Assets seen in these images are just a sample of what is included, NOT the entire content! Everything shown is still work-in-progress, NOT the final content!   Details: USP Gear & Uniforms v0.7.0 This mod is composed of the following components: USP_Gear_Acc (Accessories; GPS, wristmap, etc) USP_Gear_Body (Uniforms; pretty much just uniforms) USP_Gear_Core (Core; required by all modules to function) USP_Gear_Face (Facewear; shades, balaclavas, cool stuff, etc) USP_Gear_Head (Headgear; helmets, caps, etc) USP_Gear_Nvg (You guessed it) USP_Gear_Pack (Backpacks; mostly stuff that goes on the back) USP_Gear_Vest (Body armor; everything from lightweight chest rigs to full plate carriers.) USP_Objects (Editor placeable objects)   Each module is standalone, and only requires the USP_Gear_Core (included) to function.   Required Addons: None Signed: Yes, Server Key included   Overview: I'll try to keep this brief. Overall, this mod has been long in the making, even before any progress pics started popping up for it. I've owned and played the whole Arma series, back to OFP, and remained a pretty dedicated fan since the start. Never did anything more than play with scripting and develop missions/scenarios up until Arma 3, which is when I first decided to really get into modding. Started out small, messing around with patches and markers, and then I began playing with retextures as a first step into working on a full units/gear mod. Got good and far along with that, but never really mentioned it or made a release since I have a bad habit of always wanting to pack in more before going public. Then I met Hawaiian (Will) and he taught me everything he could. Started messing with models, building up the foundation for a gear mod with what I could from A2 assets. Eduardo (Carlos) right by my side from the beginning, always pushing me and encouraging progress, doing everything he can to learn and help where possible. Enter OMA, the team modeller with incredible talent, shit explodes from there. So now we have this here, a gear pack that is steadily expanding to create as much authentic assets as we can...or until we get bored. Including tons of variety, hiddenSelections, various camo/texture patterns, and the largest collection of vests/plate carriers available. Why? Because we like creating new things and adding as much variety as we can to the game.    I'll update everything with more info soon, mainly just wanted to get the thread up so I can stop posting unrelated things to the Rangers thread.   Current Assets: As always, everything shown here is WIP and subject to change. Somes items still aren't shown yet, so this list will be updated as new assets are added.   Accessories:   Facewear:   Headgear:   NVG:   Packs:   Uniforms:   Vests:   Future Assets: Everything. No but seriously, we have a pretty lengthy list of 'planned' assets, but that's not to say all of them will get done. We're constantly adding to the list so we'll just see how much gets completed in the end. Just to name a few items, we have things like balaclavas, shemaghs, coveralls, beards, amphibious gear, para gear, and much more in the planning. May create a more solid list of our future-plans as we get further along, so stay tuned.   FAQ: Q: When will this mod be released? ETA? A: The mod is already released.   Q: Do you take requests? A: Absolutely. Not that we will accept all requests, but definitely consider them.   Q: Is there any focus or direction that is planned for the gear? US only? A: Not entirely, pretty much adding anything that interests us for the most part.   Q: Why make so many assets that have already been done before? A: Well to make an all-in-one gear pack, it's what we all want right?   Q: Any plans to work on weapons or vehicles at some point? A: Details will be revealed when its time.   Q: How are you able to pump out new asset models so fast? A: The Dream Team©   Q: Will this mod be made open-source so assets can be used in other projects? A: Possibly upon request. (This only applies to assets created by OMA.)   Dev Team: Here's the core development team. We are a growing, dedicated group and always open to experienced help from anyone wishing to get involved. Siege-A (Team lead) OMA (3D Model) Krogar (3D Model/Texture) Warden_1 (3D Model/Photogrammetry) Ardy (3D Model/Texture) Lyy Amao (3D Model/Texture) Dirks (3D Model/Texture) FoxOne (3D Model) S.Rodge (3D Model/Texture) Zeealex (3D Model/Texture) Steve (3D Model/Texture) Monk (3D Model/Texture)   Contributors: Thanks to these guys, this mod has some awesome new upgrades on the way. Helping pave the way to what's looking to be the greatest gear mod ever. Sabre (Texture Master) Cunico (3D Model/Texture) NissanLawyer (3D Model) Fingolfin (Texture) RabidusUK (3D Model/Texture) G.Smith (Cfg/Functions) Shifty (Animations) G.Mery (3D Model/Texture) Trap (Cfg/Functions/Scripting) Zen (3D Model/Photogrammetry) MikePhoenix (3D Model/Texture) WolfeActual (Q&A Test Lead)   Credits and Thanks: If I missed anyone here, I do apologize, I will be further updating this thread and will get everything situated in good time. OMA (The pro behind the scenes that helped kick off things with a bang.) Carlos (Kept the motivation going and lending a hand in whatever he can.) Fritts (Team Moderator. Helped us out wherever he could and wouldn't let us forget how great BF2142 was.) Hawaiian (This guy is to thank for helping get all of this started. Many, many thanks brother, I hope you are well.) Cunico (Giving permission to use many of his high quality assets.) Lennard (Allowing use of his excellent model assets.) DaveGary (Even in A3, some top-notch assets.) Syncing (Awesome GPS model.) Adacas (Allowing access to his amazing model library.) Yogensia (Some great models/textures for the Fasthawk and Ice Axe.) Zen (Allowing us to use some of his incredible photogrammetry models.) WolfeActual & TFM (A trusted and dedicated tester team that has never let us down.) Bohemia Interactive (For bringing us the best milsim game series ever and for making the A2 assets open-source.) Patreon Supporters (This means a great deal to us and can't thank you guys enough for your support.) Alexander Hofmann Batboy BLACKOUT6IX Blain Mundt Colton Keller Crox Fetus Graham Bedard Grimnir25 Hvymtal John John F Joshua Crosby Kenneth Santos Kilo_Bravo Lucas Fritts Oskar Hassel Pix Preacher Snowy Sparksy Switchfoot WolfeActual YonV   Download Links:     License: ©2019 by UnderSiege Productions This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License:   For a full review of the license, please refer to the documentation included. This work is not allowed to be reuploaded to Steam Workshop by anyone other than UnderSiege Productions.     Support:   Enjoy the work you see? Care to support OMA so he can continue bringing us all these great new assets? Here's how:   Just wanting to stare at some beautiful renders of things as they're made? Check it out:   Care to follow all of our most recent progress and updates? Got you covered:   Trying to just have a browse through all the WIP that has been done in the mod so far? Look no further:   Want to get more involved and join in on the conversations? This is the place for you:   Interested to watch some ingame clips on new features being added? Here ya go:   And to stay the most up-to-date as things go live, don't forget to:   Please visit our homepage for FAQ and contact information: