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About Arvic92

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  1. derp I think I know how those errors got there. This is based off of a larger older script that I've use in a past mission. I must of screwed up when adding in target as a parameter.
  2. I stripped my code down to clearly demonstrate my dilemma. I have tried your way of phrasing the doWatch command and it does nothing either BluCar1 = 50. cal static BluCar2 = Marshal BluCar3 = Hunter HMG Red1 = CSAT rifleman ~300 meters away Init.SQF call {[bluCar1,Red1] execVM "TestScript.SQF"}; call {[bluCar2,Red1] execVM "TestScript.SQF"}; call {[bluCar3,Red1] execVM "TestScript.SQF"}; TestScript.SQF private ["_unit","target"]; _unit = _this select 0; _target = this select 1; while {true} do { //Alert action ["useweapon",_unit,gunner _unit,1]; _unit doWatch _target; hint "Watching"; sleep .5 };
  3. Currently I want something along the lines of gunner _unit doWatch _target; on a hunter/ifrit/slammer but this doesn't seem to effect the vehicle in any way. CLARIFICATION: I want the turret to point a specific spot for the purpose of engaging targets
  4. thank you that pointed me in the right direction though i couldnt get your exact code to work for whatever reason.
  5. I want to broadcast a simple text message via commandChat function and/or hint to all clients on the server. Ideally I would pass the message as a parameter to another script (not necessarily from init). 1.What is the absolute simplest way to do this? 2.What is the easiest way to test this (I don't own windows server 2003+) 3.(after telling me the simplest way) What is the safest way to do this?
  6. Arvic92


    I really like the rpg-7 in this mod pack but I don't think it's as deadly as it should be. I am trying to change the stats on it so that it's just a little bit more potent but I am stuck. I have managed to extract the config.bin and convert it to a .cpp but any attempts to edit it and stuff it back into a pbo triggers a end of file error when I try to launch. This coupled on top of the fact that I don't know what to add to the cpp to make the weapon more deadly. I am using ArmaUnPBO to get the .bin ArmaUnbin to get the .cpp Don't know how to get the .cpp back into a .bin file. BinPBO to make the pbo (get errors when i try to binarize) If someone could help me out with this and tell me what I am doing wrong I would be thankful.
  7. It's not my intention to poop on this big release but would it be possible to get adjustable range on the new launchers?
  8. Problems I had with the campaign mostly had to do with poor story telling.