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Grumpy Old Man

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Everything posted by Grumpy Old Man

  1. Why the isDedicated and isServer checks? Where are you calling those functions? Cheers
  2. Grumpy Old Man

    how much fps you get on private server ?

    Then why use hardware as an argument to complain about the games fps in most of your posts? Cheers
  3. Grumpy Old Man

    how much fps you get on private server ?

    Well he already complained that a i7 8700 and a GTX 2080 ain't enough for this game: So either he doesn't even own any of the mentioned components and made it up, or he's already playing arma 4. I guess he actually owns an i7 3770k and a GTX 780 with slow as hell RAM (think ~1600MHz) or something along those lines, some fairy told me... Cheers
  4. Grumpy Old Man

    You've played to much Arma when:

    According to nine out of ten psychiatrists I'm mentally 5 years old. Cheers
  5. Grumpy Old Man

    how much fps you get on private server ?

    Oh, look. Another game engine expert. Cheers
  6. Something like this maybe: {test additemcargo [_x,1];player removePrimaryWeaponItem _x} forEach (primaryWeaponItems player); With an ammocrate named test this will remove every item on the players primary weapon and put it into the crate. Cheers
  7. Grumpy Old Man

    Best CPU's in 2019 for ARMA 3

    From what I can tell an i7-9700k will be a good purchase, can be overclocked to ~5.3GHz. Might be the best bet until the next gen i7 equivalent. Also invest in the fastest ram you can buy, since arma also benefits from that (if you're already sporting a good SSD to store your games on). Worth mentioning that to this date most games greatly benefit from high CPU clocks. Cheers
  8. This is something entirely different from what you were asking in the first post. Cheers
  9. One solution would be to have both sides set to captive (to make sure AI on player side won't engage indfor AI), also necessary to set indfor to hostile against the players side in the mission editor, which you most likely already have. Then you can either handle the engagement to happen map wide or local within a certain radius of the firer: //initPlayerLocal.sqf player addEventHandler ["Fired",{ params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_gunner"]; units _unit apply {_x setCaptive false}; if (time < _unit getVariable ["TAG_fnc_revealTimeout",-10]) exitWith {false}; { _x reveal [_unit,4]; _x setCaptive false } forEach (_unit nearEntities viewDistance); _unit setVariable ["TAG_fnc_revealTimeout",time + 10];//will only reveal the unit every 10 seconds when firing }]; Make every indfor and player unit captive at mission start to make this work. When a player fires, all player group members get captive state removed, and the firer will be revealed to everyone within view distance. The reveal will only happen every 10 seconds for performance reasons, also in MP you might need to remoteExec the reveal. You can make it a bit more sophisticated, take average reaction time into account and also consider speed of sound if wanted. Cheers
  10. Grumpy Old Man

    Script respawn vehicles

    That's the expression field, if you use something like this in the objects init field: [ "AmmoboxInit", [ this, true, {(_this distance _target) < 10} ] ] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; then you need to change it into this to make it work in the vehicle respawn modules expression field: params ["_newVehicle","_oldVehicle"]; [ "AmmoboxInit", [ _newVehicle, true, {(_this distance _target) < 10} ] ] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; Cheers
  11. Grumpy Old Man

    Script respawn vehicles

    The respawn module can handle this, parameters passed to the modules expression field are new vehicle and old vehicle, so in the expression field put: params ["_newVehicle","_oldVehicle"]; //do stuff Simply replace "this" from the object init field as you're most likely using with "_newVehicle" without the quotation marks. You can get all kinds of info by hovering the mouse above field descriptors. Cheers
  12. Grumpy Old Man

    AI not shooting vehicles

    Just to elaborate further: setVehicleTIPars will allow you to manipulate thermal properties (engine/hull, wheels, weapon), so you can have already heated up vehicles upon mission start. No idea why BI went with that name, setVehicleThermalInertiaParameters would be more obvious, makes the command hard to find and it's not like they did it to keep command names short, looking at commands like leaderboardsRequestUploadScoreKeepBest... Cheers
  13. Grumpy Old Man

    Make static vehicles drivable?

    As far as the trawler goes a simple addForce command will make it move, should be neat enough to see it move along the coastline. Too bad those vehicles were never meant to be driveable, missed opportunity and another feature reduction looking back at arma 2 and its driveable boats and tractors... Cheers
  14. That's a user error then. Cheers
  15. Grumpy Old Man

    get all class names by script

    configClasses: _allClassNames = ("true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")) apply {configName _x}; You can add filters for further sorting by author, DLC, etc. Suggest to filter anything that has a scope value of less than 2 if you plan on spawning them. Cheers
  16. Grumpy Old Man

    Some problems with CfgSFX

    Then I suggest one of various scripting tutorials for arma. Mr. Murrays guide might be for A2, most stuff still holds true and should get you started. Also google is your friend. Don't expect to get into it within a day, 2-3 weekends with 2-3 hours per day should be plenty though. Cheers
  17. Grumpy Old Man

    Door lock script

    From what I can tell he just comments out the first if line, maybe to switch around for testing purposes, no idea. Cheers
  18. Grumpy Old Man

    Door lock script

    Alternatively you can expand upon this: Should have the functionality covered and get you started. Cheers
  19. Grumpy Old Man

    Trigger Area for automated Kart repair

    Most barebones solution would be to simply place a repair truck nearby. Vanilla repair truck is holding 1 trillion (1x10^12 or repair cargo, should last for an afternoon. Cheers
  20. Why not simply join a community and get whitelisted to play on their server? Reduces the amount of "hackers" by a great margin. Cheers
  21. Grumpy Old Man

    AI shoot only if attaced.

    It's recommended not to be used during mission runtime, as stated on the wiki. Cheers
  22. Grumpy Old Man

    Any questions about Arma 3

    Going from 5.6ms to 5.76ms isn't that big of a deal, especially if it's a one time only thing. Performance matters much more if you run that stuff multiple times per frame or over huge data sets. It's most likely a no brainer if a command is 2-3 times as fast (and most likely changing the approach will yield better performance improvements than comparing the speed of two different commands), but for a 2-3% speed difference? Personal preference I guess. Cheers
  23. Maybe it's top secret, who knows? Cheers
  24. Grumpy Old Man

    Attach speaker to chopper problem

    Had a 15" DD sub in my car during my early days, powered by ~3kW. Can confirm. Cheers
  25. Let me guess, you used setObjectTextureGlobal from an objects init field? Check the wiki link for the command as posted above and go through the linked discussion to see use cases on how to properly use this command to work in MP environment. As for suggestions you might post how/what you tried if you want to get any closer to a possible solution. Cheers