
  12. fry02312

    seelenlos Zeus

    Another? Which mod have the "SL" tag?
  13. SL Markierungsdienst (engl. Tag Sevice / Marker Service) This mod draws icons over soldiers and vehicles indicating the soldiers class / vehicle type. The icon's visibilty is influenced by environmental conditions. Version: 1.7 Author: seelenlos Authors website: http://arma.seelenlos.eu Required Addons: None Signed: not necessary Description: In reality you will be easily able to recognize someone just by the way he walks, even on long distances. In ArmA, this is not the case. In order to help you finding and identifying your buddys, we decided to make this mod which will draw icons over units belonging to your side in 3D space. The icon will represent the class of the soldier or vehicle he is sitting inside. To avoid making this mod a cheat tool and enhance immersion the icons will shrink as the distance between you and your buddy increases. Be careful, difficult conditions like fog, rain, dark nights or combinations of such will make it difficult to spot the icons even on short distances. Use optical tools like Scopes, Binoculars, Night-vision glasses and such to improve your vision. If you are close enough to you teammate, the mod will display his name as well. The code is as performance friendly as possible. If there are large numbers of units around, you may see a lag in the change of the icon size when raising your scope or something like that. But you will NOT experience fps drops, as the game engine is somewhat prioritized over the mod. Features: - marker icons in 3D space - displays names of human players if close to them - uses ArmA standard colors representing side - displays infantry and vehicles with Crew > 0 - icons represent soldier class / vehicle type - compatible with recent and future mods/addons/dlc's - recognizes side change on the fly - fog, rain, day/night, NV, distance and zoom influences visibility of icons - no icons when using thermal sights - performance friendly The mod needs to be installed only on server side! Media: Download: - Dropbox - Steam Workshop - Armaholic (not up to date) Credits: Fry from seelenlos-Team Server: TS3: License: GPLv3 Known Issues: - (really small) lag in change of symbol size if >100 Units nearby - displayed icon represents soldier class according to selected slot in the lobby; Changing gear of course does not affect your class, so play as what you chose, damned! Changelog: v.1.7 CHANGED - sorting by groups (mod units will be detected too) - split code in two parts (slow code and realtime code) - SLMD_oldMethod variable removed from slmd_settings FIXED - RHSAFRF units are detected v.1.5 CHANGED - new method to calculate all parameters - old: while do loop - new: EachFrame EventHandler (faster calculation, less fps) - changed safeZoneW -> safeZoneWAbs and safeZoneX -> safeZoneXAbs (Multi Monitor Support) ADDED - userconfig (ArmA3\userconfig\slmd\slmd_settings.sqf) - define custom Color - switch between old and new method to calculate all parameters KNOWN ISSUES The new method reduce my fps. 3 frames less then the old method. (64 units in field of view) v.1.4 ADDED - detection of objects between you and other units to fade out thier marker (new script command lineIntersectsSurfaces) - check if unit is in field of view (increase performance) v1.3 - first public release
  14. SL Telegraphiedienst This mod allows you to select and play several sounds from a menu in-game to entertain, insult, annoy and applaud to other players. 81 sound samples are included, most of them are German. Version: 1.01 Author: seelenlos Authors website: http://arma.seelenlos.eu Required Addons: None Signed: Yes, server key included Description: After all, ArmA is still a game and we shouldn't take things too serious from time to time ... So we thought it was a good idea to give the player the opportunity to play a soundfile from a selection of various funny movie quotes, music snippets, classic game sounds etc. over the network which will be heard by every other player in the game. You can select the sound to be played by pressing and holding LCtrl+LShift and the Numpad keys in the visual interface at the top of the screen. Many of the available sound samples are German, so is their description in the interface. In total there are 81 sounds to select from, including a bunch of famous movie quotes from our childhood's heroes Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. Features: - Plays sound samples over network by pressing LCtrl+LShift - visual interface - 81 sounds to select from - player who played the sound is shown in global sidechat - mod is to be run client-side only The mod needs to be installed only on client side and is completely optional. The server only needs to have the key installed. Players not running the mod will see a sidechat message, but hear no sound. Media: Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q3o1491nl3vj0jv/%40SLT_1.01.rar?dl=0 Credits: Chucky & Fry from seelenlos-Team Server: TS3: License: GPLv3 Known Issues: - missing chat message in very few missions for unknown reasons - usage on laptops without numpad unclear: unable to test - players abusing the mod for audio spamming: feel free to use the in-game Kick or Ban Buttons... Changelog: v1.01 - first public release
  15. fry02312

    Locality issue with Zeus

    Do you try it on dedicated? Is Zeus a unit? Where do you place the code (which sqf? int.sqf, initserver.sqf....)?
  16. First of all great Mod but how can i use this on dedicated server? There is no bikey!