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About KamikazeXeX

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  1. KamikazeXeX

    Chernarus Redux [WIP Release]

    My project, FatalityMod (The project backing Chernarus Redux) is providing a building addon that will have alot more enterable buildings.
  2. KamikazeXeX

    Chernarus Redux [WIP Release]

    We already have our own alternative for open buildings, it is based on the source OCP uses but our lead modeller is cracking open the rest :) Thank-you for your suggestion, we have plenty of inspiration but are always looking for more ideas, its not quite comparable to TLOU but it does have a great apocalyptic and atmospheric feeling :)
  3. KamikazeXeX

    APL C-130

    Thankyou for this upload @[Dust]Sabre I will be sure to leave credits to yourself whenever I put this to use! Kind regards, KamikazeXeX
  4. KamikazeXeX

    Third Person View and veteran difficulty

    Thanks KK, working lovely on my servers!
  5. KamikazeXeX

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Hey, just though i'd notify that there is still crashes going on after the first hour or so with the latest version of ArmA 3 Server (1.54.133596) and RyanZombies 3.2, I'm not sure what the error is being caused by but as soon as I disable my custom spawner system the server will run absolutely fine, it looks although as it "could" be related to ArmA's memory allocator but I'm no expert, just thought i'd post this from my RPT for diagnostic purposes. 21:15:16 Error: can't resize AutoArray to negative size! 21:15:16 Virtual memory total 4095 MB (4294836224 B) 21:15:16 Virtual memory free 1674 MB (1755385856 B) 21:15:16 Physical memory free 26999 MB (28310675456 B) 21:15:16 Page file free 23179 MB (24305274880 B) 21:15:16 Process working set 806 MB (846036992 B) 21:15:16 Process page file used 2113 MB (2216112128 B) 21:15:16 Longest free VM region: 1062649856 B 21:15:16 VM busy 2537689088 B (reserved 169947136 B, committed 2367741952 B, mapped 44138496 B), free 1757147136 B 21:15:16 Small mapped regions: 17, size 77824 B
  6. Hey, I would like to inform the community about a ticket that was raised. It's about sendAUmessage script command which was never implemented. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/sendAUMessage You might ask what would it be used for? Well sendAUmessage would allow mod/mission makers to transfer clients from server to server. Which would allow cross-map travel. Zone division on 1 map (500 player Altis for example). Imagine the possibilities. Epic scale mil-sims, "Frankie" style of map travel(get on a boat from Altis to Chernarus). Events on a whole new scale. I believe that this would be a ground breaking change to Arma 3 and would redefine it as a whole, It'd be like when Bungee/Bukkit came around for Minecraft, it completely re-defined the way people played. Just imagine the endless list of possibilities, something along the lines of a World of Warcraft RPG style of game mode would be completely possible. If you think it's a good idea please vote up the following feedback ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23328 Kind regards, Myself and Grim EDIT: As per Grim's feedback.arma3.com update Implement redirectClient script command Description What would redirectClient do: 1: Server executes: redirectClient [[array of player objects or netids],IP:PORT]; 2: server checks a config to see if the IP:PORT is in the white-list -- preventing potential RE issues. 3: sends that command to players specified. 4: players fadeIn with loading screen while in backend client connects to new server and loads the mission. 5: Profit
  7. I'd assume using multiple over a single with switch would cause more strain due to the fact you are having multiple events on different handlers, with a single one that filters I've noticed I don't get any temporal fluxes in performance of the server, I in particular run 2 DayZ Mod server and one ArmA 3 Epoch, all of which have a nice single event handler and all seems to work a lot smoother especially when throwing things to and from many clients
  8. As much as I don't want to bump a 2-3 year old thread and I'm sure users will have come across this issue by now, along with this thread (given that there is still no removeEH) but just for those who haven't figured it out yet you can use a single PVEH easily using switch cases with a id filter like so (ignore any obvious issues, I just put together a simplified version of my server side PVEH I run on my servers for logging of in-game admin events and cleanup of objects they spawn on the server after the event has finished //PV Example 1 - logging things _something = "Whatever"; _morestuff = "Random"; MY_PVEH = [0, _something, _morestuff]; publicVariable "MY_PVEH"; //PV Example 2 - Deletion of objects on server stored in array _log = format["%1 Deleted the array of objects", name player]; //Player name in this example will be JIMBOB OBJECTARR = ["classname1","classname2","classname3"]; //some random array of objects publicVariable "OBJECTARR"; //PV this to all clients so anyone with access to script where this PV is run from can clean it up (Other ways of doing this with client side EH's) MY_PVEH = [1, _log, OBJECTARR]; publicVariable "MY_PVEH"; //The EH "MY_PVEH" addPublicVariableEventHandler { _array = _this select 1; //Get array of elements and assign to local var so we can select separate elements easier _id = _array select 0; //Get ID from 1st element in array passed to EH so we can filter what we need the EH to do switch (_id) do { case 0 : { _log1 = _array select 1; //Get log1 from 2nd element of array passed to EH _log2 = _array select 2; //Get log2 from 3rd element of array passed to EH diag_log format["%1 this is %2", _log1, _log2]; //Log the results, in logs should be "Whatever this is Random" }; case 1 : { _log = _array select 1; //Get log from 2nd element of array passed to EH remember we formatted this earlier with player name also JIMBOB in this example _objects = _array select 2; //Get objects from 3rd element of array passed to EH OBJECTARR = _objects; // No real need for this AFAIK, just makes things easier on my brain sometimes _logger = format ["Cleanup logger: %1 %2", _log, _objects]; //Log results, in logs should be "Cleanup logger: JIMBOB Deleted the array of objects ["classname1","classname2","classname3"]" diag_log _logger; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach OBJECTARR; //Objects get cleaned up OBJECTARR = []; publicVariable "OBJECTARR"; //Reset array back to blank and push to all clients }; }; };