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Hey Johny, I don't really feel comfortable sharing my servers name on here. I'm going to stick to the official means of communication I was provided, however I appreciate your response though and I do see some of your points.
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We're required by law to pay taxes on our servers income. I don't feel like I can win on here at least give me a little bit of understanding. Yes, some months we made more then our server required which is what will ultimately allow us to stay up for at least a few more months without problem. There was a blind eye turned to this for six years with probably thousands of servers coming and going over the years without any actions being taken to stop this practice while ArmA II was still your main title. Even speaking on here about this now is a rather painful experience.
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Thanks for the response Mirek, but no bullshit here. I wouldn't come here and waste my time if I didn't believe what I was saying. Vilayer is one of those hosts I would class as low quality and most of the people I have spoke with about them in the past didn't recommend them. Yes, I openly admitted I am breaking rules but we are now compliant. I mean it was only yesterday after all that someone from BI reached out to us after years without issue. Hosting your own server from home is cool but not something I think we could realistically do. We have paid taxes on our income. What we are asking for? What most of the big servers on ArmA II have been doing since 2009 and something without any issue between now and then which only became a big issue once these ArmA 3 servers started to really fuck some people over. I'm going to switch to cheap hosting and we might be fine for all I know, but I genuinely believed what I was saying and attacking me for it really isn't cool. My message might have been a little over the top but that is honestly because I was upset and angry about the situation when writing that.
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I'm an ArmA II server operator and one of the few remaining servers left for ArmA II and there really aren't many of those left. I'm going to write my point of view as a ArmA II server owner and try to explain how it will affect me and perhaps even my playerbase. Today I was served with a cease and desist letter from the Bohemia legal team. It is pretty dam scary being the little guy and getting sent one of those from a companies legal team just trust me on that one. I wasn't even aware that we were breaking rules with what we were doing as ArmA II servers had been operating this way practically since the games release with no issues. We're currently making barely enough to operate our ArmA II server and it is getting progressively worse month on month as players slowly move on to ArmA 3 or just lose interest in ArmA 2. The reality is for my server that we wont survive with limited monetization or no monetization in the long run and I hope BI realize the reality that I am facing and hopefully make more accommodating rules for ArmA II. It is a somewhat small and fragile community at this stage of the game and enforcing ArmA 3 monetization rules truly isn't helping (just ask around). It currently costs us a fair penny per month to rent our dedicated box from a fantastic hosting company which offers DDoS protection unlike previous hosts we have had but that isn't cheap. I've went out my way today after receiving the cease and desist to speak with fellow community owners of which most most were already using voluntary donations and see how it has been affecting them, mostly because I wanted an idea of how we would be looking funds wise when we switch over to voluntary donations. Not good. The few that were willing to speak to me had the exact same concerns I had when switching but are already living my fears. Some have had to cheap out to survive and are going with cheap, low quality hosting which offers poor server performance especially on high player counts and others I spoke with flat out said they will most likely be shutting down shortly due to money problems. I respect Bohemia as a company and I truly respect that you are only trying your best to do right by the players not the server owners. I understand that A3L and other servers have perhaps have abused the very kind nature of Bohemia in the past, but I have to say I feel personally very frustrated and almost angry as someone who hasn't tried to gouge our players for money in the way these ArmA 3 servers have (A3L charging to join the Alpha or Beta) or server owners setting up the entire server as pay to win and for personal profit and gain. Why suddenly go after what few of us there are left after all this time? There have been no mass complaints on the ArmA II side as far as I know at least unlike ArmA 3 where A3L and other servers clearly took way too many liberties with BI, mod creators and players to make a quick buck. Why must me, my server and my players suffer because of those assholes.
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SQF RCON - Remote SQF Console
jamesj505 replied to naught's topic in ARMA 3 - SERVERS & ADMINISTRATION
Thanks for the release and update, really awesome tool. I'll test it now on ArmA II and post if I encounter any more problems or issues. -
Help with waitUntil
jamesj505 replied to jamesj505's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Thank you both for the help, I really appreciate it. The explanation about checking if the player closed the dialog is something I wouldn't have setup or even though about. -
SQF RCON Extension -
jamesj505 replied to naught's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Can you please release a version of this which doesn't require CBA if it's possible? This looks really awesome! I'm surprised it doesn't have more responses or downloads. Edit: I've been experimenting with this and trial running it on my server and after an hour or so it would start to give the following status code even while the mission is running: HTTP 503: Service Unavailable -
Hey everyone, I am trying to create a very simple 911 calling script for a life mission but have ran in to some light trouble. The problem which is occurring is that by the time the player has answered the question from the script below which is are you sure they want to dial 911 with a yes/no dialog it is already too late because the script has ran through due to the lack of a waitUntil I've been playing around and looking at other examples of waitUntil trying to see if I could make it work and have tried multiple different solutions but with no luck. I'm starting to run out of ideas so I hope someone can help point me in the right direction or provide a solution. I've tried things like waitUntil { Antworts == 1;}; and used Antworts = 0; under both sidechat messages with no luck. If anyone can help that would be awesome. This script is called via a button on the phone and I should also note the first time you answer nothing happens due to Antworts not being 1 or 2, but after that every time you select the button on the phone to dial 911 it will display your previous answer as that is what Antworts is. Part of interaction.sqf IL_911Calling = { private ["_player", "_civ"]; _player = _this select 0; _civ = player; if (!(createDialog "ja_neins")) exitWith {hint "Dialog Error!"}; ctrlSetText [1, format["Are you sure you want to dial 911 and report your location and an emergency?", _civ]]; //1024 = Ja_neins waitUntil{(not(ctrlVisible 1024))}; //Antworts = Answer if (Antworts == 1) then { player sidechat format["%1 Has dialed 911! Dispatch units to his location immediately.", _civ]; call gridcordsfunction; }; if (Antworts == 2) then { player groupchat format["You decided not to call 911"]; }; }; Part of interaction.sqf gridcordsfunction = { private ["_civ", "_mapGrid", "_mapgridX", "_mapgridY"]; _civ = player; _mapGrid = (getPos _civ) call BIS_fnc_PosToGrid; _mapgridX = _mapgrid select 0; _mapgridY = _mapgrid select 1; player sidechat format["%1 is located at X:%2/Y:%3", _civ, _mapgridX,_mapgridY]; };
Alternative to setCombatMode?
jamesj505 replied to jamesj505's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Thanks Morieza! I've managed to make them hostile but for some reason they still wont open fire. I've done a search of the files to make sure that disableAI wasn't disabling parts of the AI but I couldn't find anything however I re-enabled parts of the AI in-case I missed it along with setting the skill of the convoy AI to 1. The AI will now aim at me constantly and even though when I space-bar they display as hostile they still wont open fire on me despite both sides being hostile to each other and the aimbot like aim they have on me. -
Alternative to setCombatMode?
jamesj505 replied to jamesj505's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Hey there! Thanks for the response I tried with "RED" also but to no avail sadly. It's my guess that there might be something somewhere in the mission effecting the AI as it is a life mission. I'm currently looking through the files seeing if I can spot anything that might have an effect on the AI. -
Alternative to setCombatMode?
jamesj505 posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Hey everyone, I am trying to edit a life mission script it is a convoy script that I am editing. I've added a GPK to escort the MTVR back to police base and it drives perfectly fine and I no problems what so ever in that department however I can't for the life of me make the AI open fire on the civilian side or return fire on the civilian side. I can't do most of the side relations stuff due to the way life missions work sadly and my scripting level isn't all that high. I've tried setCombatMode as from looking at the scripting commands it looked like the only viable option to make the GPK defend itself and return fire. The command doesn't seem to be working even when under fire it doesn't return fire on "GREEN" and even if I set the CombatMode to "RED" it doesn't engage at all. The following function is called from the main script if anyone knows an alternative way to make AI return fire I would love to hear it: GovernmentConvoyGPK50m = { if (alive player and isciv and player distance convoytruck <= 50) then { gpkguard setCombatMode "GREEN"; gpkguard1 setCombatMode "GREEN"; gpkguard2 setCombatMode "GREEN"; gpkguard3 setCombatMode "GREEN"; gpkguard4 setCombatMode "GREEN"; gpkguard setBehaviour "AWARE"; gpkguard1 setBehaviour "AWARE"; gpkguard2 setBehaviour "AWARE"; gpkguard3 setBehaviour "AWARE"; gpkguard4 setBehaviour "AWARE"; govconvoygroup setCombatMode "GREEN"; govconvoygroup setBehaviour "AWARE"; hint "You are within 50m of the convoy! Leave the area immediately!"; }; }; This has me beat! It displays the hint at the end so I know it's being called correctly. -
Help re-running a script? Looping it
jamesj505 posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Hey everyone! I'm a first time poster (Go easy). I'm pretty novice when it comes to editing and have only recently started playing around with editing. I have near no clue when it comes to scripting, but I found a real awesome script that runs at the start of the mission and I would like to include on a mission of mine. The script spawns a C-130 and drops supplies at a random town and then leaves and wont return. I'd like it to do this every 15-30 minutes not only at the start of the mission does anyone know how I can achieve this? Here is the script(s): Init.sqf // Test cargo drop script. private ["_supplytext","_supply","_missionType","_picture","_vehicleName","_mainTextColour","_subTextColour","_centerPos","_flatAreas","_pilot","_jet","_para","_DropPos","_Chute1","_Chute2","_Chute3","_Chute4","_cargo1","_cargo2","_cargo3","_cargo4","_S1","_S2","_S3","_S4","_S5","_S6","_S7","_S8","_land1","_land2","_land3","_land4"]; // variables weren't seen outside fn_findMissionSpot if (!isServer) exitWith {}; waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; // Still to create private!!!!!! private ["_supplytext","_supply"];// variables weren't seen outside fn_findMissionSpot fn_findMissionSpot = { // Finding the mission spot _centerPos = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"); _flatAreas = nearestLocations [_centerPos, ["FlatArea"], _rad]; _randomPos = getpos (_flatAreas select random (count _flatAreas -1)); // Creating the marker. _supply = createMarker ["Supply", _randomPos ]; _supply setMarkershape "ELLIPSE"; _supply setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _supply setMarkerBrush "Grid"; _supply setMarkerSize [250,250]; _supplytext = createMarker ["supplytext", _randomPos ]; _supplytext setMarkertype "mil_objective"; _supplytext setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _supplytext setmarkerText " Supply Drop Area"; group _pilot Move getmarkerpos "supplytext"; Call fn_supplydrop; }; // End function // Function for dropping the cargo from the C130 which will be used incase of abort. fn_supplydrop = { Waituntil {((_jet distance getmarkerPos "supplytext") < 1200)}; // Opening Cargo Bay doors _jet animate ["ramp_top",1]; _jet animate ["ramp_bottom",1]; _jet FlyInHeight 150; Sleep 0.1; Waituntil {((_jet distance getmarkerPos "supplytext") < 350)}; // Possibly using distance to help with if then else statement below? //If ( (getposatl _jet select 2) > 200) then {hint "Supply Drop Mission Aborted. Finding New Drop Zone!"}; If ( (getposatl _jet select 2) > 200) then { hint "Supply Drop Mission Aborted. Finding New Drop Zone!"; Deletemarker _supply; Deletemarker _supplytext; call fn_findMissionSpot; } else { // removed the ; after first } Waituntil {((_jet distance getmarkerPos "supplytext") < 150)}; // Dropping First Vehicle _DropPos = getpos _jet; sleep 0.5; _Chute1 = createVehicle [_para, _DropPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo1 = createVehicle [_supply1, _DropPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo1 attachTo [_Chute1, [0,0,3]]; _Chute1 setpos _DropPos; // Creating rest of drop, and shuffling creating vehicle spots to have a tighter spread on drop. Sleep 1; _DropPos2 = getpos _jet; _Chute2 = createVehicle [_para, _DropPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo2 = createVehicle [_supply2, _DropPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo2 attachTo [_Chute2, [0,0,3]]; _Chute2 setpos _DropPos2; sleep 1; _DropPos3 = getpos _jet; _Chute3 = createVehicle [_para, _DropPos2, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo3 = createVehicle [_supply3, _DropPos2, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo3 attachTo [_Chute3, [0,0,2]]; _Chute3 setpos _DropPos; sleep 1; _Chute4 = createVehicle [_para, _DropPos3, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo4 = createVehicle [_supply4, _DropPos3, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo4 attachTo [_Chute4, [0,0,3]]; _Chute4 setpos _DropPos3; // Smoking Sleep 2; _S1 = "smokeShellBlue" createVehicle _DropPos; _S2 = "smokeShellRed" createVehicle _DropPos; _S3 = "smokeShellGreen" createVehicle _DropPos2; _S4 = "smokeShellred" createVehicle _DropPos3; _S1 attachto [_Cargo1, [0,0,0]]; _S2 attachto [_Cargo2, [0,0,0]]; _S3 attachto [_Cargo3, [0,0,0]]; _S4 attachto [_Cargo4, [0,0,0]]; _jet setspeedmode "full"; _jet flyInHeight 500; _hint = parseText format ["<t align='center' color='%4' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Supply Drop Succesfull!</t><br/><t align='center' color='%4'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='%5' size='1.25'>%1</t><br/><t align='center'><img size='5' image='%2'/></t><br/><t align='center' color='%5'>The<t color='%4'> %3</t>, has relinquished the supplies.</t>", _missionType, _picture, _vehicleName, _mainTextColour, _subTextColour]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_hint] call RE; // Closing Cargo Bay Doors _jet animate ["ramp_top",0]; _jet animate ["ramp_bottom",0]; // Flying Away and deleting things etc! Waituntil {((_jet distance getmarkerPos "supply") > 4000)}; deletevehicle _jet; deletevehicle _pilot; deleteMarker _supply; deletemarker _supplytext; Sleep 0.1; _land1 = getpos _cargo1; _land2 = getpos _cargo2; _land3 = getpos _cargo3; _land4 = getpos _cargo4; _S5 = "smokeShellpurple" createVehicle _land1; _S6 = "smokeShellpurple" createVehicle _land2; _S7 = "smokeShellpurple" createVehicle _land3; _S8 = "smokeShellpurple" createVehicle _land4; }; }; //End fn_supplydrop function _rad=20000; _missionType = "C130 Supply Drop"; _mainTextColour = "#52bf90"; _successTextColour = "#17FF41"; _failTextColour = "#FF1717"; _subTextColour = "#FFFFFF"; _missionTimeOut = 30; _missionDelayTime = 20; _missionPlayerRadius = 50; _supply1 = "HMMWV_Ambulance"; //supply vehicle _supply2 = "USVehicleBox"; // Supply 2 _supply3 = "Barrels"; // Supply 3 _supply4 = "Land_stand_small_EP1"; // Supply 2 _para = "ParachuteMediumWest"; // chute _plane = "C130J_US_EP1"; // Vehicle sleep 1; // INCREASE FOR LONGER ARRIVAL - Will change to seperate timing function at later date. _jet = createVehicle [_plane, getMarkerPos "plane2", [], 0, "FLY"]; //Creating vehicle _jet flyInHeight 300; _jet setspeedmode "normal"; _jet setvelocity [0,230,0]; _jet allowDamage false; sleep 0.5; _jet setvehiclevarname "_jet"; _grp = creategroup west; _pilot = _grp createunit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot",getmarkerpos "spawn2",[],0,"FORM"]; _pilot moveindriver _jet; _pilot assignAsDriver _jet; _picture = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _jet >> "picture"); _vehicleName = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _jet >> "displayName"); _hint = parseText format ["<t align='center' color='%4' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Russian Supply Drop</t><br/><t align='center' color='%4'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='%5' size='1.25'>%1</t><br/><t align='center'><img size='5' image='%2'/></t><br/><t align='center' color='%5'>A<t color='%4'> %3</t>, has been designated to fly in supplies.</t>", _missionType, _picture, _vehicleName, _mainTextColour, _subTextColour]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_hint] call RE; call fn_findMissionSpot; Call fn_supplydrop; Sleep 1; Init_working.sqf: // Test cargo drop script. private ["_supplytext","_supply","_missionType","_picture","_vehicleName","_mainTextColour","_subTextColour","_centerPos","_flatAreas","_pilot","_jet","_para","_DropPos","_Chute1","_Chute2","_Chute3","_Chute4","_cargo1","_cargo2","_cargo3","_cargo4","_S1","_S2","_S3","_S4","_S5","_S6","_S7","_S8","_land1","_land2","_land3","_land4"]; // variables weren't seen outside fn_findMissionSpot if (!isServer) exitWith {}; waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; // Still to create private!!!!!! private ["_supplytext","_supply"];// variables weren't seen outside fn_findMissionSpot fn_findMissionSpot = { // Finding the mission spot _centerPos = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"); _flatAreas = nearestLocations [_centerPos, ["FlatArea"], _rad]; _randomPos = getpos (_flatAreas select random (count _flatAreas -1)); // Creating the marker. _supply = createMarker ["Supply", _randomPos ]; _supply setMarkershape "ELLIPSE"; _supply setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _supply setMarkerBrush "Grid"; _supply setMarkerSize [250,250]; _supplytext = createMarker ["supplytext", _randomPos ]; _supplytext setMarkertype "mil_objective"; _supplytext setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _supplytext setmarkerText " Supply Drop Area"; group _pilot Move getmarkerpos "supplytext"; Call fn_supplydrop; }; // End function // Function for dropping the cargo from the C130 which will be used incase of abort. fn_supplydrop = { Waituntil {((_jet distance getmarkerPos "supplytext") < 1200)}; // Opening Cargo Bay doors _jet animate ["ramp_top",1]; _jet animate ["ramp_bottom",1]; _jet FlyInHeight 150; Sleep 0.1; Waituntil {((_jet distance getmarkerPos "supplytext") < 350)}; // Possibly using distance to help with if then else statement below? //If ( (getposatl _jet select 2) > 200) then {hint "Supply Drop Mission Aborted. Finding New Drop Zone!"}; If ( (getposatl _jet select 2) > 200) then { hint "Supply Drop Mission Aborted. Finding New Drop Zone!"; Deletemarker _supply; Deletemarker _supplytext; call fn_findMissionSpot; } else { // removed the ; after first } Waituntil {((_jet distance getmarkerPos "supplytext") < 150)}; // Dropping First Vehicle _DropPos = getpos _jet; sleep 0.5; _Chute1 = createVehicle [_para, _DropPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo1 = createVehicle [_supply1, _DropPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo1 attachTo [_Chute1, [0,0,3]]; _Chute1 setpos _DropPos; // Creating rest of drop, and shuffling creating vehicle spots to have a tighter spread on drop. Sleep 1; _DropPos2 = getpos _jet; _Chute2 = createVehicle [_para, _DropPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo2 = createVehicle [_supply2, _DropPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo2 attachTo [_Chute2, [0,0,3]]; _Chute2 setpos _DropPos2; sleep 1; _DropPos3 = getpos _jet; _Chute3 = createVehicle [_para, _DropPos2, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo3 = createVehicle [_supply3, _DropPos2, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo3 attachTo [_Chute3, [0,0,2]]; _Chute3 setpos _DropPos; sleep 1; _Chute4 = createVehicle [_para, _DropPos3, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo4 = createVehicle [_supply4, _DropPos3, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo4 attachTo [_Chute4, [0,0,3]]; _Chute4 setpos _DropPos3; // Smoking Sleep 2; _S1 = "smokeShellBlue" createVehicle _DropPos; _S2 = "smokeShellRed" createVehicle _DropPos; _S3 = "smokeShellGreen" createVehicle _DropPos2; _S4 = "smokeShellred" createVehicle _DropPos3; _S1 attachto [_Cargo1, [0,0,0]]; _S2 attachto [_Cargo2, [0,0,0]]; _S3 attachto [_Cargo3, [0,0,0]]; _S4 attachto [_Cargo4, [0,0,0]]; _jet setspeedmode "full"; _jet flyInHeight 500; _hint = parseText format ["<t align='center' color='%4' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Supply Drop Succesfull!</t><br/><t align='center' color='%4'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='%5' size='1.25'>%1</t><br/><t align='center'><img size='5' image='%2'/></t><br/><t align='center' color='%5'>The<t color='%4'> %3</t>, has relinquished the supplies.</t>", _missionType, _picture, _vehicleName, _mainTextColour, _subTextColour]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_hint] call RE; // Closing Cargo Bay Doors _jet animate ["ramp_top",0]; _jet animate ["ramp_bottom",0]; // Flying Away and deleting things etc! Waituntil {((_jet distance getmarkerPos "supply") > 4000)}; deletevehicle _jet; deletevehicle _pilot; deleteMarker _supply; deletemarker _supplytext; Sleep 0.1; _land1 = getpos _cargo1; _land2 = getpos _cargo2; _land3 = getpos _cargo3; _land4 = getpos _cargo4; _S5 = "smokeShellpurple" createVehicle _land1; _S6 = "smokeShellpurple" createVehicle _land2; _S7 = "smokeShellpurple" createVehicle _land3; _S8 = "smokeShellpurple" createVehicle _land4; }; }; //End fn_supplydrop function _rad=20000; _missionType = "C130 Supply Drop"; _mainTextColour = "#52bf90"; _successTextColour = "#17FF41"; _failTextColour = "#FF1717"; _subTextColour = "#FFFFFF"; _missionTimeOut = 30; _missionDelayTime = 20; _missionPlayerRadius = 50; _supply1 = "HMMWV_Ambulance"; //supply vehicle _supply2 = "USVehicleBox"; // Supply 2 _supply3 = "Barrels"; // Supply 3 _supply4 = "Land_stand_small_EP1"; // Supply 2 _para = "ParachuteMediumWest"; // chute _plane = "C130J_US_EP1"; // Vehicle sleep 1; // INCREASE FOR LONGER ARRIVAL - Will change to seperate timing function at later date. _jet = createVehicle [_plane, getMarkerPos "plane2", [], 0, "FLY"]; //Creating vehicle _jet flyInHeight 300; _jet setspeedmode "normal"; _jet setvelocity [0,230,0]; _jet allowDamage false; sleep 0.5; _jet setvehiclevarname "_jet"; _grp = creategroup west; _pilot = _grp createunit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot",getmarkerpos "spawn2",[],0,"FORM"]; _pilot moveindriver _jet; _pilot assignAsDriver _jet; _picture = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _jet >> "picture"); _vehicleName = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _jet >> "displayName"); _hint = parseText format ["<t align='center' color='%4' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Russian Supply Drop</t><br/><t align='center' color='%4'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='%5' size='1.25'>%1</t><br/><t align='center'><img size='5' image='%2'/></t><br/><t align='center' color='%5'>A<t color='%4'> %3</t>, has been designated to fly in supplies.</t>", _missionType, _picture, _vehicleName, _mainTextColour, _subTextColour]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_hint] call RE; call fn_findMissionSpot; Call fn_supplydrop; Sleep 1; Init1.sqf // Test cargo drop script. waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; _supply1 = "HMMWV_Ambulance"; //supply vehicle _supply2 = "USVehicleBox"; // Supply 2 _supply3 = "Barrels"; // Supply 3 _supply4 = "Land_stand_small_EP1"; // Supply 2 _para = "ParachuteMediumWest"; // chute _plane = "C130J_US_EP1"; // Vehicle _drop = getmarkerPos "pos1"; // Select Random Drop Position. //_veh = ["HMMWV_Armored","HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1","HMMWV_Ambulance"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; // Vehicle _spoof1 = "USVehicleBox"; // For spoofing _spoof2 = "Barrels"; // For spoofing _spoof3 = "Land_stand_small_EP1"; // For spoofing Sleep 1; // Creating the marker. _supply = createMarker ["Supply", _drop ]; _supply setMarkershape "ELLIPSE"; _supply setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _supply setMarkerBrush "Grid"; _supply setMarkerSize [250,250]; _supplytext = createMarker ["supplytext", _drop ]; _supplytext setMarkertype "mil_objective"; _supplytext setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _supplytext setmarkerText " Supply Drop Area"; //_spoof1 = createVehicle [_spoof1, getMarkerPos "spoof1", [], 0, "CanCollide"]; //Creating spoof //_spoof2 = createVehicle [_spoof2, getMarkerPos "spoof2", [], 0, "CanCollide"]; //Creating spoof //_spoof3 = createVehicle [_spoof3, getMarkerPos "spoof3", [], 0, "CanCollide"]; //Creating spoof sleep 5; // INCREASE FOR LONGER ARRIVAL _jet = createVehicle [_plane, getMarkerPos "plane2", [], 0, "FLY"]; //Creating vehicle sleep 0.5; _grp = creategroup west; _pilot = _grp createunit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot",getmarkerpos "spawn2",[],0,"FORM"]; _pilot moveindriver _jet; _pilot assignAsDriver _jet; group _pilot Move getmarkerpos "supplytext"; _jet flyInHeight 300; _jet setspeedmode "normal"; _jet setvelocity [220,0,0]; _jet allowDamage false; _jet setDir 140; _jet setfuel 1; _jet setvehiclevarname "_jet"; sleep 0.5; Waituntil {((_jet distance getmarkerPos "supplytext") < 1200)}; _jet FlyInHeight 150; Sleep 0.5; Waituntil {((_jet distance getmarkerPos "supplytext") < 250)}; // Dropping First Vehicle _DropPos = getpos _jet; sleep 0.5; _Chute1 = createVehicle [_para, getPos _jet, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo1 = createVehicle [_supply1, getPos _jet, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo1 attachTo [_Chute1, [0,0,3]]; _Chute1 setpos _DropPos; Waituntil {((_jet distance getmarkerPos "supplytext") > 50)}; // Dropping 2nd Vehicle. 15mtrs Behind plane to stop collision. Sleep 1.5; _DropPos2 = getpos _jet; sleep 0.5; _Chute2 = createVehicle [_para, getPos _jet, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo2 = createVehicle [_supply2, getPos _jet, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo2 attachTo [_Chute2, [0,0,3]]; _Chute2 setpos _DropPos2; Waituntil {((_jet distance getmarkerPos "supplytext") > 100)}; sleep 0.5; _DropPos3 = getpos _jet; sleep 1; _Chute3 = createVehicle [_para, getPos _jet, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo3 = createVehicle [_supply3, getPos _jet, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo3 attachTo [_Chute3, [0,0,2]]; _Chute3 setpos _DropPos3; Waituntil {((_jet distance getmarkerPos "supplytext") > 150)}; sleep 0.5; _DropPos4 = getpos _jet; sleep 1; _Chute4 = createVehicle [_para, getPos _jet, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo4 = createVehicle [_supply4, getPos _jet, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Cargo4 attachTo [_Chute4, [0,0,2]]; _Chute4 setpos _DropPos4; // Smoking Sleep 4; _S1 = "smokeShellBlue" createVehicle _DropPos; _S2 = "smokeShellRed" createVehicle _DropPos2; _S3 = "smokeShellGreen" createVehicle _DropPos3; _S4 = "smokeShellred" createVehicle _DropPos4; _S1 attachto [_Cargo1, [0,0,0]]; _S2 attachto [_Cargo2, [0,0,0]]; _S3 attachto [_Cargo3, [0,0,0]]; _S4 attachto [_Cargo4, [0,0,0]]; _jet flyInHeight 500; // Flying Away and deleting things etc! Waituntil {((_jet distance getmarkerPos "supply") > 4000)}; deletevehicle _jet; deletevehicle _pilot; deleteMarker _supply; deletemarker _supplytext; I'm very confused because to me it looks like init.sqf is doing the same as the other scripts. Thanks everyone.