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Posts posted by Siege-A

  1. 10 hours ago, road runner said:

    Some of the PMAGs/M4 mags in the chest rigs and plate carriers look under scaled to the ones on the weapons, it's very noticeable on the S&S plate frame and the fast mag. 
    Put one of Toadies PMAGS/EMAG/STANAGS on the front of the plate frame and it's much taller than the ones currently on your vests, the fastmags need scaled up a bit.  

    6 hours ago, MaL1203 said:

    I noticed that as well, its still a WIP so lets hope they fix it.


    No problem. The Plateframe loadout was just an example/test, and nothing final. I was working with a half magazine model when I set it up, and never did a comparison with others. But we have some full magazine models to set them up properly once we get back to them. Got many new loadouts on the way and being worked on currently, so you can bet it'll be fixed up before any release is made. 

    • Like 12

  2. And as promised, here's some media screens that were taken from our tester teams, during our first round of tests for RC1. We'll begin the second phase this upcoming week, where a bit more content will be added and we'll further refine things for the public release. We are pretty pleased with how things have gone with it so far, and while it still doesn't quite match the final quality of what we have planned for the project as a whole, the feedback has been very positive. The support from the community for this mod has been overwhelming and we can't thank you all enough, including for those that decided to jump in and help. Enjoy the screens (spoiler below) and we'll be updating you guys more as we move another step closer to release.





    • Like 28

  3. Small update for you guys. Got some exciting things going on and a few more community members which have joined the project. We've also kicked off our first round of testing for RC1 and that's been going very well, which we should also have some media rolling in sometime this week from it. And while the test build was a good indicator of what can be expected, we still kept a few surprises hidden away for the right time. As for the new staff, we have @s.rodge and @RabidusUK jumping on board with us, both with skills in modeling and texturing. Then we also have G.Smith which has begun helping us with our NVG interfaces and features so we can start getting all that worked in. Definitely looking forward to the added manpower, allowing us to continue bringing you all the most varied and custom content we can within one mod.


    And of course a little WIP. First up is some new pouches developed by the AMF team and kindly donated to us by Krogar to use within USP, since we keep a very close relationship between both teams. Got them ported in and added some MC texture variants for them.



    Then a quick glimpse at the Harris AN/PRC-163 that S.Rodge is creating for us as his first entry to the project:



    And finally, just some awesomeness:


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  4. 7 hours ago, FallujahMedic -FM- said:

    Once again, yet another report of ripped/banned content. 

    1 hour ago, R0adki11 said:

    Well unfortunately the drama is already happening, everyone should be aware of our forum rules. Ripped content is prohibited, as you would expect as these are the official forums. Any further issues will lead to forum further infractions and if necessary the closure of this thread.


    No offense, but doesn't look like any drama to me, rather a misunderstanding that was easily cleared up. Nothing like the drama that has been brought up in many other threads around here, but that's besides the point. Also, why is there so much hostility in the air? Have I/we done something so terribly wrong or had a troubled history in these forums to become a target for some reason? Seems this mod has been wrongly accused of many things over the past few months by certain individuals, which you all have witnessed yourselves, and we have always been straight forward and honest with you. If you're saying that once again we have been reported to be using stolen/ripped content in this mod, then you or the people that made those claims are sadly incorrect. Because I can prove that everything found within USP Gear is and always has been 100% legitimate and properly used content which we have full permissions to use. If you'd like to have an inspection of our source content, I'd be glad to help. I can't speak for any content shown/seen outside of this mod, and if there was something in the screenshots which was forbidden, I had no knowledge of it and will apologize on the behalf of our whole mod team. It wasn't a part of USP Gear and doesn't represent what the mod is composed of. Not sure why screenshots from anyone else, apart from myself or the development team, would lead to the closure of my own thread. I'm not arguing with you, so don't take my response the wrong way, but I'm just confused why this mod as a whole is held responsible here. Can't say it paints the best image for what we have expressed about our desire to deliver completely legitimate content with the mod, when the thread is being tainted with reports of having/using ripped assets.

    • Like 31

  5. Just a small update I thought I would share with you guys. Been doing some work on Cunico's CPC to make the changes needed to convert it into a NCPC, as an additional item. Overall I think it turned out really nicely and all I need to do yet is some edits to the skeletal cummerbund to fix some of the areas where it became stretched. So for those thinking we were just gonna take these donated assets and simply repack them into a new mod, think again, because we are working to have many of our own custom variants for these items.



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  6. On 1/3/2019 at 4:36 PM, aptncy said:

    There was some talk in the discord of potential ace compatibility, are there any plans to add ace hearing protection to the helmets/headsets which have modeled hearing protection?


    ACE compatibility is in the plans. Main priority is the initial release, then we can take time to explore our options for additional features.


    On 1/5/2019 at 11:54 AM, mannmitmaske said:

    no need to apologize, it was after all just an estimate and not "we're 100% going to release it by then" so you really shouldn't worry about a delay especially because in your own words "it isn't far off now" 


    Just remember my idea of 'far off' could be a bit different from others.



    Quick progress update for everyone. We're still here, still working, and still getting shit done at our own pace. Release is still coming once we are comfortable with everything that will be included and worked out any issues. We've also brought on a new team member, @fingolfin, which is helping with some texture/retex work and can be seen below. Other than that, same grind it's always been with the same goal in mind. Enjoy the pics and there will be more updates coming soon.


    First up, the Strandhogg retextures from fingolfin, very nicely done. The 4 original patterns for it were made by Sabre (MC,BLK,RG,CB), and of course we left those untouched.



    Here I had done the same for the Plateframe with some new patterns. Also adding a second camo selection to make setting up custom variants much easier and more diverse.


    And finally some more awesome new model assets from OMA. 

    Luminox Recon NAV SPC


    Eagle Industries Modular Assault Pack


    • Like 29
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  7. We'll be getting a channel set back up for donators in the Discord where they will be able to view WIP. Give us a little time to work it all out, but in the meantime donators can send me or anyone in the dev team a message on here or Discord, so its easy for us to track you down when its time to be added back. Thanks for bearing with us through all of this and we should have a much smoother experience from here on out.

    • Like 5

  8. Just a quick announcement for those wondering where the release is. If you haven't guessed it by now, the release was delayed, largely due to me not having enough time to get everything finalized, tested and ready. I told everyone many times now that I'm really bad with ETA's, and this is a perfect example of that. I'm the one that set the end of year mark, and no ones fault but my own that we didn't meet that date. I take full responsibility, so no need to blame it on +2's and people asking for release dates. That was there to keep us from being spammed with ETA's, and while it wasn't enforced everytime that was asked, it does weigh in for the people demanding shit or feeling like we owe them this free mod when they want it. Now on the good side of things, the mod still is in its final stages before release and we're still pushing to make it happen. Mainly we've got some testing to be done and other things, but I can assure all of you it isn't far off now.


    Also everyone needs to be aware that this is the initial release on the way, so don't expect it to contain everything you've seen us show off here. It doesn't reflect the overall content that is being added in, nor the overall quality that the entire pack is aiming for. It should only be considered as an early look at things to come in an alpha phase, where everything will be improved as we move along. This is purely being done to give you all something to play with while the mod is still being worked on. Updates can be expected all throughout the year as new assets are added in and other items are improved. I would offer some type of release date, but since that isn't something I can always meet, I'll just say 'coming soon'. 


    Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure many of you are eager to get your hands on things. Just don't ever think we are delaying to be assholes, or because of a lack of effort. We have been putting a ton of time and work into this mod so far, with a massive project on our hands, and we want to ensure that the product we release is up to the standards we expect. Would be a shame to put all this work into something only to give you all an unfinished/unsatisfactory mod because we felt pressured to release early. Be calm and be patient, and I can guarantee you will be pleased with the result. We have a long road ahead full of exciting new things for the game, and while it may take time to deliver the whole package, it'll be well worth it in the end.


    On 12/30/2018 at 4:05 PM, FZE said:

    If some guys are asking is because they/we really admire your work. 

    Dont get me wrong, I understand it must be annoying having people asking the same thing all the time, but the way you just put it in that post....

    But keep up the good quallity work you guys do.


    I didn't see the comments made before this and won't ask for them to be brought back up again. But I will say we appreciate the support and interest people have with the mod and it shouldn't be taken otherwise. I think the main issue here is all the flak we get along the way, either with release dates, rippers waiting to tear the mod apart, or people taking for granted that we work on this stuff in our free time and offer all of this for free. Just using my position as an example, I came into this as a very easy going guy and always doing what I could to make people happy or include their requests. Only to realize that people walk all over you when given the chance, put on fake disguises to act like your friend and then backstab/talk shit about you when you're not around, so I have to take a more stern approach with things. This doesn't even speak for the guys that have been doing this longer than I have which already knew what to expect walking into this. No one should ever take this stuff personally, except for those which provoke it.


    On 12/30/2018 at 5:58 PM, deathmetalninja said:

    I suggest don't make any comments of any kind on here and we might get some content... ;)


    That definitely shouldn't be the way of thinking here. No one should feel on edge about posting comments or discussing things. We will release when we feel ready, regardless of something that was said or continuous ETA requests. If we didn't give a shit, we wouldn't have a public thread open for discussions. If anyone comes in making demands, shitty comments, or outlandish requests, you can probably see a reason why they get dealt with harshly. But for the common support, sensible requests/comments/concerns, you should never feel hesitant to speak on it. 

    • Like 22
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  9. Few more progress pics for you guys, for those not keeping up with the WIP. Firstly we have a look at Ardy's incredible G3 pants (shirt is still in the works). These are still WIP, just wanted to show how those are coming along so far. 



    Next up is the updated texture for the SOLR oxygen mask, which was done by Lyy Amao:



    And lastly, our kneepads model by OMA, which he also decided to provide his own texture for (WIP):


    • Like 32

  10. 10 hours ago, wansec_6 said:

    Do you have any Boonie hats in different configurations in the plans. E.g. Boonies with Sordin headsets, Boonies with rolled/folded up brims, etc?


    Boonies are in the making, and we'll have plenty of variants/styles available. Had some A2 models for them that were originally being used/edited, but those will be scrapped once the new ones are done.

    • Like 1

  11. Just now, The Flying Gasmask said:

    I have a request for a vest in case you have time for it. I would love to see a TYR tactical PICO-MVW carrier.


    Not making any promises, but we do already have the TYR Tactical PICO APC modeled, so it wouldn't be entirely out of the question. 



    Wanted to show you guys some of the many camo patterns and colors that can be expected to make an appearance on items it fits with. Further patterns may follow in the future, especially as we start extending into other countries. 


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  12. On 11/9/2018 at 11:00 AM, Gimpy said:

    So will textures turned up to HIGH get this level of detail IN GAME?


    Needless to say, you surely shouldn't expect the ingame to be comparable to the renders, different engines. The renders are nothing more than artwork. But, the level of detail is definitely still there ingame, and would still say it looks pretty damn awesome...but that's just me. Here's a few pics:




    Had the wrong rvmat for the plateframe in these shots, so don't go crazy.  

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  13. And since it's been awhile since we showed off any of the work beyond the raw models being made, here's a quick glimpse at one of our first loadouts for the Plateframe. Naturally things are subject to change and not final. Just thought it was looking pretty amazing myself, so had to share:




    More renders in the gallery. And before anyone asks, the belt and hydro pack are optional and will be in separate slots for switching them out.

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  14. 11 hours ago, broduz said:

    I got some time off coming up... you guys need any help cleaning up still?


    What you talkin, help cleaning up hurricane debris? Nah, most of that has been taken care of. FEMA was running loads for about a month straight now and most of it is gone. I could always use a hand with the flooring work though, got enough jobs booked up now to last me into next year sometime.

  15. Don't panic, we're all still here. Nothing exciting to note, just busy as hell with post-hurricane work for me. I have about a week before starting my next job, so this will give me a good window to get some things done for the mod. I'm not gonna attempt to give anymore ETA's here, since I'm terribly bad at keeping them and don't always have the time I'd like to work on things. All I will say at this point, guaranteed, the first release will hit before end of the year. We could have went ahead and made a release, but I think all of us can agree that we didn't wanna work all this time just to put out the mod with a rehash of other mods as its main component. We are trying to fit in as many of our own, original models and assets before that happens, so there is more to offer from the start. 


    Since it has been rather quiet around here, I'll at least throw up some WIP of one of our new helmet models from OMA. This one was primarily created for the AMF mod (which we work closely with), but will be added into USP as well. 


    MSA Gallet TC800


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  16. While we're showing off all these new goodies in the making, time to reveal OMA's latest and most impressive work yet (feels like I say that everytime). This item set will surely be a treat once finished, as it is a field that is overlooked very much in the world of Arma as far as new assets go. 


    Draeger LAR-V & Kirby Morgan M48 MOD-1 Dive Mask


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  17. No need to panic, I have made it back and all is well. Probably the worst hurricane I've ever been through in this area, but luckily we made it through just fine without any serious damage. So I'm back in the swing of things and have begun work on the mod again. Only catch now is I'm gonna be swamped with real life work, since I have a hardwood flooring business, and the calls have already been swarming in. But nothing to be worried about, I'll still be putting in plenty of time here to get that first release out to the public and keep moving things forward. I know I had slated that release to be already dropped by now, but I can't control the weather and it was definitely a set back for me. Good news is, even in my absence, this amazing team has still been hard at work keeping things going. It was very nice to see so much progress being made on return and can't wait to get some of the WIP images up for you guys...OMA has a few more goodies to show off.

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