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Posts posted by Siege-A

  1. 5 hours ago, shadeops21 said:

    With assets like the uniforms, is each component (shirt, pants, boots, gloves, etc) going to be an independent selection and have an individual texture file, (shirt_mc.paa, shirt_ranger.paa, pants_mc.paa, etc), or are they going to be combined onto one texture plate for each "uniform" set (cryeg3_mc_orig.paa, cryeg3_mc_arid.paa,   pcu_mc_grey.paa, etc)?


    Well everything is still WIP, so haven't made a final call on how everything will be setup in the end. But the plans for now are to combine texture files anywhere possible, that makes sense. For uniforms, will probably have the Shirt/Pants on a single tex file (either 2k/4k) then have the gloves/boots on their own tex file (either 1024/2k). Vests, have all the components of the base vest on a single tex file (2k/4k), then have all the pouches/accessories on a separate file (1024/2k). Same with helmets, base components on 1 file, accessories on separate. 


    I mean I'm no expert in these things, but I strongly agree with the professional advice of Da12thMonkey. I wanna keep it so a model isn't reading off of many different tex files, and try to compile them as much as possible...since in my mind it does make more sense that it would cause more performance issues if a model had to read off of numerous files, even more so than using high resolution textures. I'm not gonna go for the 'Everything has to be 4k' thing, because in my experience as well, sometimes a 2k file is sufficient enough. No point making the mod size excessively large for no reason. But in the end, this mod is already shaping up to include alot of content, I'm hoping with the modular nature of it though (and using hiddenSelections for the models), we can keep the overall size down...but we'll just have to wait and see how fast it grows as more things are added. 


    And while we're on the topic about performance, I also wanted to mention a bit on that. One of the main things that takes me so long getting these models ingame/textured/ready, is I do go through each model and do edits, removing faces/vertices that aren't necessary, and overall reducing the polycount wherever possible (such as faces against the body, or hidden). So even when we show these pics of the vests having all kinds of details, even in places you'll never see, that's mainly just for looks and presentation, because there's no sense in eating up performance on pieces of the model that aren't even noticeable ingame. For the most part, Sahio has done an excellent job at making the majority of these models at a very reasonable polycount, so it does make things a bit easier on me, but there are still plenty of edits that need to be made with every single one to ensure we are getting the maximum performance we can, and still offer the quality people expect. And this is the explanation on why you don't see me pumping out texture pics as fast as Sahio pumps out models, there's alot more involved on this end than just UV mapping and textures. Good news is (if this is good news), I have a habit of jumping around alot...so if I get irritated or bored with what I'm working on, I switch it up. Granted that takes longer for one item to get done, but it moves other items closer to completion as well.


    5 hours ago, road runner said:

     the more and more request that come in, the end produce gets pushed further and further and further to the right.


    No worries there bud, even though adding more and more models to the pack will definitely increase the wait time for the end product, we still have every intention of making alpha releases for items as they become game ready. The biggest part of all of this is getting all of our templates and things made that will increase the speed we can do other items, so I got a feeling once we start pushing releases out, things should start flowing pretty steadily from there.


    35 minutes ago, Flari said:

    What is planned on the Gloves side of things?

    On the topic of DA Forces, do you have protective Overalls planned for Police SF Units? 


    Currently we just have one glove model (size). And we've kept it pretty void of details, just like the boots, so that we may use textures/normals to create various different kinds. Still have plans to make a fingerless variant of the gloves model (maybe even one with just the trigger finger cut), but nothing outside of that so far. I was always interested in making a nice thick pair of Nomex gloves, but the problem there is if you go too thick, then it looks funky as hell ingame when holding a weapon. As for the coveralls, yes we actually do have a pair of those planned, something along the lines of the Crye FieldSuit FR, CombatSuit FR, or the FlightSuit FR. Those were actually part of our last model list, but it was swapped for something else at the last minute. So you can definitely expect to see a coveralls model at some point.

    • Like 4

  2. 23 hours ago, CPT J. Shaw said:

    Do you plan to release PSD or XCF for items when you’ve started releasing so people can do their own retextures? 


    More than likely, will probably wait to do that though until after beta releases of everything, to ensure that all the textures/UVs are finalized.



    Well that didn't take long, new PC model is ready, outstanding work here...his skills still never cease to amaze me.


    Agilite K5 Plate Carrier



    • Like 13

  3. 3 hours ago, Eagle1992 said:

    What do you mean by "Crye G3 short sleeve"? Do you mean Crye G3 Combat Shirts with cut sleeves? Because that's something I wanted to see in A3 for quite some time. 


    Sorry, I probably shouldn't have labeled it as Crye G3 short sleeve, as its not necessarily a Crye product (as far as I know). But essentially that's what it is, a short sleeve version of the G3 combat shirt. In the end, we may have it look like both a short sleeve as well as a cut sleeve, just to add variation. And if I remember right, I do believe Road Runner has a pack out already that has the cut sleeve version of the G3's, so you could always have a look there if you haven't before.



    • Like 5

  4. 3 hours ago, Hvymtal said:

    Looking over the first page again, I should iterate my pleasure at seeing some of the more grunt-appropriate gear being featured and not just the high-speed-black-ops-green-beret-warbeard-seal-tiggerstripe-pj-multicam-raider-super-special-forces stuff.


    Speaking of full-profile armor, does your resident honorable "free time" robot intend to do some of eagle's supplementary pieces for CIRAS?


    Much appreciated. We always had in mind that we wanted to cover infantry-based gear just as much as the SF/SOF stuff. It's just real easy to get carried away on the latter, because of the diversity and freedom of choice. Either way, we try to bounce back and forth between the two, so we can keep expanding all the categories a bit at a time. As for the CIRAS, there's still plans to create kits for everything that's been done, mainly focused around each brand, since we're currently just using placeholders for now which isn't always accurate to the carrier. That's the catch to creating more and more PC's, still gotta deck them out with the correct gear (to an extent).



    Upon special request, we have a couple new shirt models to show. Nothing major, but will add some nice variety to the mix. One being just a plain style t-shirt, the other a Crye G3 short sleeve shirt. Furthermore, Sahio is at work on his next item, and guess what...it's a plate carrier. This time something from Agilite. Will get some pics up soon as things develop.



    • Like 20

  5. Wrapped things up on the new plate carrier model, more awesomeness to behold. This one was a bit of a challenge at times, since we had very limited references to go by, but Sahio managed to pull it off as usual. So for those that couldn't figure out what in the hell he was modelling, here you are:


    S&S Precision PlateFrame Gen II


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  6. On 4/15/2018 at 12:21 PM, montgomery said:

    Please bring that mask up over the nose. I don't know why that became a thing in ArmA, but it isn't a thing in real life.


    On 4/15/2018 at 12:33 PM, Alex150201 said:

    It's not just an arma thing


    The one in the pic that we're currently using is from the Rangers mod, created by Adacas. We already have plans to create some newly modeled balaclavas, just haven't gotten around to it yet, so these are more or less placeholders for now. I agree with both sides of the argument, they are definitely seen more in police/law enforcement than military use. So in the end, we will keep this style included, but also have newer ones on the way. I went ahead and did some adjustments on this one for a temporary fix for now.


    I messed around a bit with the PSQ-20 model, getting it scaled/positioned, as well as some other items. There is alot of things about this pic that are incorrect, so keep in mind this was only to get certain things scaled correctly...they will be fine tuned afterwards. Still gotta make a cover for the fasthawk, get the ratchet strap on the helmet adjusted correctly, arc adapters adjusted, etc etc. 


    One more important thing that I wanted to mention to everyone, we have set up a Patreon donation page for Sahio and would like to share a bit of info on that. The account is directly tied to Sahio, and all donations will go to him solely. He is a young guy with a strong future ahead of him, and currently being unemployed, things are a struggle for him. This is his goal in life, and his passion, so he spends the majority of his time creating models, not only for this project, but also his own personal works. The guy is willing to bring anything we can dream of into a possibility in Arma, and all that he asks is a little support to help him continue making all of this possible. As always, donations aren't required, and is fully at your own discretion...but it would make a hell of a difference to someone that it could help. I chose not to take any portion of the money earned for myself, as I'm currently in a decent living situation, career, wife/kids, and have always treated this as a hobby, nothing more. But for him this is more than just a hobby, it's a career path, and I'm willing to support him as much as I can.


    For anyone interested in having a look, I will provide a link here and update the OP with it. Thanks. 





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  7. 18 minutes ago, FZE said:

    Are you considering doing some Uk Cammos (WoodDPM/DesertDPM)? I think it would be a nice addition since there´s allot of US in Arma community but not so many UK forces like SAS/SBS etc... Thank you


    I would have no problem with that at all. British forces is something that we've been very interested in expanding on for just the reason you mentioned. So personally, I'm hoping to provide any assets that relate to them in DPM and MTP variants. And most gear will be fully open to community retextures in case certain other patterns aren't included. 

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1

  8. 8 hours ago, BLACKOUT6IX said:

    The gear mod to conquer all gear mods


    Well I wouldn't quite say that.....but maybe.


    2 hours ago, wansec_6 said:

    Good to see some Aussie content from Plat-a-tac.


    You can thank Lennard for that one. But on that note, we aren't planning to only focus on US based gear...so can definitely expect to see some broader coverage overtime.


    1 hour ago, omL said:

    Interested to see how the PSQ-20 turns out. Do you think you'll be able to get a realistic enough representation of what a user would see IRL?


    I'm definitely gonna try everything I know to give the NVG's a realistic interface. If I can't successfully accomplish it, I'll seek help and see if anyone out there can assist with this. Surely the PSQ-20 would be a challenge, representing the NV and thermals, but we will definitely try.


    To everyone else, thank you for the comments, it is very much appreciated and keeps us motivated to continue making progress.

    • Like 7

  9. 14 hours ago, Gimpy said:

    When the NVG's are in the stored position (UP) they are very high and "appear as a snag hazard". Yes, I know it doesn't matter cause it's a game. That by itself makes me not use the model.  

    If it's possible, have them sit lower to the helmet when in the up position. 


    No problem, that pic I showed there still has alot of work to be done with the NVG's, so that will be adjusted in time. Furthermore, after doing some closer inspections of the PVS-15 goggles, we'll also be doing some edits to those to scale them more correctly to the real thing, as they look slightly big right now. 



    For everyone that hasn't noticed, the [WIP] USP Gear thread is now live. Finally. You can find it here: 


    So from here on out, all non-Ranger related content will be directed there, and this thread will only be updated with more relevant discussions. And don't worry for all you Ranger-fans out there, this mod still has an update on the way. My focus has heavily been on the gear, but as items are completed, we'll be updating this mod along the way.


    • Like 8
    • Thanks 1

  10. Alright, got the GPNVG18 scaled to the character model. Adjusted the size a bit, as stated by Warlord. Definitely looks pretty good. Feedback on the scaling is appreciated, as this is just a rough draft for the most part. (Not worried about the wire leading to the battery pack for right now, that can be adjusted later.)





    • Like 9

  11. 23 minutes ago, wsxcgy said:

    some nvg mounts without nvgs mounted would be cool, a lot of times you'll see they just leave the mount on the helmet when they arent using the nv itself.


    Sure thing dude. The Wilcox GSGM mount that he's made for these, and correct me anyone if I'm wrong, seems to be a permanent mount, not meant for quick removal. So in that sense, I think what you just said would work out just fine...keeping the mount in place on the helmet even when NVG's aren't in use.


    And just to let everyone know, we probably will be bending the rules a bit when it comes to these mounts/nvg shrouds...since it is a game afterall. Instead of saying, oh this mount is only allowed to be used on MICH/ACH/Airframe/etc, we will probably have them placed on certain helmets that technically, they aren't made to be used with. Maybe as we get further along, we can look into making specific mounts for specific helmets, but for now, just use a little imagination.


    Sahio sent me over the GPNVG-18 model last night, so I'm getting ready to have a look over things and possibly get some pics posted. As far as I know, he has everything complete except the battery pack, which can easily be added afterwards. Currently, we will just do the battery pack that is with the 18's, but we've been talking over the PVS-31 as well...may actually be adding those...we shall see.


    EDIT: Just had a look, and he's already got the battery pack added as well, so I guess we're good to go. And a quick pic of this masterpiece before I start messing with it in O2: 




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  12. 22 minutes ago, road runner said:

    a decent PVS-31 battery pack would be ideal, lots of GPNVG addons kicking about, but PVS 31's are a rarity, along with decent wilcox NVG mounts


    Thanks, I'll look into the PVS-31 right now. He's working on the Wilcox GSGM for it as we speak.


    Edit: Such a coincidence that you mention those, because I just so happen to have a pair attached with the MICH2001 helmet Sahio sent awhile back. I didn't pay them much mind at the time, but once I checked them out....sure enough. There are some noticeable differences, but easily things that could be modified:




    • Like 4

  13. 39 minutes ago, warlord554 said:

    The rear lens is not "folded", the rear tubes are. The rear lens is a constant polycarbonate screen (if that makes any sense). Pretty spot on except for sizing in your previous wip pics. They are a tad bigger 


    Yeah sorry about that, still had the lens covers on them like they're fresh outta the box....was thinking about possibly having the covers on when they're up, and off when down...maybe not. In any case, he does have the actual lens modelled beneath, got some pics below. Thanks for the input on the sizing, as that was just a mock-up I did and wasn't real sure on how accurate it was...seemed close, lol. 


    Edit: No worries, these aren't intended for the Ranger units, will be part of a separate gear pack release. Been a mixture around here until I get the thread up.





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  14. I swear he's trying to set some kind of world record or something. And I only wish I could work at the speed he does...I would have all this shit done already, lol. He just started those NVG's yesterday, and here's the progress that he's made in less than a days time: 





    *EDIT: And a pic of the drogleg panels that he finished in his 'freetime' lol. Still need a little work done to adjust for the straps clipping.




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