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About taikonaut

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  1. taikonaut

    Escape 10 Malden/Tanoa et al

    Thanks a bunch, man! Typical BI-stunt to hide it. :) Edit... in fact it is not really hidden. I`m just blind.
  2. Hey folks, is there any way to play the official "Escape from Malden" etc as a night mission? Cheers taiko
  3. taikonaut

    Tao Folding Map

    Oh blimey. :)
  4. taikonaut

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    I`ve been checking out Tanoa for some days now and it's great. I really look forward to the final release. One thing has been bothering me a lot, though... In my opinion there is far too less grit around. Taking a stroll around the villages and cities maked me wonder if I'm in bubble gum country. Moar rust! This is the south pacific. Everything is gritty and rusty there... I think. :) Will there be more dirt and grit in the release?
  5. taikonaut

    Tao Folding Map

    Where do I find the configuration menu? I guess pressing ESC ingame, but there is no menu. Running latest Arma3 1.60ish and latest CBA...
  6. Like this? Clarify, please... ... name="sensor"; expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;"; expActiv="sensorEnter= [] execVM ""scripts\awesome\sensor_enter.sqf"";"; expDesactiv="sensorLeave= [] execVM ""scripts\awesome\sensor_leave.sqf"";"; ...
  7. here´s one for you... I have this Sensor-Class in my mission.sqm class Item0 { position[]={4691,0.436,13432}; a=200; b=200; rectangular=1; activationBy="WEST"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="sensor1"; expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;"; expActiv="sensor1= [] execVM ""scripts\awesome\sensor_enter.sqf"";"; expDesactiv="terminate sensor1; titleText [""You've left the Sensor."", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];"; class Effects; }; All is fine, works great, hooray! Now I want to start a script on leaving the sensor... I figured changing it to: class Item0 { position[]={4691,0.436,13432}; a=200; b=200; rectangular=1; activationBy="WEST"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="sensor1"; expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;"; expActiv="sensor1= [] execVM ""scripts\awesome\sensor_enter.sqf"";"; expDesactiv="sensor1= [] execVM ""scripts\awesome\sensor_leave.sqf"";"; class Effects; }; Computer says NO... Sensor is broken. Strangely enough, I failed to find a proper documentation about the sensor stuff, esp. "expDesactiv". Anybody got an idea how to fire a script on ENTERING and LEAVING a sensor?