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About mikepetunia

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    Private First Class
  1. Also, I seem to be getting some errors in the editor, for missing .paa files. The preview int he gear menu has no image for some of the weapons either. I did notice that the missing paa file seemed to have the extension .paa.paa ! (two extensions), Could this be a typo in the code? (see screenie) < This is the steam workshop verison.
  2. This may sound dumb... but is there a list of classnames? I can spawn the cars via the editor no probs, but struggling to find the weapon & ammo classnames (and clothes).
  3. mikepetunia

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    @spunfin Sorry for the late reply, busy week at work! Yup, still happens. It's almost like if AI are spawned from separate scripts, they hate each other :D - Full disclosure, this is on an Exile server. Still, I don't think Exile messes with side relations or setfriend at all... I'll dig through the scripts to be sure and will also look for any addrating statements which I guess may effect it. I got around it on the fillhouse script, by setting them as captive in the loop that spawns them, whilst also using a _tempgroup in that loop, then outside of the spawn loop, I make them all join a new group (the main one) and setcaptive as 0/false... seems to stop all issues with them attacking each other... ... But now if I call a heli support (para or reinforcement), the ground/building guys go to war with the helis :P
  4. mikepetunia

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Anyone experienced issues with the AI from the fillhouse script deciding to kill each other as soon as they spawn? I've seen this before once, with the Zen occupy script, can't remember how I solved it though :( It's almost like they see each other as the enemy! - This is on a multiplayer server. Nothing in the RPT logs, spawning them as 1 group, EAST, as below: null = ["ai_sp1",2,true,2,50,250,0.9,nil,nil,1] execVM "LV\fillHouse.sqf"; (ai_sp1 is of course a marker). I tried giving them a group name in the group parameter, but that throws an error if I do that. Anyone have any ideas?
  5. mikepetunia


    Has anyone got this working with a MySQL database yet? Looks like a great mod, but would be awesome to have MySQL support :D
  6. mikepetunia

    Advanced Sling Loading (MP & SP)

    Hey Duda, I've installed this on an exile server and whilst it seems to work at first (get the 'ropes' menu item on-scroll, select it, then a length of rope), but no rope appears beneath the heli. I've checked the RPT log and can't see any errors... Have you have issues like this before? (I tried scrolling around where the ropes would have been, looking at your video... Just in case they were there but invisible for some reason!). Thanks in advance.
  7. mikepetunia

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Hey :) Cool, thanks @MrSanchez - you're a gent! Re: How many spawns... Hmm I think quite a lot - possibly too many :D - Here's the mission.sqm I very recently tried, which seems to work, just no throwing :( - http://pastebin.com/icZHy3pc(I removed the 1st item in the group when I pasted to pastebin as it's just exile default stuff and took up 100 or so entries!) @synnr Ahhh so it DOES work then - I must, MUST be doing something wrong :D - Is there any way you'd be up for sharing your sqm file so I can take a look how you set out your triggers? I'd love to spawn Z's dynamically based on triggers! No worries if not of course, just thought I'd ask ;)
  8. mikepetunia

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Hmmm actually - Can anyone confirm that when using the old way - placing units or groups, throwing works? For me, it works in the editor, but on a live Exile server, although when I used modules, jumping AND throwing worked, since changing to units/groups though, jumping still works, but throwing doesn't? (I still have the settings module enabling it). The problem is that when I use modules (and so have throwing), if I place more than a handful of modules I seem to get the network errors in the RPT file and the server becomes unjoinable. I wonder if the combination of Exile and lots of Z&D modules is just too much? Odd if so as the server resources were not maxed out! @MrSanchez any thoughts on this?
  9. mikepetunia

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Yup, it's odd! Mine appear to not be throwing now either! I've added the setting for throwing, but they don't seem to want to do it - They did before, so not sure what I'm going wrong!
  10. mikepetunia

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Okay, so I got it working with small hordes - 4 or so Z's... The issue seems to be when I add multiple hordes of 14 or so Z's, so perhaps they server is falling over? Re: Editing the mission file - Usually I use notepad++ for SQF/SQM editing, but I use editor too - With this one I mainly used the editor, but then copy/paste the groups from the editor into the SQM file for exile - taking into account the first group (the exile spawns). I am going to check now and see if it's the amount of Z's I am trying to spawn that causes the issue, or if it's that I changed the method (I'd used modules to get it working, but then switched to add some hordes via groups - that's when it seemed to fall over and stop working on the server!). Will update if/when I either get it working OR figure out what's wrong. Thanks for the help :)
  11. mikepetunia

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Okay, so below is a pastebin link of the RPT log, but first here's some info on what I did: 1) Set-up a new Exile server, totally vanilla 2) Booted in up, logged in, checked all works - golden. 3) Added the groups in to the missions.sqm (eliteness to decode, checked the existing groups, there was 1 item (Item0) so I carried on with my additions for Z&D (modules, done and tested in the editor, saved & exported, added on 2 extra, one to enable throwing, one to enable jumping - pastebin link for the mission.sqnm below that for the rpt, in case you could check to see if I screwed the groups up, lol). 4) - Tried to join the server - stuck at 'Waiting for server to load..." Here's the RPT file i get with Z&D Installed: http://pastebin.com/qPAYViHP - Here's the RPT from the same server, immediately prior to adding Z&D (Vanilla/unmodded - so, step 2, above) for comparison: http://pastebin.com/hSrXggQR Here's the Mission file with my groups: http://pastebin.com/BwRagXUh - Here's the default Vanilla/unmodded mission.sqm from Exile, for compatison: http://pastebin.com/XH6tgF2v In the main Arma 3 folder is: > @Ryanzombies Which has (folders): >> Addons, >> Keys (folders) and (files): >> mod.cpp >> mod.paa In 'Addons' is just: Ryanzombies.pbo and also the key file - I've placed the keys in the keys folder in the main Arma 3 folder, of course :) Anything else I can provide that'll help, let me know :) Thanks for looking at this - I realise it's cheeky of me to ask, with it not being a bug with Z&D :D
  12. mikepetunia

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Ah okay cool - I'll post the rpt soon but I think what I should do too, is throw up a stock exile server and add to them, then go from there - don't want to ask you to dig too deep unless I get stuck because, as you say, this is a standalone mod really :D I'll throw a stock Exile server up on our server and test without Z&D, then add JUST Z&D and re-test, then go from there. If it doesn't work, I'll throw the logs up (I clear logs quite a bit so don't think I have one currently to share). If that DOES work properly, I'll just add our other mods in one-by-one until something breaks lol - If I find a certain mod is causing a conflict, I'll reply here and saw which one ;) Thanks for the help Sanchez - much appreciated!
  13. mikepetunia

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Hey Sanchez, Okay, cool - I appreciate it's not designed to be used with the likes of EPOCH & Exile, so any conflicts are in no way the fault of Z & D, I get that :) I'm at work at the moment, but I'll grab the RPT log asap and share it. One thing though, I tried disabling the Z&D and the server works 100% - With it enabled, it has issues, so I re-did the work from scratch using a clone of our live server, tested before adding Z&D, worked - added Z&D - issues again :( Maybe I missed something? All I did was fire up the editor, place modules & settings, add to the Exile groups (incrementing the group items of course) and then re-pack the PBO and fire up the server - Did I miss something perhaps? Do you know if the 'BIS_fnc_MP' thing was resolved? I'm wondering if Exile is conflicting somehow as a lot of the errors appear to be about network messages etc.
  14. mikepetunia

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Hey @MrSanchez - The Q above, I just realised/found something - My server is running exile and I noticed your post re: BIS_fnc_MP All works in the editor and the Exile server works pre-installing Z's, but after installed, I get a LOT of network errors logging in the RPT and I can't join the server (actually, I managed to get in a couple of times after 10 to 15mins of waiting for server, lol - but most of the time, it just hangs until I log off :( Is this related?) Edit: Here's a snippet for example: 21:24:09 Ref to nonnetwork object 50112040# 1814255: coveralls.p3d 21:24:10 Error: Bone head_end doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 21:24:10 Error: Bone lefthandthumb3_end doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or it's an exile conflict? (all works fine in editor/preview etc and I've added mods before etc, am pretty sure I did all I needed to, but maybe I missed something?) Thanks in advance - and, if you need me to try/test anything on the Excile server or upload any logs to pastebin to help, say the word! Thanks, Mike.
  15. mikepetunia

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Have you (or has anyone else) had issues with server reboots taking AGES when you have a spawn module placed on nearly every town? (Altis)...? Just wondered if, rather than spawning all via a module on every town, it'd be possible to add a sensor on each town which calls a spawn? (If so, sorry to be a pain, but do you know of any MPMISSION PBO based scripts that as an example, for spawning Z's etc whilst keeping the throwing/jumping working? - I tried doing a couple and I CAN get them spawning, but the jump etc doesn't work :( - ). Thanks :D Mike.