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About typhus

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  1. typhus

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    Nice thx for the work in progress and the temporary fix.
  2. typhus

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    Blackpixxel, Is the mod dead or still Work in Progress and you just need some time. Would be a shame because i like the mod. We need the fix for the scopes asap....please give us a respond ...that we can still hope.
  3. typhus

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    Hi Blackpixxel - how is everything working out with the the scope rotation? any news ? can you fix this problem ? with the m3 scope its hard to deal with this situation. the smaw has a mildot scope so you can adjust the problem with a little thinking, but with the m3 it´s a different story. i know the scope is the same as the real thing but it makes it really hard to find the sweet spot when you adjust the distances... wish us all and you the best to solve the problem. keep up the great work.
  4. typhus

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Is there a chance that we get the Steyr Aug A3 SF with the 1,5 x Optic or 3x Scope and a UGL Launcher Variant? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4Db8V38cLg https://www.steyr-mannlicher.com/militaryandlawenforcement/products/assaultrifles/auga3a3sf/ Link to UGL. https://www.steyr-mannlicher.com/militaryandlawenforcement/products/grenadelauncher/ link to Scope How it looks when you look trough it. https://bullpupforum.com/index.php?topic=1494.0 I love the Steyr Aug A3 CQB with the UGL ... and i am grateful that you made it. Great Job. The only think is that the sound could be more tweaked. I can´t wait what new Toys are comming up to try and use it. I also love your sma scopes. Keep up with the good work
  5. Hey Massi i postet this some time ago... I would like to know if ithe grenade Launcher for the US Army Weapon works correct as intended. The M203 and the AG36 are EGL (One Shot Systems) in real life. Why is it possible that you can load 3GL- Grenades Ammunition in an EGL (M203 and AG36) Launcher and then capeable to fire the 3 Grenade Pack. I know there is a "new" grenade launcher out who can fire 3 Grenades in a row without reloading each Grenade ( ).In other Mods like Eric J Scar Pack or Robert Hammer M4/M16 Weapon Pack the weapons can't load 3GL Grenade Ammunition only the single ones. Is this on purpose ?? My Group use your mod...
  6. typhus

    EricJ Release thread

    Hey, i played a little with the Scar L-EGLM Version. When you switch Fire Mode from Single to Full to Grenade Launcher ...there is a fourth option like a safe switch and you can`t fire the weapon. is this on purpose for this weapon to have this option? Thanks for your efford and the hard work you put in this mod.
  7. First of all thanks for this Weapon pack .... I would like to know if ithe grenade Launcher for the Us Army Weapons works correct as intended. The M203 and the AG36 are EGL in real life. Why do they fire like a 3GL grenade launcher? Is this on purpose ??
  8. Hello Guys, I need some help with the headless client. The Headless Client connect to our server, but if i use MCC Console ,the HC-fps are on 0 and the server fps is on 50, and i can't create a Zone on the Headless Client so i can't create units. Does anybody know a solution ?
  9. typhus

    EricJ Release thread

    Hey EricJ, thanks for your nice mod. Is it possible to get a black Version for the Scar-L EGLM and the Scar-H EGLM ? Would be very nice...