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Everything posted by PenguinInATuxedo

  1. PenguinInATuxedo

    SOC WIP Thread

    Is this mod restricted to US SOC units or will other country's elite be added? I would love to see some SASR units done by your talented group.
  2. PenguinInATuxedo

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    http://withsix.com/download It's the shiznit very good for keeping your mods up to date.
  3. PenguinInATuxedo

    Invasion 1944 V3.0

    Yeah, now that terrain builder is out shouldn't be long. i'm sure one of the main reason we haven't heard much is they were waiting to finished a terrain or two to play all the glory they are creating on.
  4. PenguinInATuxedo

    X39s Enhanced Marker Placement

    Is it client side? I would be very interested if so.
  5. PenguinInATuxedo

    NEW Visitor for A3!?

    Oh BIS you made ZeroG blush, prepare for sexy time. PS I'm very much enjoying the new tools, hopefully they bring about an influx of map makers.
  6. PenguinInATuxedo

    ADF Uncut

    Have you guys considered contacting John_Spartan and Saul about using their F18? Also the Eurocopter in FFAA is looks really nice maybe you can work with them and get a reskin for Australia done.
  7. PenguinInATuxedo

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Steam seems to have updated Tools with a 0kb update but I notice no change to files in the install folder. Edit, Updated again for 19mb the install folder is full of new shininess.
  8. PenguinInATuxedo

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I think visitor would be an update to the tools so might not be in change log for main branch
  9. PenguinInATuxedo

    IgiLoad script - logistical support

    Yes indeed please add C-17 support.
  10. PenguinInATuxedo

    Boeing C-17 ArmA 3 Mod

    Any relation to this mod? and I can't wait until it ges igiLoad Support.
  11. PenguinInATuxedo

    NEW Visitor for A3!?

    Day is made I can start learning map making on the new tools, but I don't see nearly enough dancing bananas in your post.
  12. Strange v1.6 isn't on Pw6 yet.
  13. PenguinInATuxedo

    No Idle Animations Mod

    Is this client side?
  14. PenguinInATuxedo

    Development Blog & Reveals

    We haven't even gotten Zeus yet, relax. They have said they are in the planning stage of another map but I don't think we will see that until closer to the end of the year.
  15. PenguinInATuxedo

    Takistan Insurgency [Dev Thread]

    Well check it out now, have you had any issues with players not being to pick up intel? We have had it several times but im unsure what it causing it maybe something to do with JIP. ---------- Post added at 06:34 ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 ---------- This build is a marked improvement on intel and Cache placement, I went through 10 maybe caches until i got the one that spawns underground in the corner of the map. The corner map Cache again, The crater was me trying to destroy it through ground with satchels. http://i.imgur.com/9vqWQ3M.jpg (140 kB) Had this one place somewhat in floor but was still able to destroy it, If you need Co-ords look at GPS. http://i.imgur.com/kkkefAz.jpg (140 kB)
  16. PenguinInATuxedo

    Takistan Insurgency [Dev Thread]

    Here is the latest build of my version of your mission Phronk, It's pretty much staying like this until you update your version after ALiVE civ module comes out. Hope you don't mind the changes I made. Download
  17. Not sure if ALiVE is causing it but in my mission JIP players can't use an AddAction that i have on some objects at base. The Addaction is there for people who were in mission at start but no JIPers, I have the objects synced to profile system and profile system is set to not profile synced objects. Since the VAS box works still and it is done the same way, I really think ALiVE might be doing something to the objects to make the init field break.
  18. PenguinInATuxedo

    Takistan Insurgency [Dev Thread]

    One last screenshot this time the cache tried to spawn in the structure that is that dark square, it appears as a dark square on map but in game it is just open area so I think crate might be underground. I think I'm done with posting screens of broken cache spawns you seem to know that is going on, Next I think i might make a video of all the civs that try to come through the base should be fun. :) Oh and I will probably put a link to latest build for my edited version of mission. hopefully the changes I made are ok.
  19. PenguinInATuxedo

    Takistan Insurgency [Dev Thread]

    some screen shot of hidden or stuck Cache's. All taken in editor to make use of debug to find them. here is one that must have been under house since it was not inm on or around the house. use gps to find location http://i.imgur.com/muzKV0E.jpg (244 kB) here is one i found up a guard stand, that pesky all objects house thing again. http://i.imgur.com/aLNjIeZ.jpg The same one again but this time the tower fell while trying to destroy while the cache remains http://i.imgur.com/cXECCqz.jpg (177 kB) I cannot kill it now for some reason might need to make rocket launchers able to destroy. This one I have tried to blow up many times it will not it fell from its original position further up the hill since i touched off so many explosives next to it. http://i.imgur.com/Ycak3i8.jpg (197 kB) Had the cache spawn in the same corner of map again this was first cache of the mission. http://i.imgur.com/PiivUO1.jpg (184 kB) This time it tried to spawn inside the power line i believe it is below ground. http://i.imgur.com/hLPgxEQ.jpg (118 kB) Will post more I find hopefully they help. Probably should REALLY pester Alduric about those bad configs defining most things as houses.
  20. PenguinInATuxedo

    Takistan Insurgency [Dev Thread]

    You don't need to apologize for wasting time since it is in dev and we were testing so the time really was not wasted, We did pickup intel after we arrived in town and started searching we got the "200m?" mark after we had cleared most the town including that area near the "200m?". I updated my last post with a picture of hidden cache while in editor debug.
  21. PenguinInATuxedo

    Takistan Insurgency [Dev Thread]

    Last night during a Long play sessions we managed to find 1 cache in Nagara we destroyed it but were the Intel distance markers supposed to be removed? It can make it a little confusing for people who join after the fact if the Intel distance markers are indicating to a town that has already had its cache destroyed, Although there might have been another cache we looked but could not find it. We also had an issue where after searching an entire town and getting down to the 200m mark we still could not find the Cache. The town with cleared building dots. http://i.imgur.com/tOHoRzL.jpg?1 (215 kB) We searched the entire town then looked in the surrounding hills on foot and by car, we even scanned the place with thermals in hope to find it. In the end after searching for at least 45 mins we decided to blow up the entire town and with satchels as a last resort, when that failed it was already 11:50 pm so we called it a night. --Edited-- Today looking at cache spawns in editor and the Mulladoost spawn seems to be broken. Took this picture, the red dot on GPS is were the cache should be right? I looked around could not find it so I brought out the satchels to see if i could kill it, nope. http://i.imgur.com/yWr8pBE.jpg (241 kB)
  22. Fortunately it will be any day now, I can't wait to have a fly. BI said the To-199 is the best model they have ever made, it sure looks like it so cannot wait to try it out.
  23. I was curious after seeing the new MFDs in the to-199 are you going to look at that technology to implement in that future jets? Doesn't the su-35 use large MFDs?
  24. Could a move marker script do it? If you add the markers to map before hand but make sure they are off to the side and add names to blacklists then when the blacklisted marker is moved would it block the ALiVE module operations in that area?
  25. PenguinInATuxedo

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Its hard to say, I've been killed plenty of times so for the most part they are fine but I notice they do like to lay in the grass at first sign of contact and hide. They do love to shoot GLs at me with great accuracy, I just wish they tried to use their RPGs on infantry more often.