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About cigar0

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    ArmA 3, 3d model, music, texturing, mission building A2/3

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  1. Ok just added a sleep behind it. Thank You ;-)
  2. Hi guys & girls, we wrote a small script about a radiation-area and came across with some ideas and sounds that will simulate small radiation zones with a geiger counter sound. You will find 3 zones. zone 1: Big and less geiger reaction + small eyereaction (ppeffects) zone 2: Medium reaction + medium eyereaction (ppeffects) zone 3: high reaction + change color of the world, reaction with the eyes (ppeffects) If you want to add damage, its up to you. We chose a script without using triggers. Examplemission: Download First we wrote a function: "function" Folder in your "Missionfolder" Themissionname / functions / fnc_RADSi.sqf /* Author: zinki && Cigaro Description: Simulation of radioactive areas, [getMarkerPos "Radiaktiv1", 500, 400, 200] Parameter: 0: Position (i.e. getMarkerPos "markerName" or getPos ObjectName) 1: Frist distance/Radius in meter 2: Secound distance/Radius in meter 3: Third distance/Radius in meter Execute:: init.sqf: TSS_fnc_RADS = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "functions\fnc_RADSi.sqf"; radio.sqf: _handle = [getMarkerPos "Radiaktiv1", 500, 400, 200] spawn TSS_fnc_RADS; _handle = [getMarkerPos "Markername", lowredarea, midradare, highradarea] spawn TSS_fnc_RADS; */ if (!hasInterface) exitWith {}; #define __DELAY getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "CfgSounds" >> _sound >> "delay") #define __DISTANCE (player distance _pos) Params ["_pos", "_dis1", "_dis2", "_dis3"]; waitUntil {sleep 20; __DISTANCE < _dis1}; while {true} do { if (__DISTANCE < _dis1 && {__DISTANCE > _dis2}) then { _sound = "RadiationLow"; playsound _sound; _ppradlow = ppEffectCreate ["dynamicBlur", 20]; _ppradlow ppEffectEnable true; _ppradlow ppEffectAdjust [0.4]; _ppradlow ppEffectCommit 2; sleep __DELAY; }; if (__DISTANCE > _dis1) then { _ppradlow = ppEffectCreate ["dynamicBlur", 20]; _ppradlow ppEffectEnable false; }; if (__DISTANCE < _dis2 && {__DISTANCE > _dis3}) then { _sound = "RadiationMedium"; playsound _sound; _ppradmid = ppEffectCreate ["dynamicBlur", 21]; _ppradmid ppEffectEnable true; _ppradmid ppEffectAdjust [0.9]; _ppradmid ppEffectCommit 3; sleep __DELAY; }; if (__DISTANCE > _dis2) then { _ppradmid = ppEffectCreate ["dynamicBlur", 21]; _ppradmid ppEffectEnable false; }; if (__DISTANCE < _dis3) then { _sound = "RadiationHigh"; playsound _sound; _ppradhigh1 = ppEffectCreate ["filmGrain", 23]; _ppradhigh1 ppEffectEnable true; _ppradhigh1 ppEffectAdjust [0.1, -5, 0.1, 0.01, 5, false]; _ppradhigh1 ppEffectCommit 4; _ppradhigh2 = ppEffectCreate ["radialBlur", 24]; _ppradhigh2 ppEffectEnable true; _ppradhigh2 ppEffectAdjust [0.01,0.01,0.15,0.15]; _ppradhigh2 ppEffectCommit 4; _ppradhigh3 = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 25]; _ppradhigh3 ppEffectEnable true; _ppradhigh3 ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0.72],[5, 5, 5, -0.48],[0.2, 0.59, 0.11, 0]]; _ppradhigh3 ppEffectCommit 4; sleep __DELAY; }; if (__DISTANCE > _dis3) then { _ppradhigh1 = ppEffectCreate ["filmGrain", 23]; _ppradhigh2 = ppEffectCreate ["radialBlur", 24]; _ppradhigh3 = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 25]; _ppradhigh1 ppEffectEnable false; _ppradhigh2 ppEffectEnable false; _ppradhigh3 ppEffectEnable false; }; }; Next step: init.sqf TSS_fnc_RADS = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "functions\fnc_RADSi.sqf"; execVM "scripts\radio.sqf"; Place a marker (empty) in the world. This marker should named (by example) like this: "Radiaktiv1". you should add a sqf file with this name: radio.sqf (or whatever you want) In this file, add this line: _handle = [getMarkerPos "Radiaktiv1", 100, 50, 10] spawn TSS_fnc_RADS; Radiaktive1: Name of a marker(empty) that should be a radioavtive zone 100 = big zone, 100meter, less radiation 50 = mid zone, 50 meter, medium radiation 10 = high zone, 10 meter, high radiation, high effect Ok, everything is ready. The function uses 3 sounds from the geigercountersound. These sounds will be in the examplemission. If you wanne change these sounds, just go ahead. The example mission can be downloaded on top of this post. IF this is enough for you, just play with it, use it for your missions, a small link to the real script or just a small sentence for the writer would be great. BUT, we have a small question to everyone with good knowlege of scripting in Arma 3. If someone knows how to write a function or script with a better performence, please let us know. If also someone knows a way to start this script on a server and not on every client, we would be very happy. Ok, thats it, have fun with this script Cigar0
  3. Hey, great idea. Is it possible to aktivate just the base building? Because, there is no Special and good basebuildingmod or script.
  4. Hi guys and girls, is it possible to hide the connect or diconnect text ingame? If someone is able to write somehting to do this, it would be so great for every milsimulation mission. Because now you will just know, if a player died or not, because of the disconnet text.
  5. So, if you run this Script like in the tutorial, the server will execute it and it will work in MP as well? I wrote you a PM
  6. Maybe if !isServer exitWith {}; on the beginning of the whole script?
  7. cigar0

    Post Processing script?

    All you need is here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Post_process_effects put it into your init.sqf and everything is okay
  8. cigar0

    [WIP] Video Streaming Mod

    This would be so great.
  9. cigar0

    Play 3d sound

    Add the Sounddata in the mission folder. open discription.ext and add somehting like this: So, you see the example with 2 Sounddatas. Now you build a trigger ingame and open up a sqf file in the activation line. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/execVM Build a Gamelogic with a Name. In this sqf file you start it with the cba playsound3dglobal function. [Gamelogicname, "Data1",10000] call CBA_fnc_globalSay3d; PLZ youse cba, its very important for just...everything. :-) Try
  10. cigar0

    Play 3d sound

    May i hep you :-) The ogg from Audacity is a little bit.... naaa i've no idea why the ogg from Audacity is not working with arma 3. What i know is that you can upload your ogg here: http://www.online-convert.com/ And convert it again to ogg file. This file always work correctly.
  11. cigar0

    [WIP] Video Streaming Mod

    Hi, sorry but, is it possible to read maybe something new about this. I love this great idea.
  12. cigar0

    Vehicle Towing Script

    Attachto is by far not the best way to do this. I remember, there was a script for A2. It was very good, don't know the name.