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Everything posted by magnetar

  1. Use babel in order to avoid "spying" in the rare event that you get into the same frequency given the range of frequencies supported by the 152 and it's channel spacing. Blocks can also be assigned, second block starts at channel 17 (1-based index) or 16 (0-basesd index)
  2. The ACE3 Headless Client module works fine with DAC.
  3. Radios are not that reliable. We are too used to have repeaters everywhere that help in not loosing the signal. Mobile phones would not be able to be used in a city, with those high rise buildings, without them. All the radios modelled in ACRE operate in Line-of-sight (LOS) mode, meaning that if you have LOS between two antennas all will be fine. Being behind a mountain prevents this and the signal going from radio A to radio B has to travel a longer distance, maybe even reflecting on another hill, before reaching radio B. Note that the "optimum" range of a PRC/343 is between 700 and 850m Another comparison that may help you understand how bad signals are (just as an illustrative example there are other important details involved): AN/PRC-343 works at 2.4 GHz, which is also the frequency of some wireless networks. Usually, WLAN routers operate at 100mW, same as the AN/PRC 343. How far does a wifi signal travel? Have you had problems when being just two rooms away? Now apply this to being behind a mountain...
  4. There is a ; instead of a ,?
  5. OK, maybe it was in the old system?
  6. Feel free to rise an issue on Github: https://github.com/IDI-Systems/acre2/issues
  7. Good to know it has been solved. Cheers.
  8. OK, I'll drop the bomb: May you be so kind to check our latest dev-build? You can find it on ACRE2 slack.
  9. Honestly I am baffled as well. Just to cross possible conflicts. Can this be reproduced only when launching A3 with CBA, ACRE2 and maybe ACE3? I am using the same resolution as you but I am not able to reproduce this.
  10. It is already implemented in the latest dev-build :)
  11. Yes it does. I have tested it and I have found no issues.
  12. Its the PDF inside the doc folder.
  13. No, it works fine in here.
  14. Look at the DAC camps functionality.
  15. The RPTs would be helpful. Note however that this may not be totally related to ACRE. I have been able to do rock stable acre sessions... Nevertheless, publish those RPTs, if there is an error in ACRE we will fix it, but without them we cannot do anything at all!!
  16. This is true as well for End Game spectator mode, although it works best, as Gienkov said, when used together with ACE3 one.
  17. magnetar

    Jet DLC?

    I would very much like if they implement also an advanced flight model for combat planes. It would put the experience on par with Helicopters.
  18. What are the advantages of using Profiling branch instead of the Stable one?
  19. So far we have not received any complaints...
  20. This is just a hotfix. I must say here that they are focusing on releasing version 1.0. Dedmen is actively developing it.
  21. Keybindings is not something ACRE touches. I think it would be better if you approach CBA for this matter.
  22. I must say here that I have never encountered a problem using DAC together with Headless Client. The flexibility DAC offers has no rival and it ensures a different experience every time you play the mission. Even the group composition changes every mission! This is not something you can do with ALiVE, where the spawned groups have always the same elements and size as defined in the config. With DAC you can set minimum and maximum sizes, time spent looking in a surrounding area if they reach a waypoint and they were on top of a vehicle, time spent checking buildings, probability of a certain role (grenadier, MG, rifleman,...) to appear in a group and so on. As said earlier: DAC offers the best flexibility and you can combine it with other spawn scripts like T8-Units to have a less dynamic spawning (https://github.com/T-800a/T8_Units). You could also use DAC to spawn units and later give them to ALiVE using a script, giving ALiVE the command of DAC AI units. This however will cut the AI features of DAC mentioned before.
  23. You also have DAC camps. But alive is better in the sense that overall command gives instructions to attack other places if a certain objective has been already taken.
  24. I use both. DAC excels at creating random patrols in an area, while ALiVE is much better to populate a zone and give "purpose" to units thanks to high level commanding.
  25. There are 64bit libraries already. So not soon but now.