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About Ophelian

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Awesome! Ill send a message to my friend i'm sure he'll be glad 😉 Thank you so much!
  2. Yes. Its a CUP weapon, classname is "CUP_arifle_M16A1E1GL" . We also tried without mods (all the CUP mods, Enhanced movement, QS mag repack, CWA) just to be sure and isolate the issue but it changed nothing. We also left by default everything just to make sure. I really hope we are not overlooking something on our side. If in any case the issue persists or you want to take a look at our .pbo file i'll post it, but the mission is "intact" we only changed the loadout for the arsenal so far. Thank you again for your time and keep up the good work 😉
  3. Thank you for the fast response. Sadly i'm posting on behalf of someone else so he gave me more information about the issue. He already knew "liberationBlacklist.sqf" was the right file to edit. Here is a pastebin of our file https://pastebin.com/aNjPUjP8 For some obscure reason, even if we list the items correctly, the arsenal or something else is blacklisting our modifications and removes the items we take from the arsenal as soon as we exit it. Here is a short video of the issue Thank you again for your time.
  4. Hi, We are trying to add a set of night vision goggles on the Weferlingen version of the mission in the arsenal, we can see it in the arsenal, pick it up but then it disappears from our inventory. Is this a blacklist thing we should remove?
  5. Hi We are having trouble finding the right thing to edit the arsenal so that it saves to another path. The problem is we have a certain custom list of equipment people can use for their loadout but they sometimes bybass it by loading other saved loadouts, they load weapons and uniforms not listed in our custom arsenal. We want the arsenal to save/load on a different location so that we can solve this issue. Default is profilenamespace but we want to switch it to missionnamespace. Thank you
  6. Ophelian

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I posted a while back about making an init for vehicle loadouts. I can make it works flawlessly on vanilla vehicles, but the RHS vehicles (rhsusf_m1025_d for example) doesn't take the init i give it. It doesnt clean the inventory and never spawns anything. Here is my init: if (isDedicated) then { clearWeaponCargoGlobal this; clearMagazineCargoGlobal this; clearItemCargoGlobal this; clearBackpackCargoGlobal this; this addMagazineCargoGlobal["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red",50]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal["hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR_G36",8]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal["rhs_200rnd_556x45_T_SAW",8]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",20]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal["rhs_m136_hedp_mag",4]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal["HandGrenade",10]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal["SmokeShell",10]; this addWeaponCargoGlobal["rhs_weap_M136_hedp",4]; this addWeaponCargoGlobal["toolkit",1]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_fieldDressing",50]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_morphine",20]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_epinephrine",10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_bloodIV_250",5]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_EntrenchingTool",2]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_TacticalLadder_Pack",1]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_wirecutter",1]; }; As i said, it works on vanilla vehicles and i used to make the loadouts on the same humvees and it worked, but since the 3den update or maybe before that, it doesn't register anymore.
  7. Ophelian

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hi, I used to put in the init of the vehicles, like the Humvee, a small script to remove the default loadout of vehicles with our stuff. Here is my original script if (isServer) then { clearWeaponCargoGlobal this; clearMagazineCargoGlobal this; clearItemCargoGlobal this; clearBackpackCargoGlobal this; this addMagazineCargoGlobal["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red",50]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal["hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR_G36",8]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal["rhs_200rnd_556x45_T_SAW",8]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",20]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal["rhs_m136_hedp_mag",4]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal["HandGrenade",10]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal["SmokeShell",10]; this addWeaponCargoGlobal["rhs_weap_M136_hedp",4]; this addWeaponCargoGlobal["toolkit",1]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_fieldDressing",50]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_morphine",20]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_epinephrine",10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_bloodIV_250",5]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_EntrenchingTool",2]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_TacticalLadder_Pack",1]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_wirecutter",1]; }; For some obscure reason, in the 3den editor, now it doesn't work. I tried to remove manually the loadout in the attributes (the cargo "editor" with the arsenal etc) with no result. The code above works well on vanilla vehicles. I don't know what i'm doing wrong. I also tried to make a script to bypass this making a cargovehicle.sqf file and added this in it but i'm pretty bad at scripting so i'm missing some correct variables also, here is the contents of the script: this = _this select 0; clearWeaponCargoGlobal this; clearMagazineCargoGlobal this; clearItemCargoGlobal this; clearBackpackCargoGlobal this; this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["rhs_weap_M136",4]; this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["toolkit",1]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red",50]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR_G36",8]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["rhs_200rnd_556x45_T_SAW",8]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",20]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["rhs_m136_hedp_mag",4]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade",10]; this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["SmokeShell",10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_fieldDressing",50]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_morphine",20]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_epinephrine",10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_bloodIV_250",5]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_EntrenchingTool",2]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_TacticalLadder_Pack",1]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_ACE_wirecutter",1]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["toolkit",1]; Gives me an error on line 3 but my guess is that the "_this select 0;" is wrong. If anyone could give me pointers to either make the first init code functional on RHS vehicles (that would be great) or if i can't do it this way, give me advice on the script to make it work with the vehicles. Thanks
  8. I have a question regarding Basic Medical, with "Set Medical Facility". Do i only need to synch the buildings to the module? Is it the same for "Set Medical Vehicule"?
  9. Use the unit classname. Like "B_medic_F" w/o the quotes. If you need more than one, seperate them with a comma.
  10. Hey Hazey, We are having a ball with the framework and did some pretty nice operations on it. My question is towards enemy reinforcements with ALiVE. We made a custom faction following the template for ALiVE (second faction of ours) and works well. The thing that bugs me though is that they call in Mi-48's even though i restricted the logistics to infantry only, mil Civ is light infantry only and military module for military (strategic) is motorized only. For some reason even with all these restrictions they keep on sending Mi-48's enven tough they are insurgents.
  11. Hi Hazey, We recently started playing ypur mission and its astonishing. I might have one bug report. The virtual arsenal works great exept that if we save our gear we can't load them back, the "load" button is grayed out and doesnt come back even on server restart (dedicated). Is this designed on purpuse to avoid abuse of restricted items or is this a bug? Did someone else have the same issue? Thanks
  12. Ophelian

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I can also confirm the weapon lowering is not working anymore with AGM.
  13. Well the easy way to make the two Military AI module aware of each other is to synch the modules together. You will need to synch the Mil.Obj.Civ from BLUFOR to the OPFOR one, do the same with the Mil.Obj.Mil. If done correctly, the enemy will be aware of BLUFOR forces and vice versa. If you look in the tutorial section of the ALiVE wiki, you can find a video called "quick and dirty insurgency" (here is the link ). The video is a bit outdated but the modules are the same and you can see exactly how to synch them together.On the other hand, you could place a custom military objective and set a 500 priority on it for both the Military AI commanders. If you do both of these (synch enemy mil.Obj to allied and add a custom military objective that is synched to both military AI commanders) you will have the results you are looking for. Be careful with the number of units you put in the mission, their spawn distance and the active limiter for virtualized AI, because synching both OPCOMS will have an impact on perfomance if you have a lot of people fighting.
  14. Hey guys, We are receiving an error message on our .rpt but we are not sure if its our fault or if we configured something wrong with ALiVE. I am not sure what to make of this, with the speed thing my guess is its coming from helicopters, and the combat support module. But ill keep on looking if there is any other clue to our problem.